‘Supernatural’ Season 15, Episode 13 ‘Destiny’s Child’ Recap: The Garden
BY Stephanie Larson
Published 5 years ago

You’ve probably heard it by now. This will, unfortunately, be Supernatural’s last episode for the foreseeable future. The great thing is this week’s episode titled “Destiny’s Child” has left us a pleasant memento: double Sam and Dean and another trip down memory lane.
Sister Jo (Danneel Ackles) and Ruby (Genevieve Padalecki) are back! And boy oh boy, they’re still the same trouble makers as before. It’s no surprise though that Ruby’s still the more helpful of the two despite being the demon. Seriously though, seeing their characters onscreen together strangely works so well. Even despite having no history together on Supernatural, there’s a great dynamic right there. Now, that makes me sad that we’re only seeing this now.
On the other hand though, this week’s “Destiny’s Child” is also about Jack (Alexander Calvert). And let me tell you, that last scene where he finally got his redemption broke me. All this time, that sweet boy has been suffering. Thankfully, this week’s episode finally got to the bottom of it. So, without further ado, here’s what went down in this week’s episode on Supernatural.
The Next Step
After announcing that the boys are the messengers of God’s doom, Billie (Lisa Berry) now announces the next step to her plan. Jack needs to find the Occultum. After a call to Segei, the boys find that it’s in Jo’s possession. But, when Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) confront her, she tells them it’s not.

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It was with her before. But, it ended up with Ruby who was sort of Jo’s work partner. The demon had a client who wanted it. And blinded by the prospect of money, Jo lent it to her. Ruby stowed it away in hell. And before she could get it to her client, Sam killed her. With that, Sam and Dean immediately head down there to search for it. But, of course, they were dupped. This is Jo we’re talking about. She’s slyer than a demon. Instead, the boys were ambushed by demons. But, thankfully they get out of it unscathed.
Meanwhile, Cas (Misha Collins) notices the holes in Jo’s story. To get the truth, he decides to go to Ruby herself. The thing is she’s dead and in the empty. To reach her, Cas has Jack temporarily kill him. There in that dark void, The Empty takes on the form of Meg. And of course, it’s far from thrilled seeing Cas. If someone kept me from a good sleep as Cas did, I’d be pretty pissed too. But, given its deal with Death, it lets Cas see Ruby.

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This time, Ruby gives the real version of events. It was actually Jo that called her. And since it was apocalypse time then in Supernatural, the angel cut a deal to ride out the war in the safest place in the world: The Occultum. The only thing Ruby had to do was hide it.
Ruby agrees to tell Cas its exact location as long he gets her out of there. But, just as Cas is leaving, The Empty reappears. It wasn’t going to let Cas just flit in and out of there that easily. And it starts torturing him. Fortunately, Sam and Dean arrive back from hell at just the right moment and tell Jack to bring back Cas.
Spoiled Sam and Dean
Now that they have the exact location in their hands, the only thing the boys need to worry about is Chuck. Since he’s almost done destroying the other worlds, he can just flit in and check in on them anytime he wants. To avoid busting the plan, Sam and Dean need to think of a way to still be within Chuck’s sights. Fortunately, there is another Sam and Dean at the ready.

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See, earlier a rift opened in the bunker’s armory and out came Sam and Dean 2.0. By that, I mean a posh white-collared Dean and a dainty Sam with a man bun. I kid you not this is one of the best Winchester versions I’ve seen in Supernatural. And I swear, it just gets better every time.
This other Sam and Dean managed to open a riff just as Chuck was destroying their world. However, the blast caused them to be trapped somewhere between their world and ours. When the original Sam and Dean get them out, they find that the two are their complete opposite. Aside from the attires, the faux Winchesters were actually hella rich. They were basically like those rich jocks in college with trust funds and everything. And get this, they were spoiled by John! Imagine that, John actually spoiling his kids. Anyway, after finally convincing the two to put on plaids and drink beer in front of computers, Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack head to Ruby’s hideaway place.
The location is actually a church. When the boys get there, they’re attacked by hellhounds. But, they narrowly get to the church in time. Inside, they find the Occultum, a strange silver sphere. The text inscribed on it reads “In order to be in the Occultum, the Occultum must be in you.” While everybody else is trying to figure out what it means, Jack takes it literally and swallows the damn thing. Suddenly, he starts glowing then he vanishes.
As it turns out though, Jack had it right all along. He wakes up in the garden of Eden. And a snake, much like the one in the bible story, asks him “Who are you meant to be?” Then, Jack is overwhelmed by flashbacks of his life. All the good and the bad come rushing at him and he falls to the ground unconscious.
Back in the church, the hellhounds overpower Sam. But, just when they’re about to attack, a brilliant ball of light floats down and blasts them all away. After the blast, all that’s left is Jack.
With the mission complete, the faux Sam and Dean have to leave. But, the thing is they kind of dig the life the originals have. In fact, they even ask if they could stay. However, when they mention that they drove baby, boy oh boy, the look on Dean’s face scares them right off. Hunter or not, anyone who drives baby without permission from Dean is going to pay.

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On the other hand, Jack is already recovering. When Sam and Dean check up on him, they find the boy sobbing and full of grief. After that trip to Eden, his soul was restored. And now, everything is coming back to him including what he felt over Mary’s death. And with that, he begs, “Please forgive me” to Sam and Dean.
Supernatural continues with “Last Holiday” on The CW.
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