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Home ‘The Rookie’ Season 1, Episode 3 ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ Recap: Robbers

‘The Rookie’ Season 1, Episode 3 ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ Recap: Robbers

BY Daniel Rayner

Published 6 years ago

'The Rookie' Season 1, Episode 3 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly' Recap: Robbers

After a period of recuperation, one of the training officers finally returns to duty. As always, The Rookie starts the day with an intense chase. Numerous robbers roam the town from the beginning. In the midst of this, a person’s morality becomes in question. Also, the past holds its grip on one of the Training Officers.

In this week’s episode of The Rookie, Officer John Nolan (Nathan Fillion) and Officer Talia Bishop (Afton Williamson) discuss the meaning of good and evil to a police officer. Meanwhile, Officer Lucy Chen (Melissa O’Neil) worries about her returning Training Officer, Officer Tim Bradford (Eric Winter). On the job, Officer Angela Lopez (Alyssa Diaz) encourages Officer Jackson West (Titus Makin Jr) to have a career Plan B.

Plan B

Throughout the episode, Officer Lopez encouraged Officer Jackson to have a career Plan B. This talk starts when the duo arrests a former basketball star who lost her scholarship due to her injury. However, Officer Jackson is determined to see his cop career through. In the end, Officer Jackson remains firm on his stance about not having a Plan B, since would be just like Captain Zoe Anderson (Mercedes Mason). Still, he recognizes the need for something to look forward to other than the career.


Eric Winter and Melissa O'Neil in The Rookie

Eric McCandless/ABC

As soon as Officers Bradford and Chen hit the streets, he receives a call about his wife, Isabel (Mircea Monroe), who overdosed. She walks out of the hospital as soon as Tim arrives. Because of this, Bradford goes on a rampage, inciting a fight between him and a member of a biker gang. He may have emerged victorious, so he arrests the biker, but Chen was worried about his physical and emotional state.

Later that day, Chen intervenes on his plan to give medical intervention to Isabel, stating that he continues to put their lives in danger instead of providing her training. As Chen hands Isabell the meds, she learns the Isabel is a former cop, working in the Narcotics division. Bradford appreciates her actions, and this goes a long way. During a chase, Bradford and Chen arrest one of the fleeing robbers, Steve (Tom McComas), thanks to their cooperation with each other.


Nathan Fillion and Afton Williamson in The Rookie

Eric McCandless/ABC

After a bystander, Chad Bethany (Mark Jacobson) runs away with stolen money from Officer Nolan’s apprehended suspect, he and Officer Bishop discuss the line between good and evil in a Police Officer’s life. Arresting Chad was hard for both of them when they see that he is just a poor man trying to provide for his son, Jacob (Evan Whitten). Still,  Nolan remained firm in believing that people are inherently good, while Bishop insists that people are only righteous when it is easy.

Eric McCandless/ABC

During a co-op mission with the SWAT, Nolan faces a gun to his head when the suspect, Kai De Vera (Skye P. Marshall) corners him. Fortunately, Bishop tases Kai while Nolan stalled her. Perhaps a cop’s view on good and evil is subjective since Bishop pays for Chad’s bail. After all, one bad day should not ruin a man’s life.

‘The Rookie’ Season 1, Episode 3 ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ Final Verdict

The Rookie

Eric McCandless/ABC

This episode reveals the struggles of a cop outside the line of duty. It presents them in such a way that they are relatable. Distractions can happen anytime, especially if a cop is dealing with a major life problem. Also, their career may end in an instant after a fatal injury. A cop’s life is tough, but if it is your calling, then you should go for it.

The Rookie continues on Tuesday, November 13th, with ‘The Switch’ at 10/9c on ABC.

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