Sweet Home Season 1 Episode 1 Recap
Published 3 years ago

[00:01:00] It is September 2020. The army goes into position across a bridge while a helicopter flies above them. Multiple bodies move on the ground below them, but they can’t see clearly because of the snowfall. The helicopter catches a glimpse of a man coming out of one of the destroyed buildings. The soldiers debate if the man is still human as he is badly wounded. The corpses around the building no longer look like humans as they start to move slowly. Majority of them have long, sharp fingers and charred skin. The helicopter continues to fly around the area to provide air support. The soldiers plan on moving closer to get visual confirmation, but someone cancels the order. They fire on the man approaching them. He gets hit multiple times, but he doesn’t go down. The man continues approaching the bridge.
[00:05:00] One month earlier, a man walked down a set of stairs towards an apartment building. Another man was mowing the lawn as he walked by. The lawn mower‘s blade suddenly shot out towards the other man. It missed his face by a few inches. The gardener told him he was the security guard, and he didn’t know how to operate the lawn mower properly. He apologized for nearly killing the other man. The security guard wasn’t familiar with his face, so he asked if he was the new tenant moving in at apartment 1410. The man confirmed he’s moving in at apartment 1410, and he was living alone.
[00:07:00] The man got to his apartment and sat down on the floor. He thought of committing suicide and went to the rooftop. He stood on the ledge and looked down on the highway below. It would be a long way down if he decided to jump. Meanwhile, the guard was dozing off in his office. A man saw him and told him to get rid of his bed. The man told the guard someone complained about him having a bed, so he needed to get rid of it. The guard asked the man how he would get some rest if he didn’t have a bed. The man clarifies he’s telling the guard that he doesn’t need to rest. The man left while a woman approached the guard’s office.
[00:08:30] The woman told the guard she used to live in Gangnam, where the guards don’t have beds in their offices. She gave the guard a food container and told him it was full of fish. The woman added she couldn’t finish the fish and didn’t want it to go to waste. The guard appreciated the gesture and accepted the container. He opened the container to find a couple of spoiled fish; flies were already coming out of the carcasses. The guard suddenly had a nosebleed. Meanwhile, the man on the rooftop was about to jump when he heard a slapping sound behind him. He turned around and saw a beautiful woman practicing ballet.
[00:10:30] Everything was going great for the ballet dancer until she stepped on a piece of gum. It made her ballet shoes sticky. She got irritated as she took off her shoe and did everything to remove the gum. The woman saw the man and asked him if he was the one who threw the gum. He denied having anything to do with the gum. She asked the man some questions, but he didn’t answer. She told him to look for another place to die because he would cause more trouble for other people if he committed suicide near their apartment building. The man decided to return to his apartment as he couldn’t continue jumping. The guard was waiting for him in front of his apartment, holding a registration form. He told the guard he would fill out the form later, but he refused to leave.
[00:13:00] The guard held on to his door as the guy tried to close it behind him. He apologized for the accident earlier and gave him a beer. The guard finally released the door as the man accepted the beer. He immediately threw the beer inside the trash bin. The man returned to his door to check if the guard had already left. He looked through the peephole and saw the guard just standing in front of his door. A woman passed by, and the guard greeted her. The woman was on the phone with her mother when she suddenly got a nose bleed.
[00:14:30] We’re introduced to another tenant inside the apartment building. She’s a guitarist who was quite skillful. She was playing a part of her song for someone on the phone. The woman asked the person she’s speaking with if her song was any good. The person on the phone told her that her piece was terrible and asked if she had any pride left. The woman responded that her pride wouldn’t earn her money. She saw the time and ended the conversation because she needed to go to work. The woman was waiting for the elevator when another woman arrived. The guitarist apologized to the woman because she had a baby with her. She told the woman she could be loud sometimes because of the electric guitar. The older woman told her not to worry and told her baby not to worry as well.
[00:16:00] The guitarist asked the woman how old her baby was. The older woman answered that her baby was only one year old. She looked into the stroller to say hi to the baby, but the stroller was empty. The elevator arrived, but the guitarist didn’t want to join the elder woman. She makes up an alibi that she left her wallet inside her apartment. The elder woman wanted to wait for her, but she told her to just go ahead. The guitarist felt weird and thought the old lady was just sick. A man suddenly spoke behind her and vouched for the old lady. He told the guitarist that the old lady lost her baby about a year ago when the stroller accidentally rolled onto the street without her noticing.
