‘Supernatural’ Season 15, Episode 10 ‘The Heroes’ Journey’ Review: Freaking Normal
BY Stephanie Larson
Published 5 years ago

Just when you think Supernatural can’t get any more amazing, here comes this priceless gem. Dean has cavities. He’s tap dancing. Then, Sam’s sick. And he freaking trips over his own feet! To put it simply, the Winchesters are freaking normal. 15 seasons of Supernatural flew by and these guys never even had colds! Now, here they are having the same problems as everybody. And I swear, it’s just one laugh trip after another. It’s like the prank war episode, the Sam and the clown episode, and the Dean turns into a dog episode all over again! This episode, however, just doesn’t stop. It’s one of those episodes that just leaves your stomach gassy. And you still won’t be complaining. After all those weeks of seriousness with Chuck, I think we all deserve this treat. So, here’s what went down in this week’s episode of Supernatural.
Cavities, Colds, and Baby Breaks Down
Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) have literally been through hell and back. But, they’ve been blessed enough to avoid the little annoyances every single member of humanity suffers from ever since they were born. Coughs, parking tickets, tripping, being broke, you name it. But now, they’ve pissed off Chuck. And their lucky hero status has been demoted to freaking normal. If you remember the episode with the lucky rabbit’s feet, it’s something like that. This one’s just a little worse and a hell lot funnier.

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For starters, Dean’s card gets declined at the grocery. Then, he gets a toothache. And when he walks out of there looking robbed of his precious beer and chocolate bar, he sees a freaking parking ticket on his car. Sam’s doing worse. He burns the food. He breaks some plates. Then, he burns himself after grabbing a boiling pot of macaroni off the stove without mittens. And that’s not even the end of it. When Dean arrives home, Sammy comes out to greet him. And he trips. For a split second there, I had a flashback to the “I lost my shoe” Sammy scene. Then, he starts sneezing.
Fortunately, they’re distracted by Garth’s (DJ Qualls) SOS. But 10 miles out from Garth’s house, Dean’s precious baby pathetically sputters to a stop, a first in Supernatural history. So, they walk the rest of the way. When they do get there, they meet the rest of Garth’s growing family. There’s Gertie, the oldest child. Then, there are the twins who Garth named after Sam and Castiel much to Dean’s disappointment.
The main reason Garth called them over, however, is because of his wife’s cousin Brad. The cops found the poor guy left for dead by the side of the road. And when Garth and Bess (Sarah Smyth) got to him, they realized his wounds were from a wraith.
Dentists and Pepper
Since Brad was still out of commission, Garth and his wife decide to help out Sam and Dean with their normal human troubles. Bess gives Sam a drink for his colds. Unbeknownst to him, the drink was made up of mostly cayenne pepper. As soon as he gulps it all down in one go, he is immediately filled with regret. And Sam freaking Winchester starts freaking crying. He soon ends up on the ground with the twins also crying above him and Gertie laughing at the expense of the big man crying.

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Meanwhile, Garth takes Dean down to the basement. Apparently, after leaving the hunter’s life, he went back to studying dentistry. Now, he’s a certified dentist with his own practice at home. After poking around Dean’s mouth for a bit, he finds 17 cavities. So, he proceeds to knock out Dean to get it all fixed up. And believe it or not, Dean has one of the best dreams in Supernatural. For some absurd reason, Dean freaking Winchester dreams of him tapdancing with Garth. In a full 2-minute sequence, the two tap dances away in black and white. And I can’t deny that it was pretty much the highlight of this episode.
After all that shenanigan, Sam and Dean finally have a sit down with Bess and Garth to figure out why the hell they’re normal now. And in that short conversation where Garth and Bess unashamedly reveal their love for Fifty Shades of Grey, they figure out that Chuck basically downgraded them. Before they could continue that conversation though, Brad wakes up.
The Most Epic Fail Supernatural Entrance Ever
When Brad sees Sam and Dean, he automatically freaks out. So, Sam works the usual thing explaining and all. But, instead of being helpful, Brad pokes fun at Sam’s furrowed brows and puppy eyes. “That never actually works for you does it?” he even asks. I mean, he’s not entirely wrong there. Unfortunately, before he can start poking more fun about the other Winchester usuals, Bess intervenes.

