‘Scandal’ Season 7 Episode 9 Quinn Is Alive; She Knows About Olivia’s Betrayal
BY Jessica Kelly
Published 7 years ago

“Scandal” Season 7 Episode 9 has revealed Quinn true fate. As expected, she and her baby are alive but in exchange for the life of one good person and Rowan “Eli” Pope’s freedom from Olivia.
Episode 9 of the final season of “Scandal” opens with a scene from the previous episode in which Charlie (George Newbern) is choking Eli (Joe Morton) after finding a baby in his house. Then everything went back to the days leading to that moment.
Eli purchased a huge suitcase and then kidnapped Quinn (Katie Lowes). He chains and locks up Quinn in his basement. When Quinn regains consciousness, she finds out that Eli kidnapped her. She reminds Eli of a B6113 rule – they can’t kill mothers and children. Eli explains the situation to Quinn and tells her that she will be free as soon as Olivia (Kerry Washington) gives his freedom as well as his dinosaur bones.
The episode also relives Olivia and Eli’s dinner where he revealed that he has Quinn. Olivia, however, refused to concede on her father’s demand. Eli then bought a crib. At home, Quinn finds out that Olivia turned down Eli’s offer which means she is letting Quinn die.
As Papa Pope is growing impatient waiting for Olivia to return his dinosaur bones, Quinn is having hallucinations of QPA members. First Charlie and then Huck (Guillermo Diaz) who asks her why she never told anyone about what Olivia had done to President Rashad. Quinn realizes that Olivia has become a monster and she will die because of it.
Eli summons Olivia at his house. Liv gives her father a minute to decide what he will do next after Eli did not shot her. Eli went downstairs with the intention to kill Quinn but she already managed to free herself using the hairpin that Olivia gave her. When Eli entered the basement, Quinn attacked him. Unfortunately, he overpowers her. She begs him to let her live until after her baby is born. He then pulls the trigger.
Quinn is Alive
After hearing two gunshots, Eli went back upstairs and asks Olivia if she wants to see Quinn’s body. Back in the basement, Quinn is still alive and heard Olivia telling Eli that the QPA needs to have a body to bury as Huck would never stop looking for Quinn.
After Liv left, Eli invited Quinn upstairs where she goes into labor. Quinn eventually delivers a baby with the help of store guy Marvin. Eli tells Quinn that she can’t leave just yet and she understands. Quinn tells him that he is a good person until she saw all the clothes for the baby that could go all the way up to two years old. This means she and her baby are not going to leave the house anytime soon.
Quinn went downstairs to confront Eli just to find him with the dead body of Marvin. Eli tells her that he killed the only friend he has to save Quinn and her baby. Quinn gets down on her knees to help him clean up the mess.
“Scandal” Season 7 Episode 10 Spoiler
To sum all up, Olivia let Quinn and her baby die. She thought Eli killed them but he does not. Now that Quinn knows that Liv could rather keep an upper-hand against her father than to save her life, how could she forgive her friend when they see each other again?
A promo for next week’s episode shows Olivia’s friends will have a sort of an intervention on her. Fritz (Tony Goldwyn) is seen inviting Olivia to Vermont, only to find out that her friends are also in there. It looks like the former president tricks Olivia to come to his house to find out the truth about what happened to Quinn. At the end of the teaser, Huck is seen asking Liv if she killed Quinn. Watch the promo below.
Don’t miss the next episode of “Scandal” Season 7 on Thursday at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.
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