TV REVIEW: Grey’s Anatomy “Fear (of the Unknown)” or How to Lose a Yang in Ten Seasons
BY Lisa Casas
Published 11 years ago

Tonight’s season finale of Grey’s “Fear (of the Unknown)” was the also the finale of Cristina Yang.
The farewell tour came to an end as did Sandra Oh’s longtime character on our favorite medical drama. Hype is hard thing to live up to. Grey’s more than lived up to all the buildup, delivering an episode that will go down as a classic in more ways than one. This one left us breathless without one bullet, one plane crash, one bus hit, not one death of a major character. What? Shonda Rhimes promised an exit worthy of Sandra Oh and oh, boy did she do it.
I’ve been predicting a dead Yang by the episode’s end, and I was sure I was on point from the opening narration. Cristina and Owen are in bed with Yang’s voice over ominously stating, “You never know what kind of day is coming.” In Shonda speak, I think that translates to Cristina must die.
This one firmly held the spotlight on Yang, but the state of our favorite couples was a running theme throughout. We see Meredith and Derek talking kids, jobs, and DC. Yes, that’s still on with the pair ready to sign on a townhouse.
Alex is showing Jo a sports car brochure, something he’s thinking about buying (that or a boat). Who is this slick Karev and what did he do with our slightly stinky Alex? A boat? Is he going to start wearing sweaters tied around his neck or fancy scarves next?
Arizona overhears and asks, “Are you about to buy a real penis?” She also adds that he’ll soon be known as Dr. Junior Butthole. Bring him back, Arizona. C’mon, you can do it.
Bailey is beaming with pride that former Bubble Boy is a healthy out of the bubble boy now thanks to her super secret, parent not approved gene therapy. The beam goes out quick when Jackson says they’re cutting her geno project, it’s over, done. Way to bring the room down, pretty boy.
While April is telling Owen that she’s pregnant but not to worry about her job performance because Kepners were built to have babies, they see breaking news that there’s been an explosion at the mall. The victims start pouring in, tons of injured people, a mass of activity on every floor.
Owen mentions that Yang said she was going to the mall. No! You cannot take Cristina out at a MALL. Alex says don’t tell mom, I mean Meredith.
For five minutes it appears the explosion was the work of a terrorist and Homeland Security is questioning a suspect. Meredith tells off the Feds and helps save the young man’s life. Turns out the explosion was a gas line blowing up, no terrorist, goodbye Homeland Security.
Cristina shows up and jumps in helping Alex who’s working on a kid in bad shape. He says what we’re all thinking, “Thank God.” Mall death does not befall Yang! Meredith runs into her soul mate and says, “We’re signing the papers on a townhouse.” Cristina looks like she’s going to be sick, but pretends to be supportive of the DC move.
She doesn’t pretend at all with Alex, telling him, “Buttholes will be your whole career. You know you’re never gonna do that again, saving people with ping pong balls.” This is about as sentimental as Cristina gets, even adding, “I had to accept you were good. You were very, very good. Now you’re putting all that talent in a drawer.”
Alex says what we all want to yell, “I’m gonna miss you.” Understatement of ten years.
Cristina gets the news that a heart’s available for the boy in the bad heart family that we’ve come to know so well. It’s about time they get some good news. Yang says she’s staying to do the surgery. She has to. I’m thinking this Zurich thing is not going to happen.
Yang prepares for her surgery, scrubbing in when Meredith barges in. She says, “Go, now.”
Cristina says she can’t, too much is not finished. “Owen and I split. You and I are not finished. George is dead. It’s supposed to be you and me and Alex and now nothing is finished. I am not finished.”
Meredith counters with, “You don’t feel finished because this is not the end for you. There is no end point. You just have to go.”
