THIS IS US: Family Discord and Broken Promises in “The Big Three”
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 8 years ago

The unique and heart-warming This is Us continues tonight with episode 2, “The Big Three” as we step into key moments of the Pearson family, both past and present.
Although you may have cried (joyful?) tears at the end of the series premiere last week when you discovered just what the connection linking these characters actually was, tonight’s episode will place our family in far less happy circumstances as we delve further into their histories and see the events that helped shape them, for better … and for worse.
And if you’re hoping for another end-of-episode twist, you’re in luck. The show ends on a WTF? note that left this reviewer blinking at the screen in deep surprise.
Read on for some exclusive scoop from tonight’s episode. (We’re staying mum on that ending though.)
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