Star Wars: Princess Leia Portrayal And Han Solo Movie Details Revealed by Disney
BY David Riley
Published 8 years ago

The next three years will be full of excitement for every Star Wars fan. Coming later this year is the release of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” and in 2018, the untitled “Han Solo” film will also hit theaters, presumably with the same December 15 schedule. Once these are finally out, the last will be Episode IX in the series of films to be made when Disney bought Lucasfilm. We can only wonder, what’s next for the franchise?
Princess Leia’s Star Wars Future
According to Variety, Disney CEO Bob Iger recently spoke at USC Tech Conference to address questions about where the “Star Wars” saga would go next, the new “Han Solo” movie, and how Episode VIII will handle Carrie Fisher following the actress’ passing.
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” gave us one of the well-known trademarks that “Star Wars” has been doing for the past 30 years. CG Characters were introduced in the film, and it was received well by critics and fans. The only thing different from “Rogue One’s” CG character portrayal was how it was used to bring human characters back in the series. Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia were in the film thanks to Industrial Light & Sound’s creative CGI rendering.
Now, with Carrie Fisher’s tragic passing at the end of last year, many fans have been wondering if the following “Star Wars” films will be using a CGI Leia. Episode IX is due in three years, and Leia still has a large part in the movie.
“When we bought Lucasfilm, we were going to make three films — Episodes VII, VIII and IX,” Iger explained. “We had to deal tragedy at the end of 2016. Carrie appears throughout VIII. We are not changing VIII to deal with her passing. Her performance remains as it is in VIII. In Rogue One, we had some digital character. We are not doing that with Carrie.”
Han Solo Details Revealed
Iger also went on to talk about the future of the franchise, since the initial lineup of films are almost wrapping up. He says that plans are already being made for Episode IX, along with what could be “another decade-and-a-half of Star Wars stories.”
As for the “Han Solo” film, Iger revealed even more interesting details. Production for the “Han Solo” origin story is currently underway, and it will be coming out in 2018. “Han Solo’s” story will be picking up when he was 18 years old and carries on until he’s 24. There are a few notable highlights that will happen in “Han Solo’s” life, including how he acquires the Millennium Falcon and meets Chewbacca. “You will also discover how he got his name,” Iger added.
Now as for the “how he got his name” part, it’s unclear whether Iger is referring to how Solo actually got his name and if he had another name before “Han Solo” or if it was how he was able to make a name for himself.
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