BY The Screen Spy Team
Published 7 years ago

TIMELESS — “The Miracle of Christmas Part II” Episode 212 — Pictured: (l-r) Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston, Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin, Claudia Doumit as Jiya — (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)
Episode 2×11 “The Miracle of Christmas” Part II/II”
Chasing the Mothership to Korea in the winter of 1950, our team helps a stranded, pregnant refugee attempt to escape a tragic fate.
Stuck with no way out, our team faces its toughest challenge yet, and in the process, come to terms with their feelings for each other.
Air Date: Thursday 12/20/2018 (9:00PM – 10:00PM) on NBC.

TIMELESS — “The Miracle of Christmas Part l ” Episode 211 — Pictured: Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin — (Photo by: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC)
Episode 2×11 “The Miracle of Christmas” Part I/II”
As Christmas arrives in the Bunker, the Time Team is inspired by a visit from their future selves to find a way to try to save Rufus (Malcolm Barrett).
But when the Mothership jumps to 1848 California, they’re forced to put those plans on hold and chase Rittenhouse back to the Gold Rush, where they encounter one of the era’s most dangerous villains.
Air Date: Thursday 12/20/2018 (8:00PM – 9:00PM) on NBC.

TIMELESS — “Chinatown” Episode 210 — Pictured: (l-r) Goran Visnjic as Garcia Flynn, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
Episode 2×10 “Chinatown” (Season Finale)
When Jiya (Claudia Doumit) makes a daring escape from Rittenhouse that strands her in San Francisco’s Chinatown in 1888 with no way home, the fractured Time Team goes back to save her in this emotional and action-packed finale that leaves the team questioning everything.
Air Date: Sunday, May 13 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “Chinatown”

TIMELESS — “The General” Episode 209 — Pictured: Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
Episode 2×09 “The General”
When the Mothership jumps to South Carolina in 1863, the Time Team partners up with a courageous Union spy and military leader, Harriet Tubman – AKA “The General” – to thwart Rittenhouse’s plan to alter the outcome of the Civil War.
Back in the present, Rittenhouse hits the team where it hurts the most.
Air Date: Sunday, May 13 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “The General”

TIMELESS — “The Day Reagan Was Shot” Episode 208 — Pictured: Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
Episode 2×08 “The Day Reagan Was Shot”
The Time Team travels back to 1981 Washington D.C. on the day President Reagan was shot, only to discover that the Sleeper’s target isn’t the President – but a young rookie police office – none other than Agent Christopher (Sakina Jaffrey), who brought the time team together and kept the Lifeboat from getting into Rittenhouse’s hands.
The Time Team must save Agent Christopher’s life and prevent her from making a mistake that set her on a different path that would forever change her own future, the future of the team — and the future of the world.
Air Date: Sunday, May 6 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “The Day Reagan was Shot”

TIMELESS — “Mrs. Sherlock Holms” Episode 207 — Pictured: (l-r) Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston — (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)
Episode 2×07 “Mrs Sherlock Holmes”
In the bustle of 1919 New York City, suffragette Alice Paul (guest star Erica Dasher) is framed for murder and the Time Team partners up with legendary female crime solver Grace Humiston (guest star Sarah Sokolovic) – AKA “Mrs. Sherlock Holmes.”
Together they attempt to prove Alice’s innocence in time for her to give a powerful speech that turns the tide in the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.
Back in the present, Connor Mason (Paterson Joseph) salvages key intel from the Rittenhouse raid.
Air Date: Sunday, April 29 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “Mrs Sherlock Holmes”

TIMELESS — “King of Delta Blues” Episode 206 — Pictured: (l-r) Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin, Kamal Naiqui as Robert Johnson, Paterson Joseph as Connor Mason — (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)
Episode 2×06 “The King of the Delta Blues”
When Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) and Jiya (Claudia Doumit) add a fourth seat to the Lifeboat, for the first time ever, Connor Mason (Paterson Joseph) joins the team as they travel back to the dusty backroads and smoky juke joints of the Depression-era South to rescue the life and legacy of Robert Johnson (guest star Kamahl Naiqui) – King of the Delta Blues, Godfather of Rock n’ Roll and a man who, legend has it, bought his musical genius from the Devil for the price of his soul.
Meanwhile, Agent Christopher (Sakina Jaffrey) keeps Wyatt (Matt Lanter) in the present to execute a dangerous raid on Rittenhouse headquarters.
Air Date: Sunday, April 22 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “The King of the Delta Blues”

