Lupin Season 2 Episode 2 Recap – Chapter 7
Published 3 years ago

[00:00:30] Morning came, and so did the police. The fire department accompanied them to put the fire out. Belcekam arrested Assane, but she couldn’t find Guedira. Assane asked Belcekam if they had found his son, but she didn’t tell him anything. The car sped off to return to Paris. Meanwhile, Hubert and Juliette Pellegrini had just finished an interview in their home. Hubert’s secretary told him that his next meeting was already downstairs. He didn’t know about his next meeting, so he rushed downstairs. Hubert saw a lady waiting for him; it was Claire.
[00:03:00] Assane continued to ask Belcekam if they had found a body inside the car. She told Assane that they hadn’t found a body, only a juice can. Assane sighed in relief. He knew that Raoul was alive, and he was sure he was with Guedira. Belcekam and Hector went to the nearest gas station to fill up their car. Assane looked around and figured out how he could escape. He asked Belcekam if he could use the bathroom. She told Assane to hold it in, but he responded that he couldn’t. Belcekam tried to argue with Assane, saying there was no bathroom at the station. Assane knew there was a bathroom because there was a sign on the station store. Belcekam couldn’t deny Assane his rights, so she allowed him to go. Hector accompanied Assane to the bathroom.
[00:06:00] Things were going great, but Assane asked Hector to enter the bathroom because he couldn’t do anything with his handcuffs on. Belcekam paid for the gas and asked for a receipt. She knew something was wrong because Hector still hadn’t returned with Assane. After paying, she immediately went to the bathroom. Assane had already escaped the bathroom. He went down from the rooftop of the store and approached another car. He told the owner of the car that he had a flat tire. Assane shot the cop car’s tire and used the other car to escape. Belcekam saw Hector handcuffed inside the bathroom. She tried to chase Assane as he sped off, but she didn’t make it. Belcekam tried to shoot the other car, but she missed. She couldn’t chase Assane because their car had a flat tire.
[00:08:00] We go back to the events that had happened the night before. Guedira managed to escape the car and followed Raoul to the mansion. He saw Leonard’s car burning and heard Raoul’s cries for help. He opened the trunk and got Raoul out. Leonard tried to kill them, but he missed all of his shots. Raoul and Guedira managed to get back to the other car and drive off. They passed Belcekam on their way out of the pathway, but they didn’t see each other. Guedira told Raoul that he was a friend of Assane. He told Raoul that they shared the same passion, Arsene Lupin. They talked about Arsene Lupin as Guedira drove back to Paris.
[00:12:00] Meanwhile, Hubert spoke to Dumont. He knew that Guedira had Raoul. They planned on using Raoul as bait to lure Assane to him. Dumont disagreed at first, but he soon changed his mind. Dumont texted Guedira. He told him that he had done a good job of getting Raoul. Dumont ordered Guedira to bring Raoul to the Hyatt Hotel. What Dumont didn’t know was that Assane was holding Guedira’s phone. He responded to Dumont’s message and drove back to Paris. Meanwhile, Guedira and Raoul arrived in Paris. One of the guards on duty told Guedira to go to Hyatt Hotel. He didn’t understand why they needed to go to the hotel, but he didn’t have a choice. The man on duty told Guedira that he would inform Dumont that they were headed for the Hyatt.
[00:16:00] Dumont informed Hubert that Guedira and Raoul were on their way to the hotel. Hubert responded that his men were in place. Meanwhile, Assane went back to his hideout to prepare. Back in 1995, Assane went to see the head of the private school he was attending. Inside the office, he heard a voicemail from the owner of the violin store. The owner wanted the maximum punishment for stealing the violin. Assane stole the tape recording the message before the headmaster arrived. Assane asked the headmaster what he was going to do if the shop owner didn’t respond to his message. The headmaster told Assane that he would visit the shop personally to talk with the owner. Assane knew he couldn’t escape punishment.
