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Lucifer Season 1 Episode 8 Recap – Et Tu, Doctor?


Published 3 years ago

Lucifer Season 1 Episode 8 Recap - Et Tu, Doctor?

[00:01:00] Lucifer threw a party for himself. Maze told Lucifer that the devil didn’t have a birthday, but he celebrated being reborn after burning his wings and feeling freedom. Chloe arrived much to Lucifer’s delight; however, she brought Dan along with her. Chloe and Dan gave Lucifer a pickle juice chaser as his birthday gift. Lucifer approved of the chaser and wanted Maze to try it, but Dan and Chloe couldn’t stay for the party as they had different matters to attend to. Chloe and Dan headed over to the paddock bar for Malcolm’s welcome back party. Malcolm and Anthony confronted Dan and Chloe for old times’ sake. Lucifer, on the other hand, went back to Linda for more therapy. He apologized for his behavior during their previous session, but Linda thought of it as a breakthrough.

[00:06:00] Lucifer explained that he felt like a fat man was sitting on his chest whenever he saw Chloe with Dan. Linda explained that he was jealous of Dan, but he disagreed. Lucifer wanted Linda to fix Chloe so that she would stay away from Dan. Linda refused by telling Lucifer that therapy didn’t deal with other people’s issues. After his session with Linda, Lucifer went over to Dr. Bernie Shaw. Chloe explained that Bernie was killed inside his office, and it looked like a crime of passion. Bernie is known as the cheater therapist because he suggested that couples sleep with other people in order to save their marriage. Lucifer praised Bernie for his work as Chloe assured Bernie’s wife that they would find out who killed him. Chloe told Lucifer that all of Bernie’s patients were suspects.

[00:08:40] Lucifer wanted to look at the patient files; however, Chloe told him that they couldn’t without a psychologist present. Lucifer suggested Dr. Martin, but Chloe disagreed. Plus, they needed a judge to choose the psychologist and sign the required paperwork. Lucifer slept with a judge to get the required paperwork processed. Lucifer asked Linda to assist him in fixing Chloe; however, she disagreed. Chloe arrived and requested to talk with Lucifer. She told him that she didn’t want Dr. Martin to be involved in the case because they needed someone who wasn’t biased with him. Lucifer was too busy checking out the other office to listen to Chloe. He saw that another doctor moved in with the name of Dr. Canaan. While they continued arguing, Linda had already found clues for their case. Chloe and Lucifer headed over to Richard Kester to continue their investigation.

[00:12:20] Lucifer apologized for stepping out of line about Dan. Chloe told Lucifer that she got separated from Dan because he valued work more than their family; however, he had been putting in the effort by making time for them lately. Linda called Chloe to warn her about Richard; it seemed that he was unstable and a danger to himself. Chloe called out to Lucifer as she saw Richard standing by the ledge of a building. Chloe looked for Lucifer; however, he was already standing beside Richard. Richard told Lucifer that he had already made up his mind and nothing could stop him from jumping. Lucifer told Richard to jump if he wanted to; he just wanted to know why he killed Dr. Shaw. Richard denied the allegation stating that Dr. Shaw saved his life and he wanted to die because Dr. Shaw is already dead. Richard felt that he couldn’t live without Dr. Shaw’s advice.

[00:15:00] Richard admitted that he sent death threats, but that was before Dr. Shaw helped him out. After a few more words with Lucifer, Richard decided to go back inside instead of killing himself. Chloe told Richard that he could go because he had an alibi; Richard told Chloe and Lucifer that he ran into Bernie’s wife two days ago. Chloe wanted to be sure that Richard was telling the truth because Sandy told them that she was in Phoenix. It seemed that Sandy secretly went back to LA to plan a surprise for Bernie. Chloe now considered Sandy a suspect in her husband’s death. Meanwhile, Linda visited Lux, where she found Maze. They had a small conversation before Chloe and Lucifer arrived. The three of them were discussing the case when Chloe received a call.

[00:19:00] Chloe told Lucifer and Linda that she needed to leave as Dan was waiting for him. Lucifer felt jealous and didn’t want Chloe to leave, but she left anyway. Chloe arrived at her house only to find that it was Malcolm who called for her. Malcolm wanted to speak with her in order to find out who shot him a few years ago. He told Chloe that he wasn’t a dirty cop and that he used Nickolai to buy information; however, she didn’t believe his story. Malcolm knew that he had died, and for some reason, he was alive and was thankful for the time given to him. He warned Chloe not to go looking for the cops that shot him as she might end up dead as well. Malcolm decided to leave, knowing that his conversation with Chloe wasn’t going to end well.

[00:22:40] Chloe, Lucifer, and Linda headed over to a car park where Sandy had been spotted by the police. Lucifer wanted to continue with therapy so that Linda could help him; however, Linda sided with Chloe, and his plan backfired against him. Chloe questioned Sandy as to why she lied to them; however. Lucifer interfered and used his powers on her. Sandy confessed that she was stalking one of Bernie’s patients, named Tiffany. She found out that Tiffany had been having an affair with her husband, which was why she faked a trip to Phoenix in order to find out what he had been doing. Bernie told Sandy that he was meeting with Dr. Medina; however, Dr. Medina called her, which meant that Bernie lied to her. Sandy didn’t have any problems with Bernie’s work; however, he fell in love with Tiffany.

[00:25:00] Sandy told them that she didn’t kill Bernie because she loved him; she only wanted to get him back. While they spoke with Sandy, Dan arrived; he wanted to know how Chloe was doing after her confrontation with Malcolm. Chloe assured Dan that she was fine as she went back to the task at hand. Lucifer, on the other hand, found a leaflet for Dr. Medina’s therapy session, so he decided to crash it. Lucifer arrived a few seconds after Dr. Medina started the session; he didn’t allow him to speak and took over immediately. Chloe arrested Sandy because no one could corroborate her alibi. Linda asked her if she thought Sandy killed Bernie, but Chloe thought that Sandy was innocent. Chloe decided to speak with Dr. Medina in order to shed more light on their case.

[00:29:30] Lucifer finished telling his story as the therapy group asked him a couple of questions. Dr. Medina tried to restore order to his session by telling Lucifer that the session wasn’t about him but for the patients who lost Dr. Shaw. Lucifer used his powers on Dr. Medina to find out his deepest desires. He confessed that he wanted Sandy more than anything. Dr. Medina grabbed a knife and pushed Lucifer to a wall. He admitted to killing Dr. Shaw for cheating on his wife. He loved Sandy; however, she didn’t love him no matter what he did, even when Bernie cheated on her. Chloe arrived to rescue Lucifer and arrest Dr. Medina. She then realized something very important about the Palmetto case. She decided to locate Anthony’s car, which led them to the Paddock Bar. They went inside to find that Anthony had committed suicide and left a note.

[00:35:00] Dan arrived along with the police to process the scene; Chloe showed him the suicide note. Lucifer went back to Linda to catch up on his payments; however, she told him that their relationship should remain strictly professional moving forward. Before he left, Lucifer wanted to know more about Dr. Canaan; Linda confirmed that Dr. Canaan is Amenadiel. Dan took Chloe home, and she thanked him before he left. Dan drove by a car and stepped out to look for someone. Malcolm appeared and admitted that he killed Anthony and made it look like suicide. He also revealed that Dan shot him on the Palmetto case. Malcolm threatened Dan and his family if he ever tried to pull another trick.

[00:41:20] Lucifer returned to Lux and confronted Maze. He knew that Maze had betrayed him. She tried to defend herself, but Lucifer didn’t want to hear it. He ended their relationship and left.






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