‘The Royals’ Season 4, Episode 9 ‘Foul Deeds Will Rise’ Recap: The Truth Was Set Free [SPOILERS]
BY Yasmin Quaid
Published 7 years ago
![‘The Royals’ Season 4, Episode 9 ‘Foul Deeds Will Rise’ Recap: The Truth Was Set Free [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ploy2.jpg?fit=580%2C430&ssl=1)
As E! Network’s “The Royals” draws nearer to a close this season, this week’s episode, titled “Foul Deeds Will Rise,” brought out what was happening within in those palace walls. It looks like monarchs aren’t just leaders, they’re great actors, too. Cyrus (Jake Maskall), Liam (William Moseley), Kathryn (Christina Wolfe), and Queen Helena (Elizabeth Hurley) haven’t been honest with their King, and they have to see their plan through, or their failure might cause them their lives.
Robert the fool
The hole in Cyrus’ door served more than a reminder of their ploy to topple King Robert (Max Brown) down. Liam and his uncle’s plan went further back than the stag party. Their argument that led Cyrus the Venezuelan embassy was all an act. Cyrus had been tracking Robert’s whereabouts for weeks, and he used that information to know when he would pass his room. The gaping hole in the wall allowed them to see the first step of their plan through.
Kathryn was also a big part of their plan. We know that her trip to Robert’s room was all an act. But in this episode we see her meet in the car with Liam and is determined to see the current king of England as a thing of the past.

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The queen mother is also another female addition to the rebel gang. They saw her sitting in Martin Kane’s (Raymond Coulthard) desk. Liam and Cyrus were there to dig up dirt on the man who Robert called for the blackout. What they didn’t know was that Aston was working for Helena all this time to dig up dirt on Cyrus. The queen mother has been feeling iffy about her eldest son ever since Liam was so convinced of his evil nature and was ready to disown his mother.
“The Royals” road to a coup
Now that everyone’s been caught up, Aston (Tom Crowley), Helena, Liam, and Cyrus band together to get more people on their side. Helena tricked Martin into their team with seduction and blackmail at an elite poker game. Liam asked Jasper’s (Tom Austen) help to use his skills to see if anyone else at the stag party was willing to plot against Robert. They all said the same thing: yes. Jasper said that they’ve seen what Liam has become and that they’re ready to stand behind him.
Liam had to keep up the act when Robert asked him to be his best man. Although, it was, and she Liam was waiting for something else, to be exposed maybe.

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Although this was Cyrus’ plan, he can’t help but feel bitter and jealous. If they succeed, everyone will get glory, power, and credit. But since he’s been exiled, he gets nothing. When Liam hears this from him, he tries to convince him that he’s one of the most important parts of the whole thing.
To step things up a bit, he got Robert to let Cyrus come back to the palace, his home. Albeit he told him to “keep his enemies close.” Cyrus wasn’t all too thrilled at first because it could put everything in jeopardy. But in the end, he did the unexpected and thanked his nephew, a testament to how much he’s changed.
Robin Hood exposed
Len’s days of leaving gifts to people are over. The moment she swung the door open, cameras and mics were waiting for her. Not being able to help breaks her heart. But knowing someone knew she was doing good but still chose to stop her also bugs her. The only other person who knew other than Jasper was her mom.
She stormed into the queen’s bedroom and was greeted with a half-naked Sebastian (Toby Sandeman) and a queen in lingerie. This adds to the already stress she feels towards her mother. Now, she feels like she can’t trust Helena anymore. But the queen mother insists she never told the press.

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Jasper, being the good boyfriend, saw something that would cheer Len up. He showed her how, because of her, people are starting to do good and help. On the other hand, Helena caught the source of the breaking news. The only person she told was Sebastian. Unfortunately, he told Robert, and we all know what Robert was going to do with that information.
Willow and Robert’s rough patch
Things aren’t all sunshine and daisies Willow and Robert. The king hasn’t been giving his fiance enough credit and respect she wants. For one, he wants Willow to be herself and look pretty, to be the good queen while he becomes an aggressive king. He doesn’t want her talking about important things, like politics and religion. Feeling down and underappreciated, she finds Len’s secret pot stash. But Len stopped her because of the rough day she’s also had.
There, she finds out from her future sister-in-law about the king’s decision to permanently disband parliament. She marches straight to Robert and confronts him. She says that since they’re about to get married, there should be no secrets between them. But Robert insists that work is work, and she has nothing to do with it. She said something that possibly broke Robert’s heart, which maybe she wouldn’t be his queen.
That night, he called for her and asked for the ring back, saying he’s made a mistake with her. But his mistake was taking her for granted. So, he got down on one knee and properly proposed. Willow didn’t want any of that, she just wanted to go through everything together.
But that doesn’t mean a happy ending for them. Jasper told Len of the planned coup, but Len’s mind was closed with that—at first. Instead of confronting Robert or Liam, she talked to Willow. Their brief conversation ended with Len saying she could not marry her brother.
“The Royals” continues next Sunday, May 13th, with “With Mirth in Funeral and With Dirge in Marriage” at 10/9c on E! Network.
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