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Home Articles TV Never Have I Ever Season 1 Episode 5 Recap – …started a nuclear war

Never Have I Ever Season 1 Episode 5 Recap – …started a nuclear war

BY Angela

Published 2 years ago

Never Have I Ever Season 1 Episode 5 Recap - ...started a nuclear war

After Ganesh Puja, Devi returns to becoming a house servant as a form of her mother’s punishment after getting drunk and bitten by a coyote.

Meanwhile, Fabiola asks her family to gather for an announcement. She plans to come out to them and tell them she’s gay, but she doesn‘t have enough courage, so she just tells them she’s switching from AP French to AP Latin.

At school, Devi rants to Fabiola and Eleanor about how her mother won’t let her leave the house except for school events and wants her to clean their chimney. Eleanor says she wishes Devi will get out of being grounded soon so they can party during spring break. She shows them a postcard her mother sent her and says her ship had just arrived in Cancun. John narrates that Eleanor’s mother is an aspiring actress who abandoned Eleanor when she was just seven years old to follow her dreams. He says she is currently starring in “Thoroughly Modern Millie” on a Weight Watchers Cruise. While Eleanor and Devi talk about the postcard, Fabiola’s attention is elsewhere — Eve. Paxton walks in and asks Devi to join his crew. Fabiola and Eleanor beam in delight because it‘s the first time he publicly acknowledged Devi. They tell her to go and leave them because they will just weigh her down.

Devi overhears Ben talking to Mr. Shapiro. He says their Model UN Conference Team is short of a man because someone is sick. Devi gets an idea: She’ll join the team to get out of her house duties.

Eleanor and Fabiola talk about how desperate Devi must have been if she chose to join the Model UN trip by the lockers when Paxton and Trent walk by. Paxton tells Eleanor her mother was their server at Casa Mexico the previous night, and she was cool because she gave them extra chips. Eleanor tells him it‘s impossible because her mother is an actress on a cruise docked in Cancun. He says his mother knew Eleanor’s mom, and they talked, so he’s sure about it. Eleanor gets upset and says he cannot just start a rumor about her mom like such. She calls him a racist. He tells her he’s not racist. After all, he’s Asian because he’s part Japanese.

On the bus heading to the Model UN Conference, Ben preps the team when Mr. Shapiro and Devi go in. He tells Devi she cannot come with them because it‘s a clear violation of their pact to split extracurricular activities. Devi tells him just to chill out because it‘s just for two days and that she might just swap Model UN with the Chinese Club if she turns out to be a natural.

Eleanor and Fabiola go to Casa Mexico to see if Paxton is telling the truth.

After the day’s session at Model UN Conference, Devi blasts Ben because she crushed it even with zero prep. Ben tells her she might think she‘s hot just because she’s having sex with Paxton. He says being Paxton’s secret sidepiece does not make him think Devi is less of a loser. A fellow student hears it and immediately texts her friend: Devi and Paxton are having sex.

Devi walks into the hotel room she is sharing with the other girls. They say they worship her, and she is an inspiration because they didn’t think that a girl on the Model UN could be with someone like Paxton. Devi thinks about telling them the truth between her and Paxton but decides not to. Before they can talk more, Devi sees a note coming from under the door. She reads it, and it says that the delegate representing Russia wants to meet outside. Devi goes out and sees Russia with Ben. When Ben sees that Russia has called for Devi, he immediately says he’s out.

Devi and Ben start walking away when Russia tells them he wants to get drunk with them. Ben says he doesn‘t want to get in trouble because he still represents their school. Devi says she also can’t. Russia says he needs it because his mom is so strict, and everyone in his school hates him. He says he is unlike Devi, who everyone loves because she is having sex with Paxton. Devi, again, decides that she will just let them believe the lie about her and Paxton. Ben asks Russia how they’ll get alcohol. Russia says they can get some from a realtor’s convention in their hotel. Devi says she doesn’t know because she is still grounded for drinking. Russia asks her why it bothers her so much when sneaking out, getting grounded, and hooking up are normal things for her because she is cool. Devi decides to play along, so she agrees with the plan. Not wanting to be outdone by Devi, Ben says he’s also in.

Eleanor and Fabiola arrive at Casa Mexico. They see Eleanor’s mother. She says she can explain, but Eleanor runs away before she can do so.

Devi and Ben ensure Mr. Shapiro is occupied before going to the realtor’s conference. They distract the bartender while Russia sneaks in and gets a couple of alcohol bottles. Russia gets caught on his way out and throws Devi and Ben under the bus, saying they made him steal alcohol by bullying him. Devi and Ben run for their lives and hide in the first open room they see. Once they’re clear, they turn on the lights and see they’re actually in the wine supply room. They both smile.

Eleanor eats ice cream with Fabiola. Fabiola says she‘s sure Eleanor’s mom has an explanation for what she did. Eleanor says Fabiola is lucky because she has a perfect family and does not have a huge lie threatening to tear everyone apart. Fabiola says they’re not perfect; they don’t know she’s gay. She apologizes to Eleanor for not telling her sooner, but Eleanor hugs her and says she doesn‘t have to apologize. Fabiola reveals she likes Eve from their History class. They call Devi to update her with the latest, but their call gets ignored.

Devi drinks with the rest of the delegates. Ben comes to her and tells her they can be a pretty good team and suggests they work together the next day so they can both have good things to put on their transcripts. She agrees. Mr. Shapiro busts them all out, so the party’s over. Devi is happy because she inspires the girls. She also finally sees eye-to-eye with Ben. After she falls asleep, she gets a text from Paxton asking her why she‘s lying to everyone about them having sex.

The following day, Devi sees Paxton’s texts and tries to call him to explain. He doesn’t answer. Devi is distraught. She blames Ben for the rumors. During a session, Ben pitches an idea he expects Devi to support, but since Devi is mad at him, she disagrees with his idea and causes the whole team to declare an imaginary nuclear war, or a third world war, between Equatorial Guinea and the US.

Back in school, Eleanor makes a compelling and realistic drama reading during her audition for “The Glass Menagerie” because of what happened with her mother. As a result, she gets the lead role. Devi arrives at school and goes to see Paxton right away. She apologizes for the rumors. She says her friends just assumed it, but she never corrected them, so it got out of hand. Paxton tells her she‘s just using him, and everything’s messed up. Fabiola and Eleanor talk to her, but she‘s so overwhelmed and upset about what happened to pay attention to them. She says whatever is going on with them cannot be bigger than what she’s dealing with.

At home, Nalini comes to Devi’s room and tells her she is no longer grounded. She says she can meet with Fabiola and Eleanor, but Devi says she doesn‘t feel like going anywhere.

Our Thoughts

Uh-oh! Devi has become so self-centered that she may have ruined several things. First, she might have made a real enemy out of Ben, who’s not her biggest fan. Second, she might have ruined any chance of her and Paxton being friends, let alone being more than that, after she let rumors spread about them. Lastly, she might have ruined her friendship with Fabiola and Eleanor, who definitely have bigger issues than the rumors about her. I hope she can still save herself before losing everyone on her side.

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