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Home Articles TV My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 10 Recap – Shoto Todoroki: Origin

My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 10 Recap – Shoto Todoroki: Origin

BY Harris

Published 3 years ago

My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 10 Recap - Shoto Todoroki: Origin


The weight of responsibility falls on Midoriya and Todoroki as inheritors of the number 1 and number 2 heroes’ quirk, respectively. They face each other in the arena; one has something to prove to his father, while the other wants a tribute to those who helped him—everyone in attendance cheers for the match.

As soon as Present Mic declares the fight start, Todoroki unleashes a wave of ice that Midoriya deflects with his finger. A gust of cold air sweeps through the stadium. Todoroki’s hunch is confirmed as Midoriya’s injures his finger from the attack. Todoroki decided to unleash a full barrage right out of the gates to catch Midoriya’s reaction.

Todoroki uses the attack again and destroys another one of Midoriya’s fingers. At this point, Midoriya is open to sacrificing an arm for the match. For now, he’s using up his fingers like ammunition.

Back at the stands, Kirishima talks to his next opponent Bakugo and comments how he and Todoroki have the tendency to fire all-out attacks. Bakugo denies that he can do such a thing and explains that there are physical limits to his attacks too. This also means that Midoriya’s approach to his match is to outlast his opponent in an endurance battle.

Giving it all

After performing Smash defenses, Midoriya uses up four of his fingers. Todoroki follows up by constructing an ice bridge to attack him. Midoriya’s foot gets caught in the ice, so he’s forced to throw a powerful punch, destroying his left arm.

Todoroki gets thrown back but can stop himself with an ice pillar. Suddenly Midoriya notices his opponent shaking with ice enveloping his body. Midoriya’s arms are now used up, so Todoroki unleashes another ice attack, which is swiped away again by an already injured finger.

Todoroki’s right side is cooling down, something he can actually stop with his left side. Midoriya admonishes Todoroki for holding back while everyone is giving their best. He’s only using half of his power. On top of that, all of Midoriya’s injuries are self-inflicted. He challenges Todoroki to give it his all.

Annoyed, Todoroki runs at him with a slowed movement. Midoriya receives him with a controlled punch. Cementoss asks Midnight if they should stop the fight, seeing the damage to the boy’s body.


The two engage in a close-quarters brawl, with each determined to be number one. Even with broken limbs, Midoriya continues to fight with all his got. Todoroki remembers the harsh training he received from Endeavor and how he hurt his mother. He also remembers not being able to play with his siblings since he is considered the chosen one of their family. As a result, he doesn’t want to end up like his dad.

Todoroki’s body starts freezing up as Midoriya lands another punch. Midoriya then asks him if it truly is his power or not. He remembers words from his childhood, of All Might, saying that everyone’s quirk is their own, of his mother telling him he can be who he wants to be.

Finally, Todoroki uses his left side to unleash his flames. He realizes that Midoriya planned to get it out of him all this time. Todoroki proclaims he wants to be a hero while Endeavor cheers him on.

He asks why Midoriya is smiling, and they clash with all they have. The arena explodes in a huge blast, and the smoke dissipates to show Midoriya passed out on the stadium walls. They declare Todoroki as the winner.

Our Thoughts

Part of me can’t believe Midoriya only fought to get Todoroki out of his block. Still, it was a good showing. Also, Todoroki is overpowered, 4.2/5.

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