‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 7, Episode 20 ‘Is This Henry Mills?’ Recap: Cure Of The Past [SPOILERS]
BY Stephanie Larson
Published 7 years ago
!['Once Upon A Time' Season 7, Episode 20 'Is This Henry Mills?' Recap: Cure Of The Past [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Screen-Shot-2018-05-01-at-6.40.17-AM-www.imagesplitter.net_.jpeg?fit=660%2C391&ssl=1)
In the last episode of “Once Upon A Time,” titled “Flower Child,” it was such a bittersweet moment to see Jacinda (Dania Ramirez), and Henry (Andrew J. West) finally share that true love’s kiss without breaking the curse. It would’ve been a tad too early to give that story a happy ending.
After all, “Once Upon A Time” is set to write the final “The End” after seven years in a few days time. Before we all get too emotional, let’s get back to our hero on focus in this week’s episode–Henry Mills. It seems that our author, the one who’s always made everyone believe since the beginning has lost his own belief. Now, it’s up to everyone who remembers to bring the old Henry back. Or is it?
In tonight’s episode, titled “Is This Henry?,” “Once Upon A Time” is once again tying loose ends. There will be no stone left unturned it seems when it comes to the past. Just imagine receiving a phone call that will save your entire life. Creepy? More like magical.
Gothel Sends The Heroes To Their Wits End
Gothel visits Roni (Lana Parilla) and Lucy (Alison Fernandez) outside Roni’s bar. She tries to convince Roni to join her coven, however, Roni firmly rejects. Gothel taunts her and also reveals that Henry not breaking the curse wasn’t a coincidence. It so happens that Henry has ‘grown up’ and lost all his belief.

In the past, Roni gives Henry (Jared Gilmore) his first car. They get into discussing college and Henry tells Roni that he might not go to college in Storybrooke. He wants to consider other options outside Storybrooke. Roni is stunned, but, she, later on, she realizes that being a parent also means learning to let go. She even gets Henry all the college applications he needs.
Back in the present, Roni tries to gather what little amount of magic she could until Weaver (Robert Carlyle) comes in. He apologizes for stealing the potion meant to save Henry and offers a memory potion as consolation. He realizes that he might not ever get back to Belle so the only thing he could do is help the family he has as of the moment.
Underground Hyperion Heights, Rogers (Colin O’Donoghue) finds out that whenever a witch of the coven exhausts her power, she turns into a tree. He escapes his binds and tries to break Tilly’s (Rose Reynolds) reverie, however, his poisoned heart prevents him from doing so. Instead, he promises to come back and save her.
Meanwhile, Roni visits Henry. She successfully pours the memory potion into his cup of coffee. But, it still doesn’t work. Desperate, Roni tells him the truth firsthand. However, it only upsets Henry. In Jacinda’s apartment, Lucy is just as upset. Sabine (Mekia Cox) comes along and steals her mother away to help her look for Drew who’s been missing for a few days.
Weaver Hooks Up Rogers To The Truth
Rogers goes back to the precinct and demands the truth from Weaver. Having no other choice, Weaver easily complies. He confirms that Rogers isn’t mad and that everything in Henry’s book is real. Tilly is Roger’s daughter and he has a poisoned heart that prevents him from going anywhere near her. Rogers asks who he was/is in the other place. But, Weaver only tells him that he’s a survivor. Weaver turns to go but, he steps back and calls Rogers ‘captain’. (Who else rioted in joy here?) The pair then heads to Roni and enlists Margot’s (Tiera Skovbye) help to save Tilly.

Meanwhile, Lucy meets Roni in the cemetery. Roni thinks that maybe if Henry touched his second book, it will bring back his memories like it did to Emma eons before. Roni digs up the book from Victoria’s grave while Lucy is tasked to get Henry to the bar. However, when they let Henry touch the book, nothing still happens. Roni desperately shows him his adoption papers, however, it only makes Henry more upset.
Roni once again tells Henry the truth. But this time, she reveals that Gothel’s (Emma Booth) curse also brought them back in time. Technically, they’re still on the same timeline as young Henry deciding where to go to college. However, no matter what Roni tells Henry, he refuses to believe. Roni realizes that he’s lost belief in himself and still blames himself because of his failure to save his family. Roni gives him her motherly love and support but, Henry bids goodbye and leaves.
A Phone Call Brings Back Memories
Rogers and Weaver bring Margot to Tilly. Tilly tears up with Margot’s words, however, she tosses Margot away with her newfound magic. In addition to that, she shrinks Weaver, Rogers, and Margot. On the other hand, Sabine and Jacinda disturb Facilier (Daniel Francis) to confront him about Drew’s (Jeff Pierre) disappearance. Facilier shows them the tied up prince in his closet and forces the women in as well.