[00:17:30] The man introduced himself as Jung Jae-Heon from apartment 1506. The guitarist introduced herself as Yoon Ji-Su from apartment 1510. She didn’t want to shake Jung Jae-Heon’s hand because her hand reeked cigarettes. Yoon Ji-Su rode the elevator with Jung Jae-Heon. He asked Yoon Ji-Su if she played the guitar because she carried a guitar bag. Yoon Ji-Su told him she played the bass. She parted ways with Jung Jae-Heon as the elevator doors opened. Jung Jae-Heon bumped into another man as he exited the elevator. The man dropped a roll of duct tape, but Jung Jae-Heon could not return the duct tape to him as the elevator had already closed. We saw that the man had scars all over his face as the doors closed.
[00:19:00] The ballet dancer checked her ankles which were bruising. She heard a knock on the door, but she refused to let the person in. A man walked inside her room and gave her an envelope full of money. The man told her it was payment for her ballet lessons. She told the man that her lessons were already paid for. When he asked how she managed to get money to pay for the lessons, the ballet dancer responded she had met a rich man. The man wanted to know the truth, but she refused to tell him because nothing would change even if he found out. Meanwhile, the scarred man was watching TV while eating noodles. He was rocking his chair back and forth because he was using it as a torture device. Underneath his chair was a man bound by duct tape.
[00:20:30] The man asked him why he’s torturing him. The scarred man didn’t respond, so the bounded man pleaded for mercy. He promised not to report anything to the police. The man continued begging for his life, but the scarred man didn’t care. He forced the man’s mouth open to use it as an ashtray. The man choked and gagged as the scarred man forced the cigarette down his throat. Meanwhile, the suicidal man tried to commit suicide again. He tried to drown himself using noodles this time, but he couldn’t. His gag reflexes activated and forced him to spit out the noodles. He received a message about being selected to be a beta tester for an upcoming game. The invite gave a specific date and location for the event. He marked his calendar on August 25th, but instead of naming it as the gaming event, he puts “Suicide.”
[00:23:00] The ballet girl tried to go back to the rooftop to practice, but it’s all locked up. She saw the scarred face man smoking near the fire exit. She joined the scarred man for a smoke. Ballet girl tried to ask the scarred man some questions, but he told her to go back to school and ask her questions there. Ballet girl responded she got kicked out of school because she nearly burned it down. Meanwhile, suicide man spent his night playing video games. He overheard his neighbor talking about nosebleeds, but he didn’t pay her any attention. Suicide man continued playing as he placed his phone behind him. He continued to receive harassing messages telling him not to die until they allowed him to. The people continued to talk about suicide man being the only survivor of an event.
[00:25:00] The next day, suicide man woke up and saw a message on his phone. The delivery guy told him the security guard wasn’t in his office, so they left his package by his doorstep. He opened his door, but his package was already open. The instant ramen he ordered was scattered along the hallway. He followed the trail of noodles into his neighbor’s apartment. He peeked inside and saw a cat’s head roll on the floor, followed by his neighbor’s bloody hand. It seemed his neighbor was eating her cat. He got spooked and ran back into his apartment. After a few seconds, his doorbell rang. He hesitated to answer the door, but he heard a woman asking for help. He went towards the apartment’s security system to check who was at his door.
[00:27:00] The camera showed a woman dressed in pink. She asked for help, but he didn’t open the door. The woman explained she had just arrived, and her cat was missing. She told suicide man there was blood all over her floor. He volunteered to call the police, but he couldn’t because his phone didn’t have any signal. The woman continued to ask for help and told him to open his door. He asked the woman to show her arms and wrists to the camera, but she refused. The woman suddenly went crazy and tried to break down his door. He slowly watched her on the security camera as the woman’s nose started bleeding. Her nose continued to bleed as she walked out of the camera’s view. Suicide man decided to break his mop and confront the woman outside his apartment.
