The Witcher Season 1 Episode 5 Recap – Bottled Appetites
Published 3 years ago

[00:01:00] A man wearing red robes returns home. He took out a jar filled with water and placed in it the remains of a human body part. The man has an entire collection of body parts such as ears, eyes, and noses. The man took off his robe and admired his body in front of the mirror. Another man was watching him from the shadows. The man made himself known to the naked man. He called him a Doppler and requested his services. The man needs an assassination to take place on behalf of Nilfgaard. He paid the naked man for his services and told him that he could add more body parts to his collection. The man couldn’t resist the thought of adding parts to his collection.
[00:03:30] The soldiers of Nilfgaard arrived with a steel cell. They took Mousesack out of the cell. Fringilla asked Mousesack what it was like to have his powers neutralized by the steel cell. Mousesack seemed to know Fringilla as he told her that she’s not who she thinks she is. Fringilla told Mousesack that the White Flames gave her purpose and that he, too, could’ve had the same purpose. The man and the Doppler arrived. He told the Doppler that they were going to copy Mousesack. The Doppler didn’t want to at first, but he didn’t have any choice. The man was referred to as the black knight. He freed Mousesack from his restraints and told him to run for his life.
[00:05:30] Mousesack ran a few feet from the steel cage, but the Doppler didn’t waste time and caught up with him. The Doppler took a few seconds to change into Mousesack. He now had access to everything that Mousesack knew up until that moment. Mousesack told the black knight that they couldn’t change the world with their methods. He responded that only one of them would live to see whether or not they would succeed. The Doppler took out his dagger and slowly pierced Mousesack’s heart. He died an agonizing death.
[00:08:00] The black knight instructed the Doppler to find Cirilla and bring her back alive. The Doppler agreed; however, the black knight’s request will come at a cost. The Doppler pointed out that his favorite victims were children. Meanwhile, Yennefer visited a mage named Hemet. She’s paying for Hemet’s services; however, he told Yennefer that his rates had gone up since their last meeting. Yennefer’s tried to threaten Hemet, but she didn’t succeed. Yennefer was forced to leave to earn more money. She went to the nearest town and put her mage skills to use.
[00:10:00] A couple was seeing Yennefer for her services. The man was impotent, and he couldn’t make love to his lady. They went to Yennefer in hopes of having her remedy his problem. Yennefer told them that the man would have a hard-on until his lady utters their safe word. The lady chose the word “Kumquat.” Yennefer acknowledged the safe word and started her spell. She took some dried branches, and smoke came out of them. She blew the smoke towards the man, and he instantly became potent. The man paid Yennefer for her services and hurried out so that he could satisfy his lady. A man and a soldier arrived and asked Yennefer for payment. They told her that they needed to collect a fee for the Kingdom since she’s earning from their people. Yennefer disagreed, so the man arrested her.
[00:12:00] We go back to Brokilon forest. The dryads are discussing whether or not they should help Cirilla. She hid her identity from them, and they didn’t know her true intentions. The queen of the dryads told her followers that Ciri was just a girl who was scared and alone. She pointed out that Cirilla didn’t know who to trust. One of the dryads entered the meeting and brought two heads of Nilfgaardian spies. The queen told them that the Nilfgaardian army would be upon them in a matter of days. She wondered if Cirilla was the only way they could survive. The queen allowed Cirilla to stay in Brokilon despite the objections of her General. Cirilla knew that the General didn’t like her. The queen explained that Queen Calanthe did the same when she closed the borders of Cintra. She’s merely protecting her people the same way as the General.
[00:14:30] Jaskier met Geralt by a lake. He thought Geralt was fishing, but he wasn’t. Geralt told Jaskier that he was looking for a Djinn. Geralt couldn’t sleep, and he wanted to make a wish so that the Djinn could help him sleep. Jaskier didn’t believe Geralt at first; however, he found the Djinn’s jar. He opened the jar and thought he had become the master of the Djinn. Jaskier started making wishes, but Geralt stopped him before his third wish. Geralt explained that the Djinn only provides three wishes. The two of them argued over the third wish; however, Jaskier started vomiting blood. Geralt brought Jaskier to the nearest camp and met an elf healer named Chireadan. Geralt asked him for help, but he couldn’t alleviate Jaskier’s injury. His throat was swollen, and he continuously spat out blood. Chireadan told Geralt to see the mage inside the mayor’s house.
[00:21:30] The mage Chireadan was talking about was none other than Yennefer. She was arrested by the mayor of the town because she refused to pay him. Tissaia visited Yennefer and tried to convince her to return to Aretuza, but she refused. Yennefer is on a quest to find a cure for her transformation. Yennefer suddenly wants to become a mother. Tissaia told Yennefer that there was no cure, but she disagreed. Yennefer told Tissaia that the world is vast, and the cure is somewhere out there. Tissaia wanted to know why Yennefer desperately wants to have a child, but Yennifer didn’t disclose her reasons. Yennefer told Tissaia to leave because she has business to attend to with the mayor.
