‘SEAL Team’ Season 3, Episode 2 ‘Ignore and Override’ Review: Visions
BY Daniel Rayner
Published 5 years ago

SEAL Team goes to Serbia to track an organization linked to recent bombings of American military outposts. So far, Bravo Team manages to return to HQ in one piece after phase one of the mission ends sourly. Fortunately, they recover enough intel, enabling them to continue the mission. As the final stages of the Serbian offensive take place, Bravo Team pushes hard to achieve its goal.
On Tuesday’s episode of SEAL Team, Jason Hayes (David Boreanaz) contemplates his years in service. Meanwhile, the members of the Bravo Team deal with personal dilemmas. As Ray Perry (Neil Brown Jr.) receives word of his possible promotion, Sonny Quinn (AJ Buckley) and Clay Spenser (Max Thieriot) think of life outside of the team. When a second lead turns up, the final stretch of the Serbian mission begins.
Down Time
Bravo Team’s members take advantage of the spare time they get in between missions. In this case, Sonny and Clay head out on a walk, talking about possible lives outside of the job. Ideally, Clay’s openness to talk about such things should be present with every member of the team, but sadly, they keep secrets. While Sonny secretly continues his relationship with Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks), Jason refuses to talk about his current struggles with his past. Also, Ray decides not to reveal his possible promotion yet, fearing that Jason would lose it if he leaves Bravo Team. The team’s brotherhood is considerably strong and highly admirable, but sadly, there are still some things that some of them are afraid to discuss. Communication is critical in a capable team, so hopefully, these secrets of theirs come to light before it becomes the death of them.
Bagged the Whale

Target number one nearly blew Bravo Team to pieces, but the team survives and takes intel home with them. Following a lead from recovered devices, the unit mounts on a mission to intercept a mafia leader, Peter Malkin (Bojan Lazarov), in league with their target organization. Malkin surrenders helplessly as Bravo Team takes out his security without breaking a sweat. Also, Malik leads them straight to the big fish: Vadim Tarasov (Milan Milosevic). Hiding in a mansion located at the Accursed Mountains in Albania, Tarasov evaded the authorities. However, the terrorist’s time is up as Bravo Team descends in the dead of night. After methodologically taking out Tarasov’s security, Bravo Team finally finds Tarasov. Jason kills the man before he could do it to himself.
Bravo Team operates with high precision and ease, and Jason takes pride and strength in leading the pack. While distracted by visions of the past, Jason manages to push it aside and continue the mission. However, given Ray’s possible promotion and the eventual revelation of Sonny and Lisa’s relationship, Bravo Team’s strength may falter along with its leader, who holds on to his sanity by a thread.

Jason is a man of few words, so it is a surprise when he finally confides in Ray. Notably, the pair are the closest of friends in the group. It took quite some time, but Jason finally let someone know about what bothered him since the start of the season. One can easily infer Jason’s fatigue from carrying the weight of Bravo Team’s losses over the years. The contact list on his phone, containing past and present Bravo Team members, did not help, and the fact that Jason further alienated his children makes matters worse. Still, it is good that Jason finally frees himself of the stress he experiences. If left unchecked, Jason’s mental state of mind will eventually affect the team in ways that may prove fatal.
More Doors to Break Down

Indeed, Jason saw no life for him besides being Bravo Team’s leader. Since they completed their mission, Bravo Team now flies home to receive new orders. Along the way, the team celebrates their victory as well as Jason’s decision to extend his tour for two more years. This action raises Ray’s concern, bu Jason reassures him, mentioning that he is only as strong as the pack he leads. It is both encouraging and at the same time, disheartening to watch as Jason renews his oath. The man comes home to an empty apartment after the eventful trip back. One cannot help but wonder how long Jason will decide to keep his charade going before he reaches his tipping point.
‘SEAL Team’ Season 3, Episode 2 ‘Ignore and Override’ Final Verdict
SEAL Team explores the complexities of work-life balance as well as the mental health aspect of a soldier’s life. Of course, the leader has most of the spotlight, but we do have substantial snippets of what the other members of the Bravo Team face. However, the future of SEAL Team seems to become blurry as Ray’s promotion appears. Without his best buddy, Jason will only rely on his ‘ignore and override’method, which is unhealthy for both the team and himself. Still, this promotion is not definitive yet, so it is best to watch out for how that plays out.
SEAL Team continues Wednesday, October 16th, with ‘Adapt and Overcome’ at 9/8c on CBS.
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