'The Flash' Season 4, Episode 3 'Luck Be a Lady' Recap: Hazard Comes with a String of Bad Luck [SPOILERS]
BY Louie Anne Matthews
Published 7 years ago
!['The Flash' Season 4, Episode 3 'Luck Be a Lady' Recap: Hazard Comes with a String of Bad Luck [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/MV5BOTQ0Y2YwNTMtZDI3Zi00YzA0LTg1MWMtZWNiMWRlMWNlM2VkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQ0MDUyMzg@._V1_.jpg?fit=645%2C430&ssl=1)
Cisco says it perfectly in this week’s episode of “The Flash”—there’s a lot of bad juju going around. Especially with a metahuman who has the ability to give others bad luck while cashing in the benefits for herself. The new Metahuman is Becky (a.k.a Hazard) and she is causing trouble for everyone in Central City. Meanwhile, Harry Wells returns to Earth-1 to give Wally a message from Jesse. Heads up, it’s not good news at all. “The Flash” Season 4, Episode 3 titled “Luck Be A Lady,” has some surprising turns in the end. There’s a painful goodbye, a wedding that might never happen, and a surprising revelation.
Hazard’s Origin Story
The episode opens with The Thinker narrating the life of Rebecca/Becky Sharpe before she became Hazard. She was a blackjack dealer with the worst luck. She experiences a string of bad days more than any other person. From her barista adding milk to her coffee order when she’s lactose intolerant, to catching her boyfriend cheating on her mid-diarrhea. She regularly gets her car reared and even when she was groped by a man she was the one who got fired. It could be plain misogyny or luck has never been on her side.

Katie Yu/The CW
After getting fired from her job, she boards a bus and everything changes. The Thinker believes she could be a good asset to her team. Living in Central City for three years, she finally got a break—until Team Flash got a wind of Becky’s energy as she was casually robbing a bank. It’s easy to steal some cash when everyone around you is falling off ladders and slipping on the floor. Her luck even affected Barry, who is the fastest man alive. But before he can chase after Becky, the Flash slips on a barrel of marbles.
A Lot of Bad Luck For ‘The Flash’
After having a rendezvous with Lady Luck, Barry, and team Flash start experiencing some bad luck of their own. In the beginning of the episode, Iris and Barry were able to book their first choice wedding venue. But then Becky walked into town spreading her luck. They lost not one, but two wedding venues with their wedding six weeks away! Their first venue was burned down caused by a creme brulee competition and the second one was booked by another couple. The two tried to get hitched off only to have their pastor get hurt in the process. Looks like their wedding is a long wait coming.
Wally also experiences the hand of Lady Luck when Harry comes to give him a break-up cube from Jesse. Yes, a cube that will help you break up with your significant other. Shocked by her decision to end things, Kid Flash is mostly absent from the episode. Instead, we get Harry who helps out with their Hazard problem. Meanwhile, Joe’s house is falling apart. On paper, it all looks like minor coincidences and not the fault of a ditzy metahuman.
Team Flash Created A Busload Of Metahumans
Where are these metahumans coming from? Basing from the two previous episodes it looks as if The Thinker and The Mechanic created them. But we find out it’s actually the fault of Team Flash. The team tries to figure out where are these new metahumans are coming from since it’s impossible they experienced the same dark matter incident as Barry. Harry then later points out there was a recent Dark Matter incident. He and Cisco traced Becky’s traces of dark matter to the spot where Barry emerged from the Speed Force.

Katie Yu/The CW
The Team realizes they created their new villains. The Speed Force portal affected a busload of people, including Becky and Killgore. Meanwhile, Barry tries to talk to Becky about her powers and the dangers it’s causing. But after living a life of nothing but bad luck after bad luck, all she wants is to enjoy life for herself. Realizing they can’t get through to her, things start to get worse. Becky’s quantum field is accelerating enough to engulf Central City into a wave of danger. While Becky goes to a casino to milk her luck for all it’s worth, an airplane is about to crash and everything around her is collapsing.
Meanwhile, S.T.A.R. Labs’ particle accelerator switches back on and is about to explode. Instead of trying to fix it, Harry tells Cisco to let it explode. Sounds like the worst advice in the world but it works. The explosion was able to reverse Becky’s wave of energy.
Kid Flash Takes A Sabbatical
Team Flash saved the day! However with the victory is only bittersweet. Wally points out they were able to save the day without him. The reason why he was absent for most of the episode was that he went to Earth-2 to patch things up with Jess. When he asked why she broke up with him, she explained she needed to find herself. With this in mind, Wally announces to the team he will be leaving Central City. He will stay in Blue Valley with a friend for a while to focus on himself.

Katie Yu/The CW
While one team takes an exit another takes their seat. After saving everyone, Cisco tells Harry he can stay in Earth-1 especially when he got kicked out of his own team back in Earth-2. And he is a big help for the team when they were trying to figure out where the metahumans came from, especially with 10 more metahumans coming their way. The episode ends with Cecille telling Joe she is pregnant. Looks like Team Flash is getting a new member soon!
“The Flash” continues next Tuesday with “Elongated Journey Into Night” at 8/9c on The CW.
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