[00:25:30] Geralt and Jaskier arrived that evening. He went directly to the mayor’s house, and his guard stopped him. The guard asked for payment, so Geralt took out his purse. Geralt knocked the man out using his purse and took Jaskier inside. They found the mayor naked in his kitchen. He was drunk and looking for apple juice. Geralt picked up the pitcher of apple juice; however, the mayor fell asleep. He took Jaskier and the pitcher and followed the smoke coming out from the other room. The two of them entered the room and found multiple men and women participating in an orgy. They were all under the spell of Yennefer. She was surprised to see that Geralt was immune to her spell. Geralt introduced himself, and Yennefer was astonished to see a witcher up close. He begged Yennefer to cure Jaskier.
[00:28:30] Geralt explained what happened to Jaskier and asked Yennefer for her help. Geralt told Yennefer that he would pay her anything as long as she saved Jaskier’s life. Yennefer saw the seal on the Djinn’s bottle cap. Yennefer knew something about the seal and agreed to save Jaskier. She said the magic word, and her spell was lifted. Everyone regained their senses and started covering themselves in shame. Geralt was waiting for Yennefer in the kitchen. She came back and told Geralt that Jaskier was sleeping. Jaskier was going to survive. Yennefer invited Geralt to bathe with her as they figured out what his payment will be.
[00:32:00] Yennefer bathed with Geralt. The two of them talked about their pasts, and after their conversation, Yennefer decided that Geralt’s company was enough for his payment. Geralt went to Jaskier’s room to see how he was doing. Geralt saw the Djinn’s bottlecap on the table. He saw the same mark on the floor. Geralt knew Yennefer was up to something, so he decided to take Jaskier with him and leave. Yennefer told Geralt that the healing spell wouldn’t take effect if he woke Jaskier prematurely. Geralt was thinking of waking Jaskier when he smelled something familiar. It was a mixture of Lilac and gooseberries. Yennefer kissed Geralt, and he suddenly fell asleep.
[00:37:00] The next day, Chireadan woke Geralt up. They were both locked up inside the mayor’s cell. Chireadan told Geralt what happened and what he did. Geralt couldn’t remember a thing. The only thing he could remember was that Yennefer kissed him. He realized that Yennefer placed him under her spell, and he lost control of himself. Chireadan told Geralt that he would probably be put to death as payment for his actions. The mayor’s guard arrived and told him that it was time to play.
[00:40:00] Jaskier woke up and found Yennefer naked at the foot of the bed. He thought they just had sex, but he quickly realized that he didn’t. Jaskier tried to leave, but Yennefer stopped him. She forced Jaskier to make his last wish, but he refused. Back at the cell, the mayor’s guard was having his fun by beating up Geralt. The guard asked Geralt to say his last words and make it count. Geralt wished for the guard to die. The Djinn obeyed his master and popped the guard’s head like a balloon. Chireadan and Geralt then realized that Geralt was the master of the Djinn and not Jaskier. Meanwhile, Yennefer managed to make Jaskier utter his wish. She thought Jaskier made the last wish, so she started her ritual. Jaskier ran out of the house to save himself.
[00:44:00] Jaskier went outside and found Geralt with Chireadan. He told Geralt about what Yennefer was doing. Geralt realized that Yennefer wanted to capture the Djinn and turn herself into the Djinn’s vessel. Geralt went back into the house, but Jaskier tried to stop him. He told Geralt not to waste time saving Yennefer. Geralt explained that Yennefer saved his life hence he couldn’t leave her to die. He went inside to tell Yennefer the risks of her actions. Geralt revealed that he was the Djinn’s master. Yennefer told Geralt to make his last wish. The Djinn told Geralt that he could wish for anything he ever wanted. Geralt thought of wishing to become a normal man, but he didn’t.
[00:48:30] The mayor’s house fell apart at the Djinn’s power. The Djinn left Yennefer’s body and flew away. Chireadan and Jaskier thought that Geralt and Yennefer were dead. It turned out that Yennefer managed to portal out just in time. Yennefer blamed Geralt for losing the Djinn. Geralt responded that he had saved her life. Yennefer and Geralt argued over what happened. Geralt told Yennefer that she could’ve at least portalled them out of the town as well. Yennefer pointed out that everything was working out before he arrived. The heat of the moment turned them on.
[00:50:30] Chireadan and Jaskier were mourning the loss of both Yennefer and Geralt. Jaskier was already planning on making the best song for Geralt, but Chireadan saw them having sex inside the mayor’s house. Yennefer only portalled them to the ground floor of the mayor’s house. Chireadan told Jaskier that Geralt and Yennefer were alive. Jaskier got up to see for himself and made it just in time for all the action. Chireadan dragged Jaskier away before he made a commotion. Yennefer asked Geralt what his last wish was, but Geralt already fell asleep.
[00:52:30] Back in Brokilon, the Doppler arrived in the form of Mousesack. The General brought him to the queen. Cirilla didn’t know that Mousesack was dead. She trusted the Doppler the moment he arrived. The queen told Cirilla to remain vigilant and always ask the right questions. Cirilla and Dara left with the Doppler.
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