[00:30:00] Suicide man ran out of his apartment, but he came face-to-face with the scarred man. He tried to explain what happened because there was a lot of blood on the floor. The scarred man approached suicide man, but he fainted before he could ask him anything. Meanwhile, Yoon Ji-Su was playing her bass guitar when she heard a knock on her door. She opened her security camera and apologized to the person at her doorstep. It was suicide man’s neighbor, but her face was all wrinkled up. She had already turned into a monster. She demanded Yoon Ji-Su to open her door because she’s angry. Yoon Ji-Su refused to open the door, so the woman tried to force it open. She took her baseball bat and looked at the security camera again, but the woman was gone.
[00:32:00] Yoon Ji-Su waited by her security camera to see if the woman would appear again, but the scarred face man appeared instead. Meanwhile, the ballet dancer’s name is Lee Eun-Yoo. Her brother is a doctor, and he’s leaving for work. He reminded Eun-Yoo to eat a proper meal for dinner instead of instant ramen. Lee Eun-Yoo’s brother, Lee Eun-Hyeok, noticed the elevator was under maintenance, so he took the stairs instead. Yoon Ji-Su talked to the scarred face man about the weird lady who knocked on her door. Yoon Ji-Su’s door was nearly destroyed as the woman continuously banged on it to get inside her apartment. The scarred face man punched Yoon Ji-Su’s door. He explained the woman wasn’t banging it, she was ramming the door with her body; hence, the damage. They saw traces of blood leading to a broken window.
[00:33:30] Lee Eun-Hyeok reached the ground floor, but the apartment building was locked. The guard closed the shutters, but he was nowhere to be found. Everyone was in panic because they couldn’t leave the building, and some needed to go to work. A woman asked Lee Eun-Hyeok if his phone had any reception. He checked and confirmed he also didn’t have any reception. Eun-Hyeok wanted to know what’s going on, but the lady still didn’t have any clue. She told Eun-Hyeok they’re still investigating the matter. She added that all the doors leading in or out of the building were closed. Lee Eun-Hyeok used a fire extinguisher to force open the management office. The woman who spoke to him earlier is Firefighter Seo Yi-Kyung. She tried to call for help, but all lines were busy due to disaster reports.
[00:36:00] One of the older tenants decided to touch the breaker box in hopes of randomly finding the button that opened the gates of the apartment building. He pressed the wrong button, and Seo Yi-Kyung lost power on the landline. The power went out around the apartment building as well. The man decided to leave the management office, but he saw the gate buttons on his way out. He told the other tenants he found the buttons, so they could get out. He opened the gate by reading the manual on opening the buttons. The gate opened, but the tenants noticed a strange man standing outside the apartment. His head was mutated like a water balloon, while his fingers were sharp like claws. Lee Eun-Hyeok returned to the lobby just as the gates were opening.
[00:38:30] He saw the weird-looking man and told everyone to lower the gates again, but it was too late. The man opened his mouth and let out his mutated tongue. He began attacking the tenants and managed to kill one of them. The old man and lady who opened the gates were frozen in place. They looked at the mutated man and cried for help. Lee Eun-Hyeok used the fire extinguisher to push the mutated man out of the building. He told the old man to close the gate once he gave the signal. The older man ran back inside the office and pressed the button. Lee Eun-Hyeok used up the contents of the fire extinguisher. Seo Yi-Kyung tackled the mutated man out of the building, but she got wounded by its tongue. Lee Eun-Hyeok held the gate long enough for Seo Yi-Kyung to crawl back inside the building.
[00:41:30] The mutated man attacked using its tongue, but he couldn’t reach Seo Yi-Kyung. The tip of its tongue was just a few inches away from her face. The mutated man tried his best to get to Seo Yi-Kyung, but he just gave up and slowly walked away. Seo Yi-Kyung asked Lee Eun-Hyeok what the thing that attacked them was. All he could say was it was no longer human. The other tenants were hiding in fear instead of helping them. They went out when they felt there was no longer any danger. The old man asked Seo Yi-Kyung what the government was doing, but she didn’t know either. The old man thought they were just up against one monster, but they were in for a surprise. As they stared out of the entrance, they saw multiple monsters looking for their next target.
[00:45:00] Suicide man looked out of his apartment window and saw multiple buildings burning. A massive group of crows flew by while his nose began to bleed profusely. He tried to stop the bleeding at first, but then he decided to just allow himself to bleed.
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