‘A Million Little Things’ Season 2, Episode 14 ‘The Sleepover’ Review: Mending
BY Stephanie Larson
Published 5 years ago

I knew it! The sweetness of everything from the last episode from families patching up to ex-lovers becoming friends wouldn’t last long. I don’t think it has ever lasted more than an episode in A Million Little Things actually. This week, we’re saying goodbye to another ‘ship.’ For those of you who’ve been rooting for Elliot (Bodhi Sabongui) and Danny (Chance Hurstfield), my condolences.
First preteen heartbreak aside, let’s talk about Theo (Tristan Byon). I feel the kid. He’s been a champ ever since his parents told him the truth. But, it can only last so long. And when the people you love most breaks your trust, it’s a road you can’t turn back on. You’ll always have that fear. I appreciate how the show is exploring this side of the mending process for Eddie’s (David Guintoli) family though. My only qualm is why just now?
Speaking of mending, this episode of A Million Little Things also does a fair job of exploring the mending process between Maggie (Allison Miller) and Gary (James Roday). I like how they’re taking their time finding out who they are individually and what they are now. It’s the tiniest bit of frustrating though given that there’s still a tiny part of me that wants them back together so badly. Anyways, here’s what went down in this week’s episode of A Million Little Things.
Stop Running
Rome (Romany Malco) and Regina (Christina Moses) accompany Eve (Ebboney Wilson) to her sonogram. And when the doctor asks if they want to know the gender, the parents-to-be eagerly agree. But, Eve refuses. R & R respects it and when Regina also sees a scar on Eve’s shoulder, she doesn’t pry. On the drive back to the diner Eve works at though, Eve spots her abusive ex-boyfriend’s car and she freaks. So, Rome and Regina take her back to their place.
As it seems, Derek, Eve’s ex, has found her. And because of this, she immediately wants to skip town. In her panic, Eve explains that her scar is from the time Derek poured a pot of boiling water on her. That was also the moment she decided to leave. But, she knew he could do so much more. Nothing R & R says could calm her down. And she even begs Rome to fetch her ready-made go-bag from her place.

Jack Rowand/ ABC
While Rome’s out, Regina tells Eve about her own past with her uncle. This calms Eve down. And when Rome returns, he and Regina agree that though they have vested interest in the baby, their priority right now is protecting Eve. So, Regina asks help from the women’s shelter and finds Eve a safe house. Meanwhile, Rome convinces Eve to enlist Katherine’s (Grace Park) help.
Later that night, Katherine comes over and helps Eve get a restraining order against Derek. And although she tells Eve that her firm is doing pro-bono work, it’s all actually just Katherine. Since Eve couldn’t go back to her workplace anymore too, Regina takes her up to work at Someday. This all sounds fine and dandy. But, I’m afraid it might all blow up in R & R’s faces in the near future of A Million Little Things.
A Second Chance For Dad?
Meanwhile, the Seville’s are still trying to figure out what to do with Theo. The poor kid might’ve agreed to therapy, but that doesn’t mean he has stopped feeling all these bad things. In fact, his pre-therapy change is just the start. This week, Eddie invites Dakota (Anna Akana) to their home for a practice session. He even gets Theo to join in. And at first, Theo’s happy and excited. But, when Eddie and Dakota start joking around, Theo gets upset and walks out.
Later on, while Dakota is getting herself a drink, Theo shows her some attitude. Eddie catches him on it and gently tells him that it’s not nice to be rude to friends. And in response, Theo says, “Friends like you and Aunt Delilah? Are you gonna have a baby with her too?” Like damn kid, that might’ve been the sickest burn to Eddie yet. Anyhow, this helps Eddie find the root of the problem. And he and Katherine agree to talk about it together as a united front with Theo at bedtime.

Jack Rowand/ ABC
Once bedtime rolls along though, Theo only requests his mom. And he admits that he’s afraid that the same thing with Delilah will happen with Dakota. Trying her best to explain, Katherine tells Theo of how close she and Jon were. But, there were just friends.
The next morning, Eddie takes on his part and shows Theo the vows he made to Katherine on their wedding day. He admits he hasn’t kept them. And he’s not proud of it. But, he has seen how much it hurt his wife and child. And he promises it won’t happen again. In addition to Katherine, Eddie also asks for a second chance from Theo and thankfully, sweet Theo grants it.
Figuring It Out At The Crossroads
On the other hand, A Million Little Things is tackling Maggie and Gary’s evolving relationship post-breakup in the midst of a significant event for both of them: Maggie’s 6-month cancer scan. The last time Maggie went, it was with Gary. And it was such a special moment. This time around, Maggie calls on Delilah for support.

Jack Rowand/ ABC
That doesn’t mean Gary has forgotten about it though. In fact, he has it marked on his calendar. It’s also the reason he’s been hanging out at the Dixon’s trying to fix every broken thing all day. He’s antsy. But, when he sniffs out that Delilah’s heading out for Maggie, he’s actually just glad. Just before D leaves, Gary tells her, “When you get there, just tell Maggie that I’m thinking about her.”
Maggie’s test comes back clear. But, the thought of living 6 months to 6 months of life in worry dampens her spirits again. D suggests she call Gary but, Maggie refuses. As she says, one of the main reasons they broke up was because they couldn’t separate themselves from cancer. If they’re going to find a way to just be friends, cancer can’t be a part of it.
Danny and Elliot’s Last Date
Elsewhere on this episode of A Million Little Things, Danny and Elliot are having a sleepover. The biggest damper to all this fuzzy feeling though is that Elliot’s moving away. His dad just got another job elsewhere. This means that this sleepover is their last date. And although this makes Danny shed a few tears, he does have a fantastic time with Elliot. Besides, with D gone, it was up to Gary to keep an eye on them and to keep Danny’s spirits up.
As one of their last things together, Danny marks Elliot’s height on the door frame Jon marked his kids’ height on. They did it in hopes that they can see how much Elliot has grown the next time he visits. As Elliot says, it’s also for Danny to remember that he was there.

Jack Rowand/ ABC
Later that night, while Gary’s watching a movie with the boys, he receives a text from D telling him that Maggie’s in the clear. And it nearly sends him over the edge with relief. He can barely stuff it all down as the tears start welling in his eyes. When he shows Danny the text, the kid lays his hand on his uncle’s in silent comfort. And I swear, my love for these two just threatens to burst. It’s really heartwarming how these two support each other every single time on A Million Little Things. While Gary’s helping Danny ride over Elliot’s move, Danny’s also comforting Gary over Maggie’s scan.
The next morning, Danny and Elliot say their sweet goodbyes. As a token, Elliot leaves Danny a coin from the arcade the first time they went out. A while later, Maggie finally calls Gary to personally let him know that she’s in the clear. The conversation is brief, kind, and supportive. But, there also seems to be longing on Gary’s part.

Jack Rowand/ ABC
Later on, with everything seemingly going well, Delilah takes her time to enjoy some coffee and even gloat how she’s finally killing it in the mom department. Unfortunately, as I said earlier, these things don’t last. Gary lets her enjoy it for a moment. Then, he brings out the bag of joints he found at the bottom of Sophie’s sleeping bag.
A Million Little Things continues Thursday, February 27th, with “The Lunch” at 9/8c on ABC.
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