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Home REVIEW: Fear the Walking Dead “So Close Yet So Far”

REVIEW: Fear the Walking Dead “So Close Yet So Far”

BY The Screen Spy Team

Published 10 years ago

REVIEW: Fear the Walking Dead

By Lewis Richards

Society is cracking as the virus spreads. Our survivors don't know just how out in the open they are as the undead begin to roam the neighborhood. Madison shows her survival instincts as she is forced into her second encounter with a Walker, all while the world continues to largely ignore the severity of the outbreak.

Yes, every second is critical as we found out in this week's episode of Fear the Walking Dead. Word is spreading fast, along with the zombie infection, as it becomes clear that today is truly day one of the apocalypse. Not everyone is on the same page, and we see a family obliviously setting up for a birthday party in their front garden. Nick is worried for their well being, but as we see later, they will be up to speed soon enough.

After an emotional goodbye to Matt, Alicia remains somewhat irritatingly naive. She hasn't yet had to deal with one of the turned face to face and is dismissive when warned about leaving the house and going to Matt's.  If Nick hadn't had that seizure would she still have gone? Probably. It's hard not to draw upon existing show knowledge, but it was frustrating and nail-biting to see our characters shining torches out through their windows and slamming doors while a neighbor viciously attacks another on the now deflated bouncy castle from a birthday party. I think our survivors need to take a leaf out of Tobias' book and wise up.

Meanwhile, just hours after dismissing Nick's claims of Walker-Gloria, Travis and Madison are put in immediate danger and are forced to fight for their lives. Yes, it's been a tough day for Madison and the family.

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It’s looking more and more likely that each episode will be pivotal from now on. Nick is going to be interesting to watch as we see early signs of his withdrawal symptoms begin to manifest themselves. It appears his intentions to give up are genuine but he’s a little too excited at the sight of the oxycontin. Either the family will be forced to go on more runs for drugs or Nick is going to have a much harder struggle in the desert. Either way, he is clearly going to be a liability for the group going forward. To boot, his relationship with his sister is damaged as her plans to ‘get away’ from the family and their struggle against Nick’s addiction are now a distant memory. Will they be able to continue to co exist and defend themselves? Will they learn to put survival before their relationship?

It looks like our survivors are somewhat prepared for what is ahead. They definitely have more information and experience than most of the population. The small window they had allows them to at least partly prepare to flee the city. Have their errands left them with enough time? Having already had to kill to survive it is surely going to be a thrilling build up to the episode 6 finale.

It has been a great start and things look set to carry on that way. Next week can’t come soon enough!

Fear the Walking Dead continues Sundays at 9/8c on AMC.

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