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Lucifer Season 3 Episode 10 Recap – The Sin Bin


Published 3 years ago

Lucifer Season 3 Episode 10 Recap - The Sin Bin

[00:00:50] A random lady calls 911 as someone is chasing her. She gets to her car, but it is too late; she screams at the top of her lungs. Meanwhile, Lucifer throws a party in celebration of capturing the Sinnerman. Maze warns him something doesn’t feel right with the Sinnerman being captured. She adds Lucifer can’t use his powers since the Sinnerman is already blind. Lucifer isn’t fazed; he tells Maze there are other ways to find out one’s desire, including the Sinnerman. Lucifer continues with his party as he breaks open a piñata containing candy and condoms for everyone to enjoy. Ella and Chloe are looking at Marcus from the crime lab as Ella continues to admire him day after day. Chloe is amazed that Marcus didn’t seem to be affected when they caught the Sinnerman.

[00:03:30] Chloe accidentally tells Ella that the Sinnerman killed Marcus’ brother. Ella knew the case was personal, but she was shocked to hear it’s at that level. Ella wants to console Marcus but Chloe stops her. Chloe tells Ella she shouldn’t mention anything to Marcus; it will mean she gossiped about it. Ella understands and tells Chloe she will keep her lips zipped. Some officers bring the Sinnerman in for questioning. Lucifer arrives at the precinct and volunteers to talk to him first, but Marcus disagrees. Marcus and Lucifer argue about who will talk with the Sinnerman. Marcus tells him only he will speak to the Sinnerman. Lucifer points out that the Sinnerman is Marcus’ weakness, so he shouldn’t speak with him. While the two of them argue, Chloe takes the opportunity to go in and speak with the Sinnerman.

[00:06:00] The Sinnerman quotes Hannibal Lecter, but Chloe doesn’t take to his humor. The Sinnerman apologizes. Chloe responds that they have enough evidence to put him in jail for a long time. He doesn’t respond to Chloe’s threats but asks for the time. Ella comes rushing in to tell Chloe that Sinnerman’s phone is ringing. They answer the call but it’s too late. They open the phone and see a video of a woman tied up above a body of water. The Sinnerman knows about the woman tied up. Marcus demands answers from him, but he doesn’t cooperate. He tells Marcus that the only way to save the woman is if he takes them to her. The woman in the video is Maggie Cole, the one who called 911.

[00:08:00] The police can’t find her car, and the tech team can’t locate her phone, leaving them with no choice but to follow the Sinnerman. Marcus disagrees. He knows the Sinnerman was just trying to escape, so he wants the team to look for another way. Lucifer tries to reason with Marcus, but he has already decided. Ella finds a clue on Maggie’s driver’s license. She was wearing a roller derby pin. Chloe knows the place, so she goes with Lucifer to find a lead. Chloe tells Lucifer that Trixie loves rollerskating, so she must also learn it. They question one of the skaters, who tells them that Maggie got into a fight with Helena over team problems.

[00:11:00] Chloe wants to ask Helena, but she runs away. Helena tries to get away, but Lucifer stops her. They learn that Helena didn’t abduct Maggie; she only roughed her up. The conflict was job-related, and Helena had an alibi the night Maggie was abducted. Helena adds that Maggie didn’t park her car at work because she didn’t want to pay parking fees. Chloe and Lucifer find Maggie’s car, but Lucifer doesn’t want to waste any time, so he opens the driver’s side door. It’s rigged to a grenade; they run for their lives. The grenade destroys the car, along with any evidence inside. Chloe and Lucifer return to the precinct. They have no choice but to bust out the Sinnerman. She devises a plan that will allow them to get the Sinnerman out of the precinct.

[00:16:30] Chloe uses Ella as a distraction to find the holding cell keys from Marcus’ office. While Ella distracts Marcus, Lucifer gets things ready for their exit. He speaks with someone from the bomb squad to get their disguises. He also sends a mystery gift to Dan and makes it so that it would look like it came from the Sinnerman. Dan arrives at the precinct and sees the gift on his desk. He looks at the card and sees that it came from the Sinnerman. Dan immediately checks and hears ticking from within; he shouts for the bomb squad. Everyone evacuates the building as three people dressed in protective gear enter and take the box. They enter the bomb squad vehicle and take the gear off. It’s Chloe and Lucifer with the Sinnerman.

[00:19:30] Chloe and Lucifer thought their plan was successful, but Marcus was one step ahead of them. He is already waiting in the driver’s seat and tells Chloe and Lucifer that he won’t allow them to bust the Sinnerman out without him. The Sinnerman leads them somewhere in LA. After a few moments, Chloe hears a cry for help — it’s Maggie. Chloe and Marcus help her out of the reservoir, leaving Lucifer with the Sinnerman. Marcus thinks Lucifer got kidnapped by the Sinnerman’s accomplice, but they find out the truth when they ask Maggie. She accidentally tells Chloe about the grenade on her car. Maggie had no choice but to confess. She tells Chloe and Marcus she plans to become the lead jammer on the derby team.

[00:24:30] Maggie asks for a favor from the Sinnerman, and as payment, she has to fake her abduction. She tells Chloe that the Sinnerman would’ve killed her if she didn’t do it. Chloe realizes that the Sinnerman didn’t have any accomplices nor was Lucifer kidnapped. Lucifer abducted the Sinnerman because he wanted answers. Lucifer brings the Sinnerman to one of his estates in LA. He tries to ask nicely, but the Sinnerman doesn’t cooperate. Lucifer introduces the Sinnerman to Maze: the number one torturer in hell. Maze does everything she can, but the Sinnerman doesn’t give in. Lucifer wants to kill the Sinnerman so that he can get his devil face back. Maze tells Lucifer that angels aren’t supposed to kill humans, but Lucifer sees the plan perfectly. Lucifer tells Maze he will lose his wings and regain his devil face once he kills the Sinnerman.

[00:32:00] Chloe sees one of Lucifer’s estates. She has a gut feeling they are there. Marcus has his doubts, but Chloe knows Lucifer well enough. Lucifer is hesitant on killing the Sinnerman. The Sinnerman tells Lucifer he is a coward because he couldn’t kill him. Chloe and Marcus arrive at Lucifer’s mansion and immediately look for him. The Sinnerman continues to taunt Lucifer as he wants to boil him alive. Lucifer realizes that the Sinnerman’s greatest desire was to die by his hands. Lucifer wants to know the truth, but Marcus turns the corner and shoots the Sinnerman dead. Chloe rushes to help as soon as she hears the gunshots. Lucifer tells Chloe about the Sinnerman’s plan, but she doesn’t believe him. Chloe has Lucifer’s back, but he still chooses to do what he wants.

[00:37:40] Dan goes to pick up Trixie, who stayed the whole day with Charlotte. Trixie sets up dinner for Dan and Charlotte. Dan thanks Trixie for being the best wingman he could have. After talking with Trixie, Charlotte calls her ex-husband and demands that he let her see their kids. Back at the precinct, Lucifer is looking for another lead on the case. Ella goes to talk with Marcus, but he isn’t in the mood for a talk. Lucifer finds an old photo of the Sinnerman. He’s with someone with a scar on his right arm, just like Marcus’ tattoo on his right arm. Lucifer goes back to Lux and invites Marcus over. He explains his theory and tests it.

[00:41:00] Lucifer stabs Marcus in the chest. Marcus dies on the spot, but after a few moments, he stands up and pulls the knife out of his chest. Lucifer calls Marcus the world’s first murderer. God marked him to walk the earth alone. Marcus’ real identity is Cain.

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