‘The Plot Against America’ Season 1, Episode 3 ‘Part 3’ Review: Unwelcome
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 5 years ago

The Plot Against America ended its previous chapter with the victory of an anti-semite. Now, it seems, America itself is adopting this new trend. A simple, Jewish-American family tries to enjoy their average lives. However, the world around them seems to be intent on driving them out of the country. Meanwhile, a woman continues to throw away her principles and beliefs in pursuit of romance. Elsewhere, a young man pledges his life to a war where the side he fights for is at the losing end.
On Monday’s episode of The Plot Against America, Herman Levin (Morgan Spector) takes Elizabeth Levin (Zoe Kazan), Sandy Levin (Caleb Malis), and Philip Levin (Azhy Robertson) to Washington Vacation. Meanwhile, Evelyn Finkel (Winona Ryder) and Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf’s (John Turturro) relationship blossoms. On the war frontlines, Alvin Levin (Anthony Boyle) receives a special assignment from his superiors.
Herman could not stop his nephew, Alvin, from leaving the job he gave the young man. Also, he could not keep Alvin from heading out to Canada to enlist in the British Army, either. Once there, Alvin meets June (Leslie Fray) whom he develops a romantic relationship with. Alvin excels in their training exercises and his experience as a mechanic was not left unrecognized. Along with a partner, Alvin receives a special mission to acquire a German Radar from the battlefield. Unfortunately, Alvin loses his right leg on the battlefield. Whether or not he achieved his objective is unknown, but what we are sure of is that Alvin managed to get medical treatment but will likely spend his next few days alone in bed.
Surrounded by Hate

Ever since Charles Lindbergh (Ben Cole) won the presidency, the Jewish-American community quickly became victims of abuse. The Levins of New Jersey, in particular, experienced several attacks. Even the dead received no rest as anti-semites desecrated their graves; those they could not topple got marked with swastikas instead. Most of the Jewish people Herman and Elizabeth consider moving away to Canada if they have not done so at present. Despite these things, Herman stubbornly maintains that he and his family will not leave America. Sure, Elizabeth managed to put their family on the priority list of migrations to Canada but Herman did not seem interested. However, their trip to Washington may be key to changing his mind. After all, he did randomly make a decision on Caleb’s request he previously denied.
Not a Normal Vacation

The Levins’ trip to Washington gives them a taste of what the rest of America thinks of Jewish-Americans. They get kicked out of the hotel they stay at after being shunned by other pedestrians. The local law enforcement is not of much help, either, and they likely would have arrested Herman for causing a scene at the hotel. The trip’s only saving grace was Mr. Taylor (Michael Cerveris). Mr. Taylor tried his best to keep Herman calm and even stood up for the family when a man tried to harass them at a diner. It is his kindness that inspired Herman to allow Sandy to participate in the American Absorption Summer Program despite it being organized by Rabbi Bengelsdorf. The entire trip may have ended happily as Herman sang for them at the diner and was applauded, but their experiences make one thing clear: America is not Jewish-friendly anymore.
Love over Principle

Evelyn is not strictly religious. This fact is apparent as she says so herself in the previous episodes. With that said, her reluctance to accept Bengelsdorf’s offer to work for him is understandable. Still, she went on with it anyway, and the pair eventually began dating. This episode shows how their relationship quickly progressed. Along with that comes the pair’s disregard for what their religion teaches them. Evelyn and Bengelsdorf felt that what they are pursuing is right, just as much as they think that Lindbergh is not an anti-Semite. At the end of the episode, Benglesdorf gives Evelyn his deceased wife’s ring, effectively sealing the deal in whatever one would call their relationship.
‘The Plot Against America’ Season 1, Episode 3 ‘Part 3’ Final Verdict
The Plot Against America begins its approach to Nazi America in this episode. Although not particularly portrayed, the effect of Lindbergh’s presidency caused drastic changes in the Jewish-American Community. Also, it plays with the elements of fear and loneliness in this episode, particularly in Alvin as well as Herman’s subplots. Alvin may have escaped from America, but he faces loneliness while he recuperates. The Levin house is now a house divided and it seems to be in the early stages of falling apart.
The Plot Against America continues Monday, April 4th with ‘Part 4’ at 9/8c on HBO.
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