‘SIX’ Season 2 Episode 1 ‘Critical’ Recap: The Road To Revenge [SPOILERS]
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 7 years ago
!['SIX' Season 2 Episode 1 'Critical' Recap: The Road To Revenge [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/six2_201_07182017_jd_0210_FULL.jpeg?fit=660%2C396&ssl=1)
SIX is a series that follows SEAL Team 6 and their lives both on and off the mission field. This particular episode begins immediately after the last episode from the previous season. The story starts off slow at first, showing a bit of a background of the SEAL team members. The action is depicted realistically, and the episode ends with a bit of a revelation.
In this week’s episode of SIX, the SEALS brace themselves as Richard “Rip” Taggart (Walton Goggins) is suddenly shot. Rip’s closest members of the team each reminisce their time together. While they plot their revenge, the CIA take custody of Michael Nasry (Dominic Adams), a member of a jihadist network, who they place in a black site. CIA Agent Gina Cline (Olivia Munn) does what she can to find out who was the mastermind behind the attack.
The Shooter
Rip is standing at a pier, enjoying a cigarette. A woman who introduces herself as Marissa (Katherine Evans) asks him for a video. When Rip faces her, she shoots him with a concealed pistol. Rip tries to get up, but he is unable to. After this, she leaves, then she goes to her apartment. There, she receives a call from Dragan (Alexander Mandra) who is in Bosnia. He gives her his final instructions then he ends the call abruptly.
Marissa browses through comments in some form of social media used by the jihadist group. She closes the laptop when she hears the FBI knock on a door. Marissa looks outside and finds an entire team knocking on the door of her neighbor. She uses an inhaler when she looks at photos of Rip and Buddha.
SEALS Response
Joe “Bear” Graves knocks on Lena Graves’ (Brianne Davis) door. He tells her about what has happened to Rip. After some time, Bear receives a call from Ricky “Buddha” Ortiz (Juan-Pablo Raba) who is in the hospital along with Armin “Fishbait” Khan (Jaylen Moore), Robert Chase (Edwin Hodge), and Alex Caulder (Kyle Schmid). They turn on the news channel, and they find the video of Rip moments before his death.
The flag of the Uma Movement was flashed on screen since they claim to be responsible for the attack. The SEALS at the hospital realize that the flag belonged to Michael’s jihadist network. Commander Atkins leaves the hospital to find out what Michael’s current state is while each of the men fans out to call their contacts.
Bear and Buddha are at Rip’s bedside. He tells him that they had found intel on who is behind the shooting and that the person was in Bosnia. Then, Bear tells him that they are leaving in four hours, so he should go to his family. Buddha expresses his regret in letting Rip drive away, but Bear tells him that they all did the same thing. Buddha then leaves.
Buddha goes to where his family is. When he arrives, he talks to his wife, Jackie (Nadine Velasquez) who starts to argue with him. She realizes that he is going on a mission again. They start to argue about Rip then he apologizes to her. Buddha enters a bathroom then he washes his face. Jackie calls him after she hears the sound of a razor. When she opens the bathroom door, he finds Buddha shaving his head. She asks him what he is doing, and he simply replies that he is getting ready.
Trevor Wozniak is having sex with a woman. The woman passes out, so Trevor injects some dextrose into her. Robert and Fishbait look for Trevor’s apartment. Their phones ring, then they decide to leave until the woman suddenly comes out of Trevor’s apartment. Trevor comes out; then they tell him to pack his things and prepare to leave. The men get their equipment loaded into a truck that would take them to their mission destination. Bear notices Buddha’s new haircut, and he compliments it then they do a fist bump.
Remembering Rip
Bear takes his gun from the glove compartment of his car. Back inside the house, he asks Lena for any other points of entry to the house; then she tells him there were none. She tries to calm him down by telling him that they should pray instead. After her prayer, Bear kisses her. Things escalate and eventually, they are on their way up to the bedroom. They stop when Bear accidentally knocks a lamp down. Bear decides to leave. While he is inside the car, he has a flashback of a time when he and Rip went hunting, where he tells him to embrace his darkness within.
Alex is trying to get a coffee machine to work. Robert tells Alex what he has found out. After this, Robert tells him that he should have killed Michael. Robert then leaves him. Alex thinks about the time when he and Rip were on a mission. Rip is sitting on a bed, telling Alex that Bear asked him to be his child’s Godfather. They talk about this, and this eventually led Rip to think about having a child. Alex tells him not to do this; then Rip asks him what he would be doing if he was not on the mission field. He says that he does not think about that and that his true purpose was to be a soldier. Rip tells him to hold on to his clarity.
Buddha remembers one of his son’s baseball games. Rip approaches him, and they watch his son. After a while, Buddha tells Rip about coaching his son’s team for a year; then they take a walk. Rip tells him about his plans after his retirement from the SEALS. He tells Buddha that he has left Bear in charge of the team instead of him. Buddha gets mad at him for what he did, but Rip tells him that he did this so that he can live his life as a family man.
Eliminating The Jihadist Network

