Money Heist Season 4 Episode 6 Recap – TKO
Published 3 years ago

[00:00:15] The team heard Nairobi struggling, so they rushed towards her. Nairobi did her best to defend herself, but she was no match for Gandia. Palermo instructed Rio and Denver to climb the vent. Palermo, Helsinki, Bogota, and Stockholm positioned themselves at the bathroom entrance. Gandia noticed that someone was trying to enter the bathroom, so he shoved Nairobi away from the door. He pulled her out of the way and riddled the door with bullets. Bogota and Helsinki retreated as Gandia punched a hole through the door and shoved Nairobi’s head into it. He threatened to kill Nairobi if anyone tried to enter. Helsinki shot his pistol through the door and hit Gandia’s vest. Gandia retaliated by shooting Nairobi in her hand.
[00:04:20] Nairobi remembered her talk with Sergio before the beginning of the heist. She told him that the team was the closest thing she had ever had to a real family. She added that she had already lost hope of having a real family. Nairobi suddenly asked Sergio if he was willing to be the father of her child. She added that she needed good genes in order to have quality offspring, and she couldn’t think of a better candidate than Sergio. Sergio declined stating that he couldn’t bear the thought of having a child somewhere in the world. Nairobi told Sergio that they were a family, and he had taught them to help each other out with no questions asked. Sergio understood what Nairobi meant, and he agreed to become the father of her child.
[00:08:00] Sergio told Nairobi that they wouldn’t do it the traditional way; instead, she would bear a child through science. Nairobi agreed and they decided to do it after the heist. Nairobi came back to reality, where she was still stuck in the bathroom door. She asked the team if they had found Tokyo; they told her that she was still stuck inside the panic room. During the ceasefire, Gandia checked his weapons as Denver and Rio made their way through the vents. However, they were making too much noise, and Gandia realized that someone was crawling inside the vents. He broke a mirror inside the bathroom and attached a piece of glass to his gun to use as a periscope to peak through the vent. Gandia saw Denver and Rio inside the vent and immediately opened fire.
[00:09:50] Denver and Rio got out of harm’s way as Gandia continued to fire into the vents. Nairobi told Gandia that he would be killed by gay people, referring to Helsinki and Palermo. Gandia wanted to know where everyone was, so he started singing and made them sing along. He threatened to shoot Nairobi if they didn’t sing along. Tokyo heard the team singing and knew that things weren’t going as planned.
[00:12:50] Sergio no longer knew what to do. Lisbon, Tokyo and Nairobi were all in danger. He couldn’t think straight with all the emotional attachments that he had with the team. He has a relationship with Lisbon, Tokyo looked up to him as a father, and Nairobi was expecting to have a son using his sperm. This was why he didn’t like to have any attachments whatsoever with the team. Marseille did his best to talk some sense into Sergio. Somehow it worked, and Sergio figured out where the Panic room was located. He radioed Palermo that the room was behind the governor’s office.
[00:14:30] The hostages could hear the team singing; they told Arturo that singing church music was a bad omen. Arturo responded that the team sang all the time. He talked to the governor urging him to act and be a hero. The governor wanted to just sit in peace and wait for the heist to end. Matias guarded the hostages as the situation escalated downstairs. Arturo tried to convince someone to risk their life for everyone else, but the governor wasn’t going to fall for his trick. He responded that Arturo was a fraud, and his ideas always got someone else in trouble. The governor told Arturo that if he wanted to die trying to be a hero, he could do it on his own.
[00:16:30] Inspector Sierra and Angel wondered why they weren’t doing anything when they heard explosions and gunfire within the bank of Spain. Colonel Tamayo was relaxed as though nothing had happened. Angel and Alicia questioned his calmness and wanted him to tell them what he knew. Colonel Tamayo told them it was Gandia, the head of security, who was causing all the commotion inside the bank. He added that his official command had been to stand down, but Gandia didn’t care and wanted to wage war against the robbers. Colonel Tamayo told Angel and Alicia that he couldn’t stop Gandia if he wanted to kill everyone inside the bank.
[00:17:50] Sergio started thinking. Sergio asked Marseille how things had gone south for the team. Marseille told him that they had lost control when Denver went outside with the state secrets instead of Gandia and the rest of the guards. The second time they had lost control was when Lisbon failed to climb a tree. Sergio told Marseille that they needed to step back and undo the mistakes that they had made. Sergio radioed Palermo to hang in there as he had thought of a solution to their problems.
[00:18:50] Paquita crawled over to Arturo and handed him a cellphone. She told Arturo that the police had given it to Nairobi earlier. She had found the phone while she cleaned the offices earlier. Arturo took the phone and hid it inside his overalls before Matias came inside the library. Julia tried to help the team and asked Matias if she could go to the bathroom, but he refused to take her. Julia remembered when Denver interrogated had her back at the monastery. Denver wanted to know when she had decided to become a woman, but she told him that she had been a woman her entire life. Denver didn’t believe her, citing the moments they had spent on robberies. Julia told Denver that she had been a woman even during those days.
