‘SEAL Team’ Season 3, Episode 4 ‘The Strength of the Wolf’ Review: Distracted
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 5 years ago

When SEAL Team goes on missions, they quickly adapt to unexpected changes. However, the team is in disarray at this point as they clash with each other. A career decision impacting the team’s functionality gets in their leader’s head. Also, it was Bravo Team’s turn to choose the newest member of their team from the drafts. Meanwhile, machines are not the only things malfunctioning in another team member’s life.
On Wednesday’s episode of SEAL Team, Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz) expresses his disappointment over Ray Perry’s (Neil Brown Jr.) decision to choose the position of Warrant Officer instead of his Master Chief promotion. Meanwhile, Sonny Quinn (A.J. Buckley) and Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks) decide the fate of their relationship. As this happens, Clay Spenser (Max Thieriot) puts in a word for a candidate he wished to have in the team.
Run it Again

Jason’s frustration led him to take it out on his team. Hearing about Ray’s decision made him furious, and this eventually took its toll on him as they kept failing to beat the time allotted for their next operation. Also, they did not have solid intel on their target either. The trickiness of the mission, coupled with the issues they deal with internally, made Jason snap. For a grueling 24 hours, Bravo Team trained in the simulation until it was time to leave for the mission. The hijacked ship containing a few American hostages, along with other hostages, awaited the tired SEALs.
Staying in the Team

Jason was not too thrilled to hear Ray decide to stay in the team as a Warrant Officer. Warrant Officers did not have the same job description as other SEALs; they often receive different assignments, as explained by Glen Mack (Coby Bell). With that said, Jason reacted, thinking about the way the flow of the team once Ray gets his promotion. Sure, Ray stays with Bravo Team, but he is not necessarily always available to work with the team. At the end of the episode, however, Jason soon accepts Ray’s decision. Becoming a Warrant Officer offers higher pay and lets Ray stay with the team. Not wanting to leave Bravo Team (and likely sensing Jason’s inner conflict), Ray decides to take that position instead. Leading his team may be his ultimate dream, but Ray’s love for his team and his brothers, along with his family’s needs, prompts him to forego this dream.
Breach Time

Achieving the mission’s objectives relies heavily on Sonny’s breach time. During training, Sonny’s blowtorch kept acting out, taking too much time and eventually leading to their failure to complete the mission in time. Also, the team’s strategy was unsuitable for the task, yet Jason tired everyone with going with the plan bound to fail. Everything changes as soon as Bravo Team boards the hijacked ship. Using Ray’s strategy of splitting the teams into two instead of three, the SEALs swiftly cover every inch of the rig. Also, Sonny’s torch works perfectly fine, too. Watching as Jason reassures the hostages that they are safe was a tear-jerking scene. The fruits of the team’s training worked in their favor despite the complete revamp of the plan.
Fresh off the Drafts

Clay approached the beginning of the draft with enthusiasm. Among the draftees, Clay has a personal pick for Bravo Team: David Yoder (Aaron Dominguez). Clay went on a mission with David and was impressed with his skills, making him think that David is a prime candidate for Bravo Team. However, Ray had different ideas to pitch to Jason. Ray took note of the humility of one candidate, Vic Lopez (Lucca De Oliveira). As Ray probed Vic, he learned the kid’s background and could tell that he is a decent man. Jason seemed to agree with Ray’s assessment, announcing Vic’s induction into the team, much to Clay’s disappointment. Jason points out that Clay will understand his decision soon, especially since he is looking into leading Bravo Team when Jason retires. For now, however, Clay maintains that he is pissed as he walked out of the room.
Living a Lie

Sonny and Lisa’s relationship was bound to end the moment Sonny decided not to tell Lisa about a crucial situation. The couple had to cancel dates and steal time to talk to each other while at work, risking their careers. Perhaps before, Lisa thought that she and Sonny could handle the hiding, the little time to have, the secrecy, but they could not. When Ray passes by them, hinting that he knows something, Lisa flips. A confrontation with one of Bravo Team’s members was not something they needed at the moment, especially since the mission they had to accomplish required much attention. Once they return from the operation, however, Lisa breaks things off with Sonny. Surprisingly, Sonny took the blow well, accepting Lisa’s decision as final. It was heartbreaking to watch as Sonny cries while driving his truck away, watching Lisa through his side mirror. Hopefully, Sonny processes their break-up well before he heads out to the field again.
‘SEAL Team’ Season 3, Episode 4 ‘The Strength of the Wolf’ Final Verdict
SEAL Team best captures the risks an operative faces while on missions out at sea. Crossing the border to a nation’s seawaters can happen in as fast as ten minutes, prompting SEALs to work as soon as they can to prevent all-out war between a country. Also, it gave us a glimpse of how emotional it can be when something disrupts the way the team operates. In-office romance does not usually end well, and the episode proves this point. By far, this chapter has the most drama mixed with an increasingly tense working environment.
SEAL Team continues Wednesday, October 30th, with ‘All Along The Watchtower: Part I’ at 9/8c on CBS.
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