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Home Star Wars Rebels 'In The Name Of The Rebellion' Parts 1 and 2 Recap: Conflicting Strategies Against The Empire [SPOILERS]

Star Wars Rebels 'In The Name Of The Rebellion' Parts 1 and 2 Recap: Conflicting Strategies Against The Empire [SPOILERS]

BY Louie Anne Matthews

Published 7 years ago

Star Wars Rebels 'In The Name Of The Rebellion' Parts 1 and 2 Recap: Conflicting Strategies Against The Empire [SPOILERS]

“Star Wars Rebels” Season 4 Episode 3 and 4 is a two-part episode that’s inching closer to the events of “Rogue One” and “A New Hope.” As the Ghost Crew joins the Rebellion against the Empire, but Ezra is doubting the strategies the Rebel Alliance leader Mon Mothma is taking. As members of the Rebel Alliance, Ezra and the Ghost crew must accept a mission to spy on an Imperial outpost they would rather destroy. Feeling as if the Rebel Alliance is focusing on the politics, Ezra and Sabine join the desperate quest of Saw Gerrera to hunt down the Empire’s elusive secret superweapon.
“In the Name of the Rebellion” Parts, 1 and 2 puts a twist on the death star story most Star Wars fans know.

‘Star Wars Rebels’ Ezra’s Conflicting Ideologies

Ezra and the Ghost Crew lands on Yavin 4 and reunites with Hera. The senator gives the Ghost Crew a mission to spy on the Imperial outpost. Sources say the Empire has built a new communications relay in the Jalindi system. But Ezra prefers to take a different approach to their mission. He wanted to fight back against the Empire but Mon Mothma discourages his idea. Even Hera shares the same opinion about their mission but still, chooses to follow the orders given. Both Hera and Ezra are angry at the Empire and what they have done to their people. Yet both characters are taking a different approach in the fight.

Star Wars Rebels (2014)

Disney XD/Lucasfilm

The Empire is getting more violent and the war is getting worse. Ezra opens up about the promise he made to help his planet after being taken over by the Empire. But it also puts into question of whether or not to help individual planets or to sacrifice some for the good of the whole. The weight of responsibility Ezra has for his planet weighs on him heavily—enough to join Saw Gerrera and his crew on their mission to destroy the Empire’s secret superweapon.
On their mission, they run into Imperial prisoners that turned out to be scientists from Coruscant. It takes Ezra seeing Saw for him to decide to leave the prisoners to die and start to shake his interest in the rebel extremist’s philosophy. He plunges the young Padawan’s lightsaber onto the crystals creating a bomb. Saw and his team were able to escape, leaving the Ghost Crew to fend for themselves.
Ezra and Sabine were able to set the prisoners free. Ezra then realized how dangerous implications of Gerrera’s choices are.  The scientists decided to join the Rebel Alliance after being saved.

Kyber Crystals For the Death Star

Star Wars fans know the secret weapon Gerrera is so obsessed with is the Death Star. On their mission, Ezra and Sabine saw Death Troopers guarding a mysterious cargo. It’s obvious that it is something very important for the Empire. They discovered that the cargo was actually a giant Kyber crystal that would be used to power a certain weapon. This would be used to power the Death Star. In the end of the day, Ezra and Sabine were able to destroy the crystals.

Star Wars Rebels (2014)

Disney XD/Lucasfilm

The Ghost Crew were also able to escape the outpost. On Yavin-4, Kanan muses about what the Empire intended to do with the crystal. Most fans know the crystals are going to be used for the construction of the Death Star. Tying in with “Rogue One” and “New Hope,” the destruction of these crystals only delayed the inevitable.
“Star Wars Rebels” season 4, episodes 3 and 4 set up a lot in terms of the moral struggles the Rebellion is going to continue to face. Despite the tiny victory they won for the day, there is still more to come.

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