[00:23:30] Julia couldn’t bear it anymore. She got up and rushed out the library. She told Matias that she could no longer hold her pee, but she really wanted to help the team. Arturo gave the phone to Miguel. He told Miguel to keep the phone as the team would always be suspicious of him. Julia reached the lobby and found Nairobi stuck in a door. She demanded to be given a pistol so that she could help out. Palermo gave her one but sent her back with the hostages saying that her job was to stay hidden as a hostage.
[00:25:00] Palermo wanted to negotiate with Gandia, but he wasn’t willing. Gandia told Palermo that he either got out alive or he died trying to kill everyone else. Palermo didn’t trust Gandia, but Bogota wanted them to act as soon as possible in order to save Nairobi. Nairobi tried to buy time for Tokyo by teasing Gandia. She reminded him how they had got the best of him during the beginning of the heist. Gandia nearly shot Nairobi for pissing him off. Palermo told Gandia that they would let him out. Gandia responded that everyone needed to line up against the wall and that he would use Nairobi as a human shield in order to get out of the bathroom.
[00:28:00] Inspector Sierra continued to annoy Raquel as she sat inside the interrogation room. She wanted to know why Raquel had decided not to call her mother and daughter earlier. Raquel told Alicia that it had just been a diversion in order for Sergio to get away. She boasted that it had worked, and Sergio had gotten away while Alicia wasted her time interrogating her. Alicia told Raquel that she thought Sergio had been able to tell Raquel that he was alright, and he knew she was still alive. Alicia added that she would find out eventually.
[00:30:30] Sergio boxed with a punching bag. He told Marseille earlier that he needed exercise in order for his mind to work properly. As soon as he thought of something, Sergio removed his gloves and headed back to his station. He called on his tech team to track Rio’s plane, which belonged to the Spanish Air force. Back at the bank, Arturo instructed Miguel to call the number on the phone. Antoñanzas told Colonel Tamayo and Inspector Sierra about the incoming call. Miguel cancelled the call telling Arturo that he didn’t want to speak with the police. Arturo told him to just keep the call running, and the police would know what to do.
[00:32:50] Arturo and Miguel called the police and spoke to them. He told them that no one was guarding the main hall and that it would be the perfect opportunity for the police to barge in and take control of the situation. Inspector Sierra wanted to act immediately, but Colonel Tamayo told her that the President no longer wanted any armored vehicles to approach the bank. Miguel got cold feet and threw the phone to Arturo. Matias saw the two of them talking, so he decided to check and see what was going on. He separated Miguel from Arturo. He threatened to shoot Arturo if he tried anything.
[00:34:00] Colonel Tamayo ordered Suarez to get an intervention unit ready to enter the bank. Suarez and his men were ready to get their revenge. Sergio’s tech team told him that Rio had ridden a plane from Algeria to Spain. He ordered them to track the car that Rio took after he got out of the plane. Sergio ordered Marseille to go to Algeria and wait for further instructions.
[00:35:50] Rio and Denver got out of the vent and joined the team. Denver asked Nairobi where Gandia was, but she didn’t know. Denver wanted to start shooting, but Palermo stopped him. Gandia checked to make sure Denver and Rio were back with the team. Gandia told them that he was going to start by releasing Nairobi. She remembered the time that she had told Tokyo that she was going to be an aunt. Tokyo suggested that they named the baby Ibiza. Nairobi loved the name and told Tokyo that it would be so popular once the kid started going to school. Nairobi also told Tokyo that they would break the Professor’s rule by seeing each other after the heist. Tokyo and Nairobi started to party as Stockholm and Lisbon overheard the music. They all danced and drank like it was a bachelorette party.
[00:39:30] Gandia and Nairobi exited the bathroom. He ordered everyone to lower their weapons. The team lowered their weapons as Gandia slowly backed out into the lobby. Everyone followed him, awaiting his next move. Denver didn’t lower his pistol, so Rio lowered it for him. Gandia released Nairobi in the middle of the lobby. She slowly made her way to Bogota, but Gandia called her. He told Nairobi that he was going to kill her and shot her in the forehead. Nobody was able to reach as Gandia shot her. Nairobi died on the spot. Denver chased Gandia as he ran back to the governor’s office. He threw a grenade inside the bathroom and ducked out the way.
[00:42:30] Palermo and Helsinki cried as everyone looked on. Nairobi laid dead on the lobby floor. She looked onward as she saw Berlin, Moscow and Oslo. They smiled as they saw her. They all seemed like they were in a better place.
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