‘NCIS’ Season 15 Episode 15 Gibbs and Fornell Taking Down Hicks, Sloan’s Life in Danger [Spoiler]
BY Jessica Kelly
Published 7 years ago
![‘NCIS’ Season 15 Episode 15 Gibbs and Fornell Taking Down Hicks, Sloan’s Life in Danger [Spoiler]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/NCIS-2.jpg?fit=660%2C346&ssl=1)
“NCIS” Season 15 is taking a brief hiatus but viewers never stop speculating on what might happen in the upcoming Episode 15. Is Sloan going to be okay? Former FBI agent Fornell is coming back but so as this season villain Gabriel Hicks.
All hands on deck in “NCIS” Season 15 Episode 15 as Team Gibbs will hunt down Hicks (Graham Hamilton). Synopsis for the upcoming episode states that special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) is teaming up with Fornell to bring down Hicks.
It can be recalled that in the previous episode, Gibbs made a confession to Fornell about Hicks. He admitted to his BFF that he made a mistake when he testified in court which led to the exoneration of Hicks from the murder of a Navy officer. Of course, Fornell is mad but in the end, he and Gibbs agreed to help each other in bringing Hicks back to prison.
Jack Sloan in Danger
Sloan (Maria Bello) has been knocked down after her friend and Hicks’ lawyer Jessica Shaeffer’s (Hilliary Ward) car exploded. The two had a talk outside Jessica’s apartment. Jessica informed Sloan that she already resigned as Hicks’ attorney.
However, Jessica refused to tell Sloan her reason for giving up Hicks’ case. She, however, urged the NCIS psychologist to keep on digging for more information about Hicks. Earlier in the episode, Sloan told Jessica that Hicks is ambidextrous, which means he could have killed the Navy officer after all. An ambidextrous person can able to use the right and left hands evenly well.
After their conversation, Jessica gets into her car, without knowing that it was rigged with explosives. Sloan is just a few feet away when the car when it blows up. She is talking to Gibbs when it happens. The scene closes with Sloan unconscious on the ground while Gibbs can be heard shouting her name over the phone.
“NCIS” Season 15 Episode 15 Preview
In the upcoming episode titled “Keep Your Enemies Closer, Gibbs could be breaking another of his rules. It is teased that he will be working with convicted murderer Paul Triff (French Stewart) to recapture Hicks. Remember Triff?
He was the one who dismembered the bodies of three known criminals with an electric carving knife in his apartment. The apartment was later bought by former NCIS agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly). Now, it is owned by NCIS agent Tim McGee (Sean Murray). In the previous season, Triff appeared in an episode when McGee’s apartment was ransacked by some men. The burglars were later revealed to be looking for another dead body in the house.
In the upcoming Episode 15, Paul will be given a 48-hour furlough at his former house in exchange for information about his former cellmate, Hicks. How this will play out with McGee is remain to be seen. His wife, Delilah, played it cool when she found out that there was a dead body hidden in their under-bed area. She will probably freak out when her husband informs her that a murderer will be living with their them and their twins.
Given that Triff will be in McGee’s house, it is safe to say that the team will also find out about Gibbs’ mission to bring down Hicks. Don’t miss “NCIS” Season 15 Episode 15 will air on Feb. 27, at 8 p.m. on CBS.
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