How ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Ushers in Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
BY Jason Okoli
Published 6 years ago

10 years of excellence, 10 years of utter excitement, and 10 years of movie achievement never before done or seen in the history of cinema. From the first Iron Man released in 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has wowed, empowered, amazed, and astonished fans. And so finally, Spider-Man: Far From Home is upon us and has been confirmed by MCU head honcho, Kevin Feige, as the last movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3.
This comes as an aftermath of the box office record-breaking and critically revered Avengers: Endgame. The question every Marvel and comic book fan wants to know is; what’s next? For those who might be living under a rock and haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame, there are solid spoilers ahead.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
The last movie in the MCU Phase 3 follows our titular hero, Peter Parker. He is trying to pick up the pieces of what’s left following the death of his mentor and somewhat father figure to him, Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man. It also looks like all the time traveling done in Avengers: Endgame will play a huge role in Spider-Man’s next outing.
Spider-Man fans who have traced his journey from the comics will no doubt recognize Mysterio but this has a twist. In the comics, Mysterio is a known villain and one of Spidey’s nemesis from the Sinister Six, yet this doesn’t seem to be the case in the movie. How so? It turns out that the Mysterio we see as Spider-Man’s ally from the trailers is not from our Earth but another one.
With the introduction of the multiverse in Spider-Man: Far From Home, what does MCU Phase 4 have in store for fans? Since the five-year time jump in Avengers: Endgame, there are a host of new characters who could take up the mantle of hero. One is that of Hawkeye’s daughter, who we know from the comics takes up her father’s role as Hawkeye after his retirement. And we already saw him teaching her how to shoot in the opening scene of Endgame. Would we see Monica Rambeau as Photon in Phase Four after her introduction in Captain Marvel earlier this year?
From the trailers released thus far, it seems like Peter Parker will take on a huge role in the New Avengers starring the likes of Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, AntMan and the Wasp and possibly the Guardians of the Galaxy. Nova is also in line to make his on-screen debut after the end credit tease of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2.
How about the villains? Let’s not forget that the MCU has a plethora of villains who are still alive. Starting with Kaecilius, Mordo and Dormammu from Doctor Strange, The Grandmaster and Hela from Thor: Ragnarok (we never saw her die), Helmut Zemo from Captain America: Civil War, Abomination and The Leader from The Incredible Hulk (the movie MCU wants you to forget ever happened), Ayesha from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. Although Iron Man has passed away, the Mandarin is still alive and could very well make his MCU debut in Phase 4
In addition to these baddies, we saw the end credit scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming where Scorpion and Vulture have a meeting. Both characters are members of The Sinister Six. We were also introduced to Aaron Davis in Homecoming, who we know as Prowler. Another villain who could be making his way to the MCU is Norman Osborn aka the Green Goblin or Dr. Doom who has had multiple run-ins with the Avengers in the comics.
MCU Phase Four: Multiverse, Crossovers & Reboots
Now that time traveling and the multiverse has been introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, courtesy of Endgame and Far From Home respectively, the possibilities are endless. Due to the FOX-Disney merger, Marvel now has the rights to such properties like the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool among others. The possible crossovers will no doubt leave fans drooling, who doesn’t want to see Deadpool and Spider-Man kick ass? Or have Wolverine and Captain America -Falcon- throw down? Or maybe the X-Men and Avengers teaming up to take down baddies like Dr. Doom, Magneto, Juggernaut, anti-hero Venom and more.
So far, Marvel has yet to release any statement regarding crossovers, reboots or upcoming movies. However, some movies have been announced such as Black Panther 2, Doctor Strange 2, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Black Widow, The Eternals, and the first Asian Marvel character to get his own movie, Shang-Chi. Disney is also set to launch its own streaming service later this year known as Disney+ and here are a few characters getting their own series on the streaming service: Loki, Falcon & Bucky, The Vision, and Scarlett Witch.
Announced/Presumably Phase Four MCU Movies/Shows from r/marvelstudios
Thus far, plans for the MCU Phase 4 have been kept under wraps. We won’t know for certain until the San Diego Comic-Con this July 18-21, where Feige will most likely unveil the MCU’s slate of films to be released. For now, fans can only speculate, make theories and assumptions. But regardless of what the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 holds in store for us, one thing is certain, records are going to be broken.
Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters July 4, 2019.
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