Meanwhile, Lucy throws a tantrum and shuts the door at Henry’s face. In a moment of doubt, Henry calls the phone number in the adoption papers Roni smartly sneaked into his bag. Young Henry on his graduation day answers the phone. Henry’s own self is what brings back all of adults Henry’s memories.
After recovering, adult Henry gives young Henry some advice. “Home isn’t a place. It’s the people in it. And they will always be with you.” In addition to that, adult Henry tells young Henry to check for the graduation gift that fell behind the dresser. After the call, young Henry opens the gift and discovers a magic bean inside. As Lucy comes out of her room, adult Henry swipes her up in a big hug. But, they don’t have time for all the mushy family reunion antics yet. Henry rushes off to Roni who’s already losing the one-on-one battle with Gothel.
True Love Becomes The True Hero
After young Henry’s graduation party, he finally tells his mom the truth. He tells Roni that the reason he couldn’t choose a college is that he doesn’t want to leave home. But, because of the advice he received over the phone, he’s changed his mind. Roni asks what school he chose but, Henry leaves it for the morning.
On the other side of this messed up timeline, adult Henry rushes to his mother’s aid. He finds Roni unconscious and begs her to come back to him. With tears in his eyes, he tells her he loves her and kisses her forehead. This is the true love’s kiss that breaks all of Gothel’s spells. Before she disintegrates, Tilly is broken free from her reverie. Robin’s memories come back and she runs to kiss Tilly. Rumple turns to Hook and greets him back with “Captain.”
Henry might’ve broken the curse and Regina’s magic is back, however, it’s not enough to battle Gothel. Tilly and the others arrive just in time. Tilly’s confidence falls upon knowing it’s up to her to stop her mother. But, no matter the pain, Hook stands by his daughter and holds her hand in support. Robin grabs Tilly’s other hand in return.
Gothel tries her last negotiation with her daughter but, Tilly’s mind is set. All out of options, Gothel fires her magic at Tilly but, Tilly counters it and Gothel is overcome. The witch turns into a dead tree. Tilly, however, forgives her mother and lets flowers grow on her black roots.
Meanwhile, the return of the fierce Princess Tiana and Jacinda sends Facilier on the run. As Tiana and Naveen reunite, Jacinda runs off to her own beloved. At the same time, Regina reads a letter written by the young Henry in that timeline. Henry has given her the true essay he wanted to write for his college applications. He entitled it “Once Upon A Time,” and it’s their story.
‘Once Upon A Time’ Lets The Final Problem Lose
At the beginning of this tale, Henry tells his mother that he’s not afraid to leave home because home will always be with him. It can’t be found on the map, but in it, you’ll find magic, love, hope, and something to believe in. In there is a family that fights for one another, who never gives up on each other, and even when they’re separated by a curse, distance, or time, they find each other. And now, he yearns to make his story known. As he said, “I wish the world could know the story of my family, how it was all true, how every moment of it happened. And you may think this is just a story but, that’s the thing about stories. They’re more than words. They live inside of us. They make us who we are. And as long as someone believes that, there will always be magic.”
With that problem solved, Rumple goes back to the precinct and discovers his dagger gone. He goes to Facilier’s office and instead retrieves the missing picture book of him and Belle. Facilier arrives but, now that Rumple has magic, he easily threatens the witchdoctor. However, Rumple looks down on the picture book and forgoes his threat to Facilier. Facilier insults him by telling Rumple that he has become the worst version of himself. Suddenly, someone stabs him. As he falls, his stabber reveals himself to be the real worst version of Rumple: the one with the crocodile skin and the rotten smile who escaped from the wish realm.
“Once Upon A Time” continues next Friday, May 11th, with “Homecoming” at 8/7c on ABC.
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