Never Have I Ever Season 1 Episode 10 Recap – …said I‘m sorry
BY Angela
Published 2 years ago

Devi wakes up in Ben’s house. Flashback: Devi decided to run away from home after the fight with her mom. She also can’t go to either Fabiola’s, Eleanor’s, or Paxton’s house, so she asked Ben. Ben’s parents welcomed her and made her stay in their rock ’n’ roll-themed guest room.
While having breakfast with Ben, he tells Devi he’s surprised that Nalini hasn’t called the police to drag Devi out of their house. He says Devi should apologize, but Devi says she shouldn’t be the one apologizing.
At school, Kamala shows up with some things that Devi might need while staying at Ben’s. Devi tells Kamala that she will not return home until her mom promises not to move back to India. Meanwhile, Nalini calls the realtor and asks her to place their house on the market. The realtor says it’s such a shame because Mohan loves their home.
Devi talks to Paxton and apologizes for her mom being crazy. She asks Paxton to hang out with her, but he brushes her off.
Nalini visits Dr. Ryan and tells her she told Devi about moving back to India, but she ran away. Dr. Ryan tells her that moving won’t necessarily change the problems Devi is dealing with. Nalini says she knows she’s tough on Devi, which might be why Devi wished she’s the one who died instead of Mohan. Dr. Ryan suggests that Nalini show Devi that she’s also struggling and isn’t always so strong because falling apart might actually be the thing that brings their family back together.
Devi watches Paxton’s story on Instagram by Ben’s pool when a memory notification pops out: her father’s birthday. A video plays where Devi brings Mohan a cake. She browses through some old photos of the three of them that day. Patty calls out and tells Devi she has a visitor: Nalini. Nalini tells Devi that she doesn’t want them to fight anymore. She says it’s Mohan’s birthday, so she thinks it’s time for them to scatter his ashes. Devi accuses her of just wanting to get rid of Mohan’s ashes as part of her spring cleaning. Nalini says she wants them to do it together and that Devi is being unkind. Devi tells her to count her out because she’s not Marie Kondo-ing members of their family for her dumb India move. Nalini says she doesn’t want to fight and that if Devi changes her mind, she and Kamala are leaving the house for Malibu by 5:00 PM.
Devi talks to Ben and tells him that her mother just came in and asked her to spread her dad’s ashes with her. Ben thinks it’s a good thing, but Devi thinks her mom is just trying to manipulate her by using the ashes, so she says she’s not doing it. Ben is bothered, so he talks to Eleanor and Fabiola.
Becca tells Paxton that Devi called her and asked her for a job at Old Navy. She asks Paxton why Devi has not come over in a while, even though he has already kissed her. She says she likes Devi, so she should be his girlfriend. Paxton says he’s cool, while Devi is known for competing in the National Quiz Bee. Becca calls him a douche and says he’s stupid if he blows Devi off.
Ben brings Eleanor and Fabiola to Devi’s room. They tell Devi that even though they’re not speaking, they still care for her, and they think she’s making a decision she will regret by not joining her mother as she scatters her father’s ashes. Devi calls out Eleanor for talking about regrets when she’s always wearing tan and beige instead of her usual colorful ensemble, not joining the school play. Fabiola agrees. Devi says avoiding acting can’t make her happy. Eleanor agrees, so Devi tells them they miss her. Eleanor and Fabiola hug her to make up. They tell her she has to say goodbye to his dad. Gears says the time is 4:55 PM. Devi realizes she’ll make it in time, so Ben volunteers to take her.
Ben drives her to their house, but Kamala and Nalini are already gone. She tries calling them but her calls go straight to voicemail. Ben says he’ll take her to Malibu even when Ben struggles to drive on the highway.
Once there, Devi runs at once to get down by the shore before they throw the ashes. She screams from the top, but Kamala and Nalini don’t hear her. John McEnroe hears her screaming and approaches her. He screams for her so they stop. She runs toward them and apologizes profusely to Nalini for wishing she’s dead. Nalini accepts her apologies and hugs her. They scatter the ashes and say goodbye to Mohan.
They make their way back to the road. Devi asks if they can make pancakes for dinner, just like her father used to. Nalini says they can, but Devi has to come home to eat them. Devi agrees.
Once they’re on the road, Devi sees that Ben stayed and is asleep in his car. Devi goes into the car, waking Ben. He asks if Devi made it on time. He says he stayed because he wanted to make sure Devi is okay. Devi kisses him, so he kisses her back. While kissing, Paxton calls Devi’s phone, but it goes to voicemail. It turns out Paxton is at her house and wants to hang out. He asks her to call him or text him.
Our Thoughts
Whoa, whoa, whoa! So both Ben and Paxton are into Devi! Wow, girl! You have a tough decision to make. My vote is for Ben because he seems to be a good guy. It feels like they would enjoy the same things. I mean, it’s too early to judge Paxton, but it just seems right for Devi and Ben to be together. I’m very happy that Devi and Nalini are on good terms once again and that Devi is also speaking to Fabiola and Eleanor again. All’s well that ends well!
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