‘The Gifted’ Season 2, Episode 8 ‘the dreaM’ Recap: Unsafe
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 6 years ago

After a turn of events in a mostly successful heist, The Gifted desperately try to escape riots everywhere. Seeing how the situation is too dangerous, a mother decides what is best for her child. Meanwhile, an institute that cares for mutants works with the Struckers to find a “cure” for the X-Gene. Elsewhere, the root of the chaos tries to escape the consequences of the actions done.
In this week’s episode of The Gifted, the Struckers seek out Dr. Madeline Risman (Kate Burton). Meanwhile, John Proudstar/Thunderbird (Blair Redford) and Clarice Fong/Blink (Jamie Chung) pick up after Rebecca/Twist’s (Anjelica Bette Fellini) trail. Because of the chaos, Lorna Dane/Polaris (Emma Dumont) decides to move her baby, Dawn, away from the city.

Annette Brown/FOX
Twist tries to flee from the Inner Circle when the riots begin, and her teammates (notably Polaris) get mad at her when news about the uprisings reach the Mutant Underground, Thunderbird and Blink head outside to find out what happened. Eventually, Thunderbird picks up after Twist’s trail. They were able to gain useful info on the Inner Circle’s plans, but Blink stays skeptical. To her, Thunderbird is taking risks every chance he gets.
X-Gene Suppression

Annette Brown/FOX
Caitlin (Amy Acker) and Lauren Strucker (Natalie Alyn Lind) could not suppress Reed Strucker’s (Stephen Moyer) powers, but they found someone who could. Dr. Risman was Reed’s father, Otto Strucker’s colleague. Seeing that her work with Reed’s father eventually failed, Dr. Risman comes up with a plan to suppress Reed’s X-Gene permanently, but she needs a sample of Lauren’s genetic code. Since Lauren desperately wants to help her father, she willingly gives blood samples. However, she does not realize the magnitude of her actions, since the formula Dr. Risman synthesizes could work for all mutants. After years of oppression, Mutants will now have the choice to retain or suppress the effects of their X-Genes permanently.

Annette Brown/FOX
A series of flashbacks reveal both Marcos Diaz/Eclipse (Sean Teale) and Polaris’ time together where they talk about their parents. Also, Polaris’ childhood experiences provide her insight in the current situation. Because of the violence against mutants everywhere, Polaris decides to have her Aunt Dane (Kathryn Erbe) take care of Dawn. After her and Eclipse’s emotional goodbye to each other as well as Dawn, Polaris decides to accept her true identity. Using the only gift her father, Magneto, gave her, Polaris forms a piece of headgear that mimics her father’s signature helmet.
‘The Gifted’ Season 2, Episode 8 ‘the dreaM’ Final Verdict

Annette Brown/FOX
Polaris putting on the headgear in the ending gave me goosebumps. This action symbolizes her acceptance of herself as Magneto’s daughter. Also, it also shows that she is now making her affinity with him publicly known. It seems that there is no hope for a reunion between her and Eclipse, especially with their child gone. Now, it boils down to what the Inner Circle and the Mutant Underground will do as tensions erupt around them.
The Gifted continues on Tuesday, December 4th with ‘gaMe changer’ at 8/9c on Fox.
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