Manifest Season 2 Episode 10 Recap – Course Deviation
BY Arabelle
Published 3 years ago

Cal asked Bethany for headphones. She then continued to give the other passengers their headphones. Adrian became conscious of the lady beside him who was praying. The lady explained saying a little prayer on her every flight gave her peace. Adrian explained his dad is a preacher, but eventually, Adrian walked away from him. The woman said she‘ll still pray for him, which Adrian clarified as unnecessary.
Zeke visits Michaela in jail, stunned by Jared’s incarceration. While escorted away by guards, he assures her he and Ben will obtain a lawyer for her and secure her release on bail.
Ben and Grace talk about Michela, who is still locked up. They are preparing to cook food. While Grace is washing her hands, she hears a calling: “Help Me.”
Olive and Cal walk outside, having a bond while talking about their age. They suddenly think about how they will explain to their baby sister things like they are twins separated for five years, the callings, the voices, and the visions. They decide to have a guidebook for their younger sister.
Michaela is released on bail. Before she leaves the cell, Jared slips her something. He turns to the union rep and informs him he will now be responsible for Michaela on behalf of the Xers and tell Simon.
Grace and Ben search out the bridge and river mentioned in Grace‘s calling. They see Adrian hidden beneath the bridge. He claims to have followed a “relentless” calling. Ben says Adrian must surrender to encourage Isaiah and contribute to the nightclub fire. Adrian argues the callings are to fault.
Michaela strolls to the park and finds a bench to sit on. She opens the note Jared handed to her, saying, “Our Place.” Jared rejoins her in the park, where he proposed to her before her departure for Jamaica. Jared confesses he has been working undercover to know more about the Xers the entire time. “The best way to destroy a hate group is to blow it up from the inside,” Jared explains.
Olive and Cal start to make the guidebook for their baby sister. They think about how to explain the callings first. Cal decides to include his drawings in the guidebook.
Michaela asks why Jared did not inform her. He says he wanted her to believe he had become an Xer to convince them. Michaela admits to bugging the pub, which Jared already knows.
Ben and Adrian are still bickering at the riverside when Grace’s water breaks two months early. Ben takes her to the hospital. Adrian asks, “What am I supposed to do now?” But Ben doesn‘t care.
At the hospital, the doctor warns Ben that Grace has a rare ailment that risks Grace‘s life if the baby is delivered early. Regrettably, the specialist who could perform the specialized procedure is five hours away.
Michaela and Jared are called to Captain Kate Bowers’ office at the precinct. Bowers welcomes Michaela to the inquiry into the Xers once she is in the office, behind closed doors. They inform her of Simon’s leadership of the Xers, emphasizing that Simon regards them as terrorists. When Jared receives a message from Tamara about Billy, the meeting is disrupted. He informs Bowers he will investigate the situation.
At the river, Adrian receives another call and overhears a man pleading for assistance. He sees a man fighting to stay afloat in the river. Adrian instantly rescues him.
While doing their guidebook, Cal and Olive talk about their picture when they were babies. They are interrupted when she receives a call from Ben, requesting their presence at the hospital.
Meanwhile, Grace informs Ben she wishes to have the procedure even if it means dying. She is adamant about the baby’s survival. Suddenly, Grace gets unconscious. Ben informs the doctor his wife instructed him to perform the surgery. The doctor cautions him Grace is unlikely to live, but Ben insists. It is what Grace wants.
Jared enters the bar. Tamara is in a state of panic. Her brother commits an act of violence and fears for his safety. They enter the backroom to find Zeke kidnapped and shackled to a chair by Billy and two other Xers. Billy thinks Zeke has been tracking Jared. They also saw Zeke‘s face plastered across Ben’s board. Jared smiles and congratulates Billy and the other two men on a well-done job.
Back at the precinct, Michaela expresses concern for Jared and advises the captain to use the bug to ascertain what is going on. They overhear Jared, who has returned to the bar to buy himself and Billy a drink, discussing Zeke’s kidnapping and how Simon will view Billy favorably due to his move. He instructs Billy to contact Simon and show him what he’s done. Billy agrees with a smile.
Simon arrives and expresses his dissatisfaction with Billy’s kidnapping of Zeke. Simon’s wife recommends killing Zeke and making it appear as though Michaela committed the crime. Simon begins to consider whether or not it is a good idea. When Michaela and Captain Bowers hear this, they realize they have enough evidence to arrest Simon as the Xers’ leader. They contact SWAT and proceed to the bar to capture the suspect.
Simon instructs Billy to assassinate Zeke and make it appear like Michaela committed the crime. He does not wish it connects to him or the Xers. Simon exits the room. Billy is about to kill Zeke when Jared punches Zeke in the stomach. Jared wants to fire the trigger himself because Zeke has taken everything essential in his life. He instructs Billy to hand over the gun, which Billy gives.
“I told Mick she couldn’t trust you,” Zeke says. “Guess you never know who you can trust,” Jared responds as he turns and points the gun at Billy and his two companions. “Hands up!” Jared screams. Michaela and the SWAT team break-in.
Following the arrest, Captain Bowers commends Jared on his excellent police job. She informs him something is waiting for him at the station on his desk.
When Jared returns to the precinct, he discovers Captain Bowers has left him a study guide for the lieutenant examination.
Ben is informed they must do surgery quickly at the hospital, but the specialist is three hours away. Ben rethinks his position, unable to bear the prospect of life without Grace. He wishes the doctor to save her by treating her condition, which will almost certainly end in the unborn child’s death.
Ben informs an unconscious Grace, in a very heartbreaking sequence, that he is making this decision to ensure that he, Cal, and Olive do not lose her. He then addresses his unborn child, apologizing for his actions and pleading with her to fight for her life.
In another part of the hospital, the man Adrian rescued from the river repeatedly thanked him while Adrian tried to flee before being recognized by the authorities.
Ben receives wonderful news shortly afterward. The man Adrian rescued from the river is the doctor familiar with the procedure Grace requires to save both her and the baby. Ben finds Adrian alone and informs him that Grace and the baby are safe because he saved the doctor. Ben believes it should be sufficient evidence for Adrian to accept the callings are genuine. Adrian disagrees. He tells Ben the callings brought them to the river, and it was where Grace stumbled, so her waterbag broke.
Ben is unconvinced by Adrian’s account of the callings. Adrian informs him he believes they are all messengers of evil and then departs.
Grace and the baby are doing well following the procedure.
That evening, Michaela brings Ben take-out and beer to celebrate the new baby. Ben informs her about the decision he almost had to make. She believes no one should ever have to make such a choice, and he can continue to be the best father ever. Ben also discloses what Adrian said about the callings. She concurs with Ben the callings are beneficial.
Adrian walks around the city until he finds some police helping someone. He runs quietly into an alley and notices three gigantic, foreboding shadow creatures rise and approach him. He quickly flees.
Cal sees the three menacing shadow creatures growing. He rises to his feet and switches on the light, but they quickly vanish.
Our Thoughts
Given the title of this edition, “Course Deviation,” we have to assume this is a reference to the issues a variety of different characters in this universe face. Since nobody truly understands their callings, Death Dates, or just about anything else, there must be a commitment to being as malleable as possible. We’re hopeful there will be opportunities to see some of it develop gradually and steadily over time. Additionally, we’re intrigued to see what Zeke will do once he discovers his precarious situation.
We’re only a few episodes away from the conclusion of Manifest, and yet, we’re getting a relatively clear picture of continued mayhem at every turn. Prepare for whatever may occur next.
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