TV REVIEW: Jason & Eric’s Hot Scenes, Eric’s Fate & More in True Blood’s “I Found You”
BY The Screen Spy Team
Published 11 years ago
Hey everyone, how are you doing? Holding up after that episode of True Blood? It’s okay, neither am I. In fact, I’m about thirty seconds away from exploding if we don’t get to discussing the most important scene of tonight’s episode: Jason and Eric had some major sexy times!
What? It was all just a fantasy of Jason’s? LALALALA I can’t hear you. Besides, it was so hot who even cares if it was real or not? The fact is that True Blood went where they teased. We got a full two minutes of gratuitous Eric and Jason heavy flirting, shirtless wrestling, and even more shirtless kissing. I’m pretty sure nothing else happened the rest of the episode. Recap over.
Except more shenanigans went down and nothing but crazy times seem to be in store for our Bon Temp residents. It all started with Sookie finally acknowledging the dead girl she had tripped over the previous night. It only took some prompting and a handful of hours for her to mention casually that there was a dead girl chillin’ in the woods. It was up to Sookie, Alcide, Sam, Jason, and Andy to investigate, leaving the towns’ people to fend for themselves.
Unfortunately, the body of the girl was found to be a resident of one of the surrounding towns. The newly formed Scooby Gang hopped in their cars and took a short ride over to Saint Alice, only to find that the town had been the new production spot for the The Walking Dead. No one was left, graffiti messages sprayed everywhere, and right in the center of the town was a large open grave, signifying that everyone was either dead or had been taken by the Hep-V infected vampires.
As it turned out, the Hep-V vamps may be dangerous savages, but it didn’t keep them from being just plain obnoxious. As they argued over food, Arlene and Holly exhausted ideas on how to escape the Fangtasia basement of death. Fortunately for them, a vampire named Mrs. Harris had shown her face, prompting Arlene to remember that she had been the beloved elementary school teacher to her and Holly’s children. Arlene’s all too sweet nature proved fatal for their escape efforts after Mrs. Harris fed off Arlene for strength to help them. The blood was too much for the infected teacher and she perished right between Arlene’s legs.
As the Scooby Gang continued their search efforts, Bon Temps was quickly seeing a change in power. The man who had run (and lost) against Sam for town mayor was still bitter, eager to turn the town against him and the sheriffs department. After outing Sam as a “dog-bear,” Bon Temps didn’t take much convincing as to which side they would fall on, leaving an open end for Sam, Andy, Jason, and the rest to return to a very hostile home.
In an effort to once again interact with Tara’s spirit, Lettie Mae begged Lafayette for some V. Lafayette was having none of her crazy and left her to fend for herself. Luckily for Lettie Mae, though, there was a sleeping vampire just down in her basement and all she had to do was injure herself enough to convince Willa to supply her with some blood. The baby vampire quickly obliged, letting Lettie Mae fall into a V-induced hallucination of Tara’s spirit chanting in tongues on a cross.
But the real anxiety of the episode once again lay in the case of the missing Eric Northman. Where was he? Had Pam found him? Why had it been such a mystery? The answers fell within the last minute as Pam found herself in France, finally finding Eric, refusing hooker blood, and giving viewers the answers to his whereabouts. Eric Northman had caught Hep-V, hiding himself from the world and trying to stay alive.
Quick Thoughts:
- Why wasn’t Jessica healing? Was it lack of blood or was Adilyn drinking from her a dangerous decision?
- Sookie’s paralleled life to the dead girl, as depicted through the girls journal, prompted Sookie to take a nice little jaunt over to Bill’s, demanding to know if he his still had a blood connection with her. I see where this is going (a Sookie/Bill reunion) and I’m NOT okay with it.
- This isn’t the first vampire show to utilize a deadly virus to wipe out its vamp population (what’s up, Being Human? RIP, I miss you!). Let’s just hope that a cure can be found to save our favorite blonde vampire.
- Are you over that sex scene yet? LOL JK, we will never get over it.