TIMELESS — “The Kennedy Curse” Episode 205 — Pictured: (l-r) Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan, Grant Jordan as JFK, Malcolm Barrett Rufus Carlin — (Photo by: Paul Drinkwater/NBC)
Episode 2×05 “The Kennedy Curse”
When a mission goes awry, Wyatt (Matt Lanter) and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) are forced to bring a 17-year-old John F. Kennedy (guest star Grant Jordan) with them to the present.
But while the Lifeboat is recharging for the return trip, Kennedy escapes from the bunker… into modern day San Francisco.
Anxious to return the future president to history, the team must find a way to work together to rescue JFK and return him to the past before Rittenhouse assassinates him in 2018.
Air Date: Sunday, April 15 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “The Kennedy Curse”

TIMELESS — “The Salem Witch Hunt” Episode 204 — Pictured: (l-r) Michael Barrett as Rufus Carlin, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston — (Photo by: Patrick Wymore/NBC)
Episode 2×04 “The Salem Witch Hunt”
While Wyatt (Matt Lanter) sneaks away from the bunker to face an unbelievable truth, Lucy (Abigail Spencer), Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) and their former enemy-turned- teammate, Garcia Flynn (Goran Višnjic), chase the Mothership to the Salem Witch Trials.
There they must prevent the execution of a headstrong young woman who, it turns out, is mother to one of the most consequential Americans of all time – the yet to be born Benjamin Franklin.
When Lucy is accused of being a witch, the team rallies together not only to save Abiah (guest star Sofia Vassilieva) and Lucy (Abigail Spencer), but all the accused women.
Air Date: Sunday, April 8 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “The Salem Witch Hunt”

TIMELESS — “Hollywoodland” Episode 203 — Pictured: (l-r) Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston — (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)
Episode 2×03 “Hollywood Land”
When a Rittenhouse sleeper agent in 1941 Hollywood steals the only copy of Citizen Kane, Lucy (Abigail Spencer), Wyatt (Matt Lanter) and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) team up with Hedy Lamarr (guest star Alyssa Sutherland) to get it back.
Hedy Lamarr turns out to be not only a glamorous movie star but also a scientific wizard whose discoveries led to the invention of Wi-Fi.
Air Date: Sunday, March 25 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “Hollywood Land”

TIMELESS — “Darlington” Episode 202 — Pictured: (l-r) Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan — (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)
Episode 2×02 “The Darlington 500”
The Time Team chases Rittenhouse to a stock car race in the 1950s where Wyatt (Matt Lanter) learns that his favorite race car driver is actually a Rittenhouse sleeper agent on a mission to destroy the American car industry.
To stop the Rittenhouse plan, Wyatt, Lucy (Abigail Spencer) and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) team up with Wendell Scott (guest star Joseph Lee Anderson), the first African-American NASCAR driver.
Air Date: Sunday, March 18 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) on NBC.
Photos: “The Darlington 500”

TIMELESS — “The War to End All Wars” Episode 201 — Pictured: (l-r) Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston — (Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC)
Episode 2×01 “The War to End All Wars”
After barely escaping an explosion at Mason Industries, Wyatt (Matt Lanter) and Rufus (Malcolm Barrett) chase the Mothership back to a French battlefront during World War I to rescue Lucy (Abigail Spencer) from Rittenhouse.
They discover Lucy has recruited Marie Curie (guest star Kim Bubbs), the famous French scientist and the only person ever to win two Nobel Prizes, to help save the life of a wounded American soldier.
However, they learn the soldier is Lucy’s own great grandfather, who Rittenhouse is bringing to the present to be their leader.
Air Date: Sunday, March 11 10/9c on NBC.
Photos: “The War To End All Wars”