‘SIX’ Season 2 Episode 2 ‘Ghosts’ Recap: Haunting Memories [SPOILERS]
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 7 years ago
!['SIX' Season 2 Episode 2 'Ghosts' Recap: Haunting Memories [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/six2_202_08052017_jd_0507_FULL.jpg?fit=602%2C430&ssl=1)
This episode of SIX mainly focused on character development. While the backstories mainly revolve around the main characters, the supporting characters had their share of the limelight. It was considerably slow-paced compared to the previous episode. Also, it had less action. This episode is entirely different from the previous episode, but a welcome addition to the season.
In this episode of SIX, Agent Gina Cline’s (Olivia Munn) interrogation of Michael Nasry (Dominic Adams) brings back memories of her previous missions. Meanwhile, Ricky “Buddha” Ortiz (Juan-Pablo Raba) and Joe “Bear” Graves (Barry Sloane) disagree with the team’s leadership. The team starts to get to know Trevor Wozniak (Eric Ladin) as they go on debriefing as well as practice missions, where Alex Caulder’s (Kyle Schmid) injuries from the previous mission manifest.
Taking Care Of The Team
Inside the locker room, Buddha looks at his SEAL pin, remembering the time Rip (Walton Goggins) welcomed him into the team. Bear has him call their team members for a short dialogue. Alex is in a chamber full of water to recover from his injuries. While he rests, he dreams about what had happened in the previous mission until Buddha opens the chamber to call him.
When the team assembles, they immediately ask about Rip. Bear tells them that no funeral would be held for him for now, so they would have to improvise. Bear starts the debriefing by pointing out what Alex and Buddha did wrong. This sparks an argument between them. Trevor tries to break it up by mentioning the sudden appearance of Gina into the scene; then Buddha tells them how she met her.
Robert Chase (Edwin Hodge) sees Buddha reading a folder with classified information. He tells Buddha to steer clear from Commander Atkins (Rus Blackwell) while he has the folder. Bear walks past Buddha; then Buddha asks the guys to give the room to the two of them. Buddha slams Bear’s way of debriefing them, pointing out that Rip did not deal with them the way he did. After this, he leaves.
The team waits for Bear to arrive before they begin their training exercise. Just as they are about to begin, Bear arrives a little later than their set time. They start the exercise. They blast the door open, and the explosion triggers Alex’s injuries. At their first attempt, Buddha misses one hostile. Alex continues to endure his injuries. He accidentally shoots a friendly; then he tells them to reset. Bear notices that something is wrong with Alex.
Life Outside The Mission Field
Alex is having sex with a woman. While he is on top of her, blood from his nose drips on her face, prompting them to stop. She throws him a towel and then she gets dressed. She leaves the apartment, telling him that she has a case to work on. Bear arrives in Alex’s apartment, upon seeing him naked, Bear tells him to put some clothes on. While Alex leaves, Bear starts to see Rip talking to him. He starts talking to Rip, too, until Alex finally comes back.
Buddha is reading the newspaper when his wife, Jackie comes in the house. She asks him about their daughter, Anabel (Jessica Garza). Confused, Buddha tells Jackie that he thought that she was with her. After realizing that she was not in the house, they search the area. Buddha finds his daughter smoking in their neighbor’s backyard. Marissa (Katherine Evans) listens to a recording sent to her by the Jihadists. After it stops playing, she looks at Buddha’s picture then she holds her gun.
Alex is cooking a meal while he listens to music in his apartment. He accidentally touches the stove; then he becomes frustrated. His injuries start to manifest. Alex tries to counter it by taking pills but it does not subside, so he continues to take pills until he overdoses. His daughter comes in, and she finds him unconscious. She calls Bear, then Bear brings Alex into the bathtub, and he turns the shower on. When Alex gains consciousness, Bear warns him never to overdose again.

