‘Star Wars’ Spin-off Boba Fett Movie to be Written and Directed by James Mangold
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 7 years ago

It’s a good day for the cult following of Boba Fett. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney and the Disney-owned Lucasfilm announced that James Mangold is the Writer and Director of a standalone Star Wars movie centered on one of pop culture’s most iconic personalities—Boba Fett. The revelation was made as Disney prepares for the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the second standalone film after Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Lucasfilm is currently working on some new Star Wars movies, and thankfully, they have decided to give Boba Fett a character spotlight.
What We Know About Boba Fett
Boba Fett was first introduced in Empire Strikes Back, one of the Star Wars Original Trilogy movies. He was hired by the Dark Lord of The Sith Darth Vader to capture and bring Han Solo to him. While his screen time was limited and he barely said a word, He has become one of the most popular characters, even after his ridiculous death at the hands (or tentacles?) of the Sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi. Boba Fett was first portrayed by the actor Jeremy Bulloch.

George Lucas’ prequels give him more of a background story. In Attack of the Clones, Boba Fett is revealed to be the son of a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. The Kaminoans hired Jango Fett to be cloned for the Republic’s Army of Clone troopers. Boba Fett was one of these clones, but he was part of the payment terms that Jango and the Kaminoans have discussed. Jango wanted a clone of himself that was unaltered, unlike the rest of the clones, hence the birth (or creation) of Boba Fett. Jango Fett’s death at the hands of Jedi Master Mace Windu on the planet Geonosis led to Boba’s lifetime resentment towards the Jedi and the Republic.

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Dave Filoni’s animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars‘ further developed Boba Fett’s character, showing him in numerous episodes working as a young bounty hunter alongside other famed characters such as Aurra Sing and Bossk. Before the Disney reboot, Boba Fett was supposed to be depicted in his early adult stages in the last season. In April 2017, during the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, the story behind his dented helmet was revealed in the rough season 6 episode that features a standoff between him and the bounty hunter named Cad Bane.
The announcement of the new movie brings out numerous possibilities in Boba Fett’s character. Fans are definitely excited for this since they have waited long enough. Details of the movie are still as mysterious as how he would survive the Sarlacc pit, so it is best to stay alert for more information.
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