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Brad reveals that he’s been to some kind of monster fighting ring. There, the fighters are paid money while their fights are broadcasted on the dark web. Unfortunately, when Brad lost his fight, he was thrown in a swamp and left for dead. He was lucky enough to be able to crawl out of it. When asked for the location of the fighting ring, Brad readily reveals it hoping Sam and Dean would just be ripped to shreds.
When the pair arrive at the place the next morning, Dean gets ready to head in guns blazing. But, given their current normal conditions, Sam takes a pause to pack up every emergency item they’d need. Dean even throws in a grenade launcher. The minute they step in, however, everything just goes hilariously wrong. First off, Sam trips over a bucket. And worse than that, Dean’s stomach starts protesting the 7 grilled sandwiches he gobbled down that morning. Soon enough, he’s in a bathroom puking his guts out. And Sam’s pretty sure he’s now lactose intolerant. Sure enough, the pair’s busted easily. And they end up unwillingly part of the night’s next match.
The Hero of the Day
Presented UFC style, the monster matches continue. And while waiting for their match, Dean manages to get a nail loose in his cage to try and pick the lock. Unfortunately, his and Sammy’s luck has also run out on picking locks too. Luckily for them, Garth arrives just at the right moment. He busts them out with his werewolf strength. And they hightail out of there before they’re shoved in the ring to fight the hulking vampire Maul. More than busting them out though, Garth has actually created a solid plan for the whole thing.

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Once they get outside, Garth takes a pause and brings out a remote. And when he presses the button, the building freaking explodes. Apparently, while he was looking for Sam and Dean, he was also dropping bombs here and there killing two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, Maul survived the blast. Garth tries to fight him. But, even his superhuman werewolf strength was nothing against the 310-pound vampire. With Garth knocked out, it’s up to the normal Winchesters.
Imagine this. There’s comic cartoony music playing in the background. And then, there’s Sam and Dean fighting as if they’ve forgotten how to fight. Dean gets his nuts kicked and not even one of Sam’s punches land on Maul even as the vampire stays still for the poor guy. In the end, it’s still Sam who gets knocked over with a punch to the face. Dean lines up next and he does get some punches in. But, it’s like a kid throwing punches. Just when everything seems hopeless, a blade suddenly cuts through Maul’s head from the back. The vampire falls revealing Garth who ends it with, “He got Garthed.” (Damn you Supernatural that wasn’t supposed to be funny but it still is!) After the fight, Dean walks away unable to stand straight and his voice at least three octaves higher than usual.
Normal Winchesters
With the problem solved, Sam and Dean spend some time bonding with Garth’s kids. And as each of them carries one of the twins, Dean remarks, “This Cas keeps looking at me weird.” Without missing a beat, Sam replies, “So, kind of like the real Cas.” Suddenly, the little Cas’ eyes start glowing and Dean hears a little growling. With that, Dean quickly hands him over to his mother.

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Later on, Sam and Dean prepare to leave. But, of course, they don’t leave without telling Garth that he’s a hero. Garth also leaves them a little pleasant parting gift. He tells the Winchesters about a place in Alaska to go to for people who’s luck has gone bad. Then, he bids them good luck and goodbye. Honestly, Garth has one of the best character endings if this is the last time we do see him on Supernatural. He has been such a great character and he deserves this happy ending.
Meanwhile, in the car, Sam and Dean finally face their normalcy. Unfortunately, for people like them with problems as big as God, they’d really need to be more than normal. So, even if there’s a catch, Alaska is the way to go. Just as they’re driving out though, Dean’s baby once again breaks down. And just as the screen clicks to black, Deans screams his trademark line, “Son of a bitch!” Indeed, Dean, indeed. But, well, sorry not sorry for us.
Supernatural continues on Thursday, January 30th, with “The Gamblers” at 8/7c on the CW.
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