Shortened First Season For ABC’s Agent Carter?
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 11 years ago

It’s been reported that Marvel’s Agent Carter will receive a shorter run with just 8 episodes.
Hayley Atwell will star as her Marvel counterpart from Captain America: The First Avenger this Fall on ABC.
Speaking to reporters during ABC’s Upfronts last week Atwell mentioned the first season’s surprisingly short episode order in addition to what makes her character, Peggy Carter, an interesting proposition this Fall.
“I think over the arc of the 8 episodes there will be very different facets to who she is, which won’t disappoint the fans in making sure that she has a story within herself as well as the stories of each episode fighting who she fights against and still battling with her own demons and losing the love of her life and what a personal cost to her that is,” Atwell said.
Agent Carter is set to run while Agents of SHIELD, recently renewed for a second season, takes a mid-season break during it’s 2014-2015 seasonal run.
While a short order may disappoint some fans, others remain optimistic that a smaller order will put the spotlight on character development and there series’ overall story arc, something lacking in SHIELD’s bloated 22-episode freshman season.
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IMAGES: Defiance Season 2 Cast Promotional Pictures