[00:19:00] Guedira brought Raoul to the hotel. Dumont met them in the lobby and told Guedira to leave Raoul with him. Guedira knew something fishy was going on, but Dumont told him to just follow his orders. Dumont took Raoul from him, but he didn’t trust Dumont. Assane was preparing to go to the hotel when he received a call from an unknown number. He answered the call and heard Raoul’s voice. Raoul told Assane that he was in the hotel. He left his hideout and went to the hotel. Meanwhile, Guedira was just about to leave when another cop approached him. He handed him an envelope. Guedira opened it and found his phone. The card stated, “Thank you.”
[00:24:00] Juliette spoke to their guests inside the hotel. Assane entered the hotel as a waiter. The guards were alerted to his presence, and they immediately reported his arrival. The guards tried to apprehend him, but he was too clever for them. Assane managed to get out of the hotel unseen. He knew he needed a new approach to get to his son. Assane suddenly got another brilliant idea, and he decided to leave the hotel. Back in 1995, Ben and Assane were in deep trouble. They didn’t know what to do with the tape. Ben told Assane to get rid of the tape, but the headmaster would just visit the shopkeeper, and he would still get into trouble. The two of them figured out what they needed to do.
[00:28:30] Dumont received a call from Hubert. He told Dumont to get Raoul out of the hotel. He feared that Assane would succeed in getting him out. Hubert told Dumont that Raoul was their best shot at capturing Assane, which was why they needed him. Dumont did as told and took Raoul to the parking lot where a black van was waiting. Hubert instructed Dumont to find him after he had brought Raoul to the van. Dumont allowed Raoul to board the van. The doors closed, and it left. Dumont went back inside the hotel and found Hubert mingling with his guests. He called his attention. Hubert approached him. At the same time, Dumont received a call from Hubert. He answered the phone and was surprised that Hubert was speaking to him despite seeing Hubert without a phone in his hands.
[00:31:00] Back in 1995, Assane and Ben solved their problems by impersonating the shopkeeper. Assane knew that the headmaster hadn’t ever heard the shop keepers voice. Assane called from a payphone and impersonated the shopkeeper. He told the headmaster not to punish Assane because everyone deserved a second chance. Ben asked Assane if their plan was going to work. He responded that they only needed to wait and find out. The two of them ran away from the payphone before anyone suspected what they were doing. Assane had done the same with Dumont. He had impersonated Hubert, and his plan had gone perfectly. Assane managed to get Raoul from Dumont as he was the one driving the black van.
[00:33:00] Raoul asked Assane if he was really a thief. Earlier at the hotel, Hubert told Raoul that his father was a thief. Assane told Raoul what was really happening. He told him about Babakar and how Hubert had framed him 25 years ago. Assane told Raoul that he would stop if he wanted him to stop. Raoul knew that getting revenge was Assane’s goal. He told him to continue. Assane promised that once he had sorted everything out, he was going to change. Assane told Raoul that it was time to go home. Dumont apologized to Hubert. He told him that he really had thought it was him on the phone. Hubert wasn’t worried because he had a backup plan.
[00:35:00] 24 hours earlier, Claire had taken the train back to Paris. She saw a newspaper article about Fabienne Beriot. In the article was a picture of Salvator. She knew Salvator was Assane, so she went to Ben for answers. Ben was reluctant to tell Claire the truth. She told Ben that Raoul had been taken and that Hubert Pellegrini was behind it. Ben told Claire that Assane would get him back, but that wasn’t enough for her. Ben told Claire everything. She went to Hubert to arrange a deal with him in exchange for her son. Claire showed Hubert one of the diamonds from the Queen’s necklace. She told Hubert that he would get the rest of the necklace once she had Raoul back. Hubert responded that he was not interested in the necklace; what he wanted was Assane.
[00:39:00] Assane and Raoul arrived. Claire saw them exiting the van. They waved at her as she stared at them from the window of her apartment. Pellegrini’s men were inside her apartment. They were waiting for Assane to arrive. She asked the men for a moment with Raoul before they took Assane. The men allowed it, so she went outside to meet Raoul. She hugged him as tight as she could. Claire looked at Assane and told him to go. Assane knew that he was in danger.
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