The team, along with their colleagues, family, and friends, hold a barbecue in honor of Rip. They light a campfire for him, and each of his closest team members says something about him as they place some of his belongings into the fire. After this, Bear sees Lena (Brianne Davis) approach the barbecue. He talks to her, trying to find a way to mend their relationship. However, Lena says that she needs time on her own; perhaps maybe they would even need to see other people. At first, Bear becomes angry, but after a while, he understands, then Lena goes to talk to the SEALs.

Bear takes a seat on one of the park benches. Suddenly, Rip starts talking to him again. He disagrees with what he is saying to him; then he tells Rip to leave him alone. Alex notices Bear, so he checks on him, then he leaves Bear. Bear offers a drink for Rip. Rip starts to walk away from him, into the campfire.

History With The Prince
Gina was in charge of a mission alongside Vince, a co-agent. She organizes everything they need in the mission. Gina and Vince are talking inside a restaurant, surrounded by SEALS who are in civilian disguise. While they are talking, Ricky approaches them, telling them that her asset is outside. They leave the restaurant and proceed to talk to the asset, John. John opens his car’s trunk revealing a man tied up. He tells them that his prisoner will lead them to their target, Stankovich.
While they are en route to the location, they stop by a car in the middle of nowhere. John goes out of the vehicle, and then he opens the car. He introduces his wife and his son to Gina. Before going back in, he reminds Gina about their deal, and she tells him that if she will honor the deal if he does what he has promised to do.

They arrive at the location that John’s prisoner gave him. The SEAL team comes back, reporting that they did not find anything. John realizes that his prisoner was lying to him, so he starts punching him. When he does not respond, John takes Gina’s cigarette to torture him. Eventually, the prisoner pointed out the location on Gina’s map. Ricky tries to stop John, but he still slits the prisoner’s throat.
The team crosses the Bosnia-Serbia border at night. When they arrive at the location, it is strangely quiet. The seal team along with Vince approach the house. One of the seals open the door; the suddenly heavy gunfire starts pouring out. Gina realizes that John set them up, so she attacks John. John escapes, but Gina manages to shoot him in the back. The SEALS retreat, dragging a wounded Vince with them. When they leave the area, Vince dies in the van while Gina holds him.

The CIA torture Michael by forcing him to listen to an eerie sound while he wears blacked out goggles for hours. Gina enters the interrogation room to talk to him. She tries to get information from him by asking him multiple questions as well as showing him photos of people, but he does not say anything useful to her. He even denies his involvement to Dragan, the man who orchestrated the shooting of Rip. She tells him a story about one of her missions.
Michael is eating his food as fast as he could. Gina enters the room. She talks to him while he is eating. Gina takes the plate from Michael then she shows him a photo of her asset in Bosnia, John. She tells him that he knows John as The Prince, but he denies this, saying that he looks like a Russian gangster, not a prince. Upon saying this, the CIA come in and restrain Michael; then they torture him once more.

Michael tries to counter the torture by repetitively saying “I am Michael Nasry.” Gina watches him, amused by his attempts. She takes the goggles off as well as the earphones, then she starts talking to him again. She shows him the video of Rip getting shot, then asks him if there were other targets. He does not say anything, so Gina decides to continue her story.
An Imam talks to Michael. When he leaves, Michael asks Gina about him. Taking down his point before he could make it, Gina shifts the conversation. She asks him about The Prince. Michael states his condition for his cooperation, then Gina disagrees. The CIA comes in once more, and they torture him.
Gina enters the interrogation room. She tells Michael what she knows about his parent’s condition. Gina then tells him the end of her story. Michael figures out that Vince was Gina’s lover. Gina tells him her theory about John. Michael thinks that it is unlikely. Frustrated, Gina shows him a picture on her tablet. It shows an avatar that stands for The Prince, ordering Michael’s execution by the Boko Haram. Gina uses this situation as a way to convince Michael to cooperate, along with letting him listen to his mother’s voice through the phone.
SIX returns on Wednesday, June 6th, with “Dua” at 10/9c on History.
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