The Flash Season 3 Episode 20 Review: Savitar’s Identity Exposed
BY Arianne Ayers
Published 8 years ago

The big unmasking is finally here in Season 3, Episode 20’s “I Know Who You Are” episode on “The Flash.” All the hype is quenched as all fan theories about Savitar’s true identity is put to rest after the big “who’s under the armor” reveal.
It’s immediately established in the beginning of the episode that the revelation is indeed going to happen. What else would a declaration from Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) saying “I know who you are” to Savitar mean otherwise? But at least the reveal came, even after all the complaints that it came too late in the season.
Tracy Brand As The Ray Of Hope
After Barry’s trip to 2024, Team flash heads out to find their hope in defeating Savitar- Tracy Brand (Anne Dudek). Well, at least the present her, which is a frustrated and defeated grad student. Not exactly the image they were expecting from the future theoretical physicist that trapped Savitar in the Speed Force. Barry and his team’s priority is finding and protecting her, in hopes to help her make the trap earlier.
But with Tracy being such an important game changer for the future, Barry and his team aren’t alone in the search. Team Flash encounters Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) or as her true identity, Caitlin Snow. In the episode, Killer Frost looks stunningly badass in a new costume as she tries to kill Tracy but Barry manages to save everyone in the end. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) is still frozen in fear of hurting Caitlin. Cue the ‘aww’ because of their friendship.
Killer Frost Vs. The Flash: Best Fight Scene Of The Season
This event made team flash decide to change up their methods a bit. They had H.R./Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) talk to Tracy instead while the team instructs him via an earpiece. As one would expect, things don’t go as planned once again as Killer Frost arrives and the team springs into action. It might as well be a good thing that Frost arrived because her battle with “The Flash” is one of the best of the season so far. Exhilarating ice surfing and chasing in Central City and also in the sense that Frost is actually Caitlin.
In the end, things calm down and Killer Frost escapes. But not before being able to stab Barry in the leg while Cisco still remains unable to join in the fight scenes.
The Flash To Savitar: I Know Who You Are
The whole point of this episode is Barry finding out who Savitar is, so of course, something else has to occur for them to meet. And that something is Killer Frost holding a knife to Cecile’s (Danielle Nicolet) neck, threatening her life in exchange for Tracy’s. Yikes.
Fortunately, the team is quick to devise a plan and Barry, Joe (Jesse Martin), and Tracy head out to the meeting spot to save Cecile. But it turns out the plan may as well be useless because Savitar already told Killer Frost the plan beforehand. Knowing the future has its perks.That isn’t the end for them though as Cisco breaks free from his anxiety to fight and knocks her out.
But just before they could bring her back to S.T.A.R. Labs, Savitar appears to save her. Now, this is where things get unmasked. Barry reaches an epiphany moment after meeting Savitar and finally knows the truth. In a cliche, pitting self against self kind of way it’s revealed that Savitar is Barry Allen in the future with a scarred face that really sets the villain look.
The supposed to be mind blowing plot twist of season lacked impact in a sense that yes, it came out too late in the season but it doesn’t change the fact that it is still compelling.
For what reason could have made Barry turn into an all out villain, the very villain he’s up against. Well, Savitar’s motives are still vague at this point. So that brings tons of possibilities how things will turn out in the following episodes of “The Flash.”
THE FLASH Review "I Know Who You Are"