Scams Season 1 Episode 3 Recap
BY Kean
Published 2 years ago

“Is scamming people a crime?” Kanbe asks. He explains that even though it is a crime, many people do the same thing, but legally. He gives examples such as people selling jewelry and making the buyer take out millions in loans. “So why aren’t they arrested?” Kanbe asks. “Because customers have consisted to buying those things,” Seimiya replies. Kanbe says he used to work at a real estate company. He says there were customers they knew couldn’t afford homes, but they still talked them into buying properties. Later, the customers either went bankrupt, or their families fell apart.
“Compared to that, this work is heaven,” he adds. He writes an example on the board comparing two situations: Stealing two million yen from a poor person with zero yen in savings compared to stealing two million yen from an ultra-rich person with 20 million in savings. “Which of these is the bigger crime? Which makes you feel sicker?” he asks. He adds that more than half of the money in Japan is held by those over 60. “But didn’t they work hard and save money when they were young?” Makoto asks. Kanbe argues that the economy was prosperous back then. He tells them that the average bank account of a person over 60 contains 20 million yen. They get a pension of 180,000 a month. Kanbe adds that the money the elderly left over when they die, including property, averages 30 million yen. “Why don’t they try to share it with all of you who are suffering?” Kanbe asks. “We don’t feel an ounce of guilt for taking two million from their type. In fact, we’re proud of what we do,” he adds.
When they go to work, they’re only allowed to bring cigarettes, money, and work phones. They check each other’s bags to ensure no one brings anything more. “Down with the elderly disease!” Dokugawa shouts. “Down with the elderly disease!” chants the five men.
They do different scenarios when they call elderly people. An example is a three-role type scenario that requires three players. The first player is the son. The second player is the complainant. The third person plays a lawyer or cop. The third person gets between the complainant and the target, brings up possibilities of a trial or termination and suggests a settlement. At first, they keep failing, but the players always get paid. The basic salary is 500,000 a month. They also get 10% if they succeed. They are not allowed to deposit the money in the bank. Drugs and alcohol are also forbidden. After some time, Makoto manages to make money to help with his father’s hospital bills.
Because they are doing well at work, Kanbe prepares a party for them. Women wearing sexy outfits start coming into the room. Everyone enjoys their time flirting with girls and drinking beer. But when Makoto looks at the woman beside him, he realizes it’s Himeka, Shotaro’s girlfriend. Himeka shows Makoto a photo of Shotaro with another woman. She says Shotaro was in Osaka, but he left the next day. They start drinking, and before they know it, they are both at Himeka’s house. Himeka pushes Makoto and is about to kiss him. But then they hear Yamada speaking through a megaphone. Yamada asks for Shotaro’s whereabouts, but Makoto lies and says they haven’t heard from him. Yamada walks to Himeka and sniffs her. “Well then, I guess you’ll just have to pay off the money he stole,” Yamada says. Makoto stops Yamada’s men from coming near Himeka. But then Yamada tells them to continue what they’re doing. So Yamada’s men drag Himeka out of the house. Before they make it out the door, Makoto stops them. “So you’re saying you’ll pay his debt?” Yamada says, laughing.
Our Thoughts
Kanbe’s speech at the beginning just sounded like an excuse for what they’re doing. First, stealing is stealing no matter who you steal from. Second, they really dress up as if what they’re doing is legal. They also wear corporate attire and are not allowed to get late at work. When you look at them they really think they’re not doing anything wrong, especially Kanbe who speaks like he’s doing some kind of justice. It would be fun to see what would happen to them when they get old. What would they think of the younger ones when that happens?
Kanbe knows what he’s doing. He targets the insecurities of these people who need money. Then they tell them that what they’re doing is not wrong. This way, the others get fooled easily. But because what they’re doing is illegal, they can’t really expect anything good to come out of it. Just like what’s happening to Makoto. Not only does he have to help his father with the hospital bills, but now he has to help pay his friend’s debt.
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