Meredith says, “Let’s go.” And they do. Darn you, Grey’s. You are getting her on that plane to Zurich. They head out with Cristina saying her goodbyes to Derek, Webber, and Shane. Baby shark says, “Take me. I’m not kidding. My teacher is leaving. Take me.” Wow, not the way I thought we’d say goodbye to Shane. Yang shrugs her shoulders and says yes.
“I quit,” he tells Webber.
One more goodbye. Owen. He’s in surgery. She knocks on the glass and waves goodbye. Oh that face. We know Owen, we know. We’re going to miss that face too.
Meredith makes her get in a taxi with both promising to stay best friends and not change.
Back at the hospital, Mama Avery shows up and finds April crying in the closet. “I don’t think I can do it. Raise a child where this could happen.” Mama Avery shares a childhood story of eating waffles with her father at a diner. Some young men dump waffles on his lap saying they should leave. She’s scared and wants to get the heck out of whiteville. He says, “Not until you finish your eggs.” Monster-in-law turns into mother-in-law tonight. She tells April, “This is the way the world changes. Good people raising their babies right.” They finally bond over an explosion, waffles, racists, and raising babies… and it’s perfect.
Because the cab goodbye was not good enough, Cristina comes back. “We have to dance it out.” Hell, yeah they do. Meredith searches for the perfect song with Yang leaving parting instructions, “We’ll call each other twice a month. Take care of Owen. Take care of Alex. He needs to be mocked at least once a day or he’ll be insufferable. Don’t be a hero. You’re my person. I need you alive. You make me brave. Okay now we dance it out.”
They dance it out to Tegan and Sara’s (of course) “Where Does the Good Go.” They are so happy, full of joy, really getting their groove on. This is the last time they’ll dance it out. I feel a panic attack coming on. They stop with Cristina offering one more tidbit, “You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind. Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy but he’s not the sun.” Yes! Tell her, girl. DC is no Seattle. Yang really leaves this time.
Cut to Meredith in bed at home. She won’t sign the townhouse papers. Meredith and Derek are arguing it out. And not to any perfect song. She accuses him of lying, he says “you’re playing the victim.” They go back and forth with Meredith putting her foot down saying, “My life is here. I don’t want to leave. I am not going anywhere. I am staying here.”
Bailey is about the only one thrilled that Cristina’s leaving. Why? Webber says no to continuing her geno research, but yes to giving her Yang’s vacant board seat. She tells Ben, “I shouldn’t be this excited. Yang’s body isn’t even cold yet. Webber picked me.”
Because Shondaland is a twisty, turny place of surprises we see Alex and Jo making out. Karev stops to check out a packet that Yang left him. She gave Alex her shares of the hospital AND her seat on the board. Oh, I see a Bailey/Karev battle off for board seat, no dance involved.
That twisty, turny thing I mentioned is in full force. Webber talks to the new head of cardiology, Maggie. She says it’s been the “weirdest two weeks of my life. I was adopted. Two years ago I found my birth mother. She’s dead now. She was a surgeon.” Oh, heck no! Webber asks, “Who was your birth mother?” We know what’s coming. “Ellis Grey.” Oh snap. Meet your new baby girl, Richard.
The final scene is all Cristina Yang. She’s in her beautiful office in Zurich taking in the beautiful view. Shane comes in saying, “They’re ready for you.” The swelling music and her name on the door make it real. She’s gone.
We’re losing our person and it sucks. “Fear (of the Unknown) should’ve been called “Fear of a Yangless Seattle” and it feels like our heart’s been ripped out. The farewell tour is officially over. Thank you, Sandra Oh, for ten seasons of the bravest, most honest performances in television history. We can take solace in one thing. You got your happy ending. We wish we could’ve gotten ours, with Cristina dramatically changing her mind, rushing into the hospital and into the arms of her person, Meredith.
We have three months to mourn and regroup. Pregnant April, Webber with a daughter, and a battle royale for Yang’s board seat. Who’s on board for season eleven?
IMAGES: Beauty and the Beast "Cat and Mouse"