Michael opens his eyes, and he looks around the room. He is disoriented, so his vision was blurry. A man enters the room then he asks him how he did it. At first, he did not know what the man was talking about. The man was frustrated, so he brought his keys out, and he used it to puncture Michael’s fresh wound. He eventually asks Michael how he was able to have someone shoot Rip. Michael finally realized what it was all about. The men throw Michael in a dark room. Michael argues with them, saying that he has rights as an American citizen. When the door is closed, he hears voices. He tells them to stay away from him.

Agent Gina Cline meets up with an asset in Bosnia. He tells her that the man in a white hat is their target. He asks him about the woman who was sitting beside him. She had a bruise on her face and she was taking care of her baby. She follows the woman into a clothes shop. She approaches the baby and asks for her name. She then talks to the woman whose name was Marja (Madlen Sopadzhiyan) then she figures out who she is so she leaves the shop but then Gina offers her money. After this, Gina calls for the seals.

The SEALS arrive in Bosnia. Bear briefs them on the mission objectives as well as the mission details. Commander Atkins gives them final instructions when Buddha receives a message. He stands up, and he starts to throw things up in the air. The message was about Rip. Bear has some of the SEALS restrain Buddha, and he asks him what happened. It turns out that Rip has died, and he died alone. Commander Atkins decides to have their team off the mission because of what had just happened.
Agent Cline and Marja are waiting inside the car. She asks Marja for the location of Dragan’s house. At first, Marja refuses to cooperate since she does not know who Agent Cline is talking to but Agent Cline decides to hold her baby as a hostage, so she gives her the location. After the SEALS receive the coordinates, the team on the field proceeds to go to the location. When the team arrives, they found no one at the location. Agent Cline sees a convoy drive away from them, so she asks for another SEAL team. Bear requests Commander Atkins to send them in.

Commander Atkins eventually agrees to send Bear’s team in. They catch up to the pursuit. They start taking out the drivers. When the vehicles have stopped, a hostile pops out with a machine gun which causes damage to the helicopter that Bear’s team was in, prompting them for an emergency landing. They take out the remaining hostiles until Dragan decides to make a run for it. When he is surrounded, he pulls out a button which triggered the bombs attached to his body, knocking Alex down. Buddha helps him up his feet.
Agent Cline arrives in the scene, asking them who is in command. She asks Bear about Dragan; then he tells her that pieces of him are lying on the floor. Trevor finds a codebook on the ground then he hands it to Bear. Bear takes a look at it then Agent Cline takes it from him. While she looks at the codebook, Bear looks at one of the vehicles then he sees Rip standing there, giving him a nod. He nods back at him. Agent Cline notices this then she tells him that he can leave. She calls for a cleanup crew and then tells the person on the phone that she will take care of Marja and her baby.
Agent Cline drives Marja and her baby to an apartment complex. Marja argues with Agent Cline because of what she did. Out of nowhere, two motorcycles with four armed men stop beside their car and they start shooting at them. Agent Cline kills one of the men; then she discovers that the men had shot Marja.
Agent Cline meets her superior in a secure location. She debriefs Agent Cline and tells her about what they had found from the codebook. Her superior then tells her that Cline will meet one of the people whose name was on the codebook who they also have in custody to find the Prince, the leader of the jihadist network. She takes the envelope then she leaves.

Agent Cline arrives in Romania where Michael is being kept. Upon finding out that Michael was not isolated, she makes a run for the room where he is being kept, and then she opens the door. She finds Michael on the ground, being beaten by the other prisoners. She pushes them all aside and then she kneels down and talks to Michael.
SIX returns on Wednesday, May 30th, with “Ghosts” at 10/9c on History.
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