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Home ‘Krypton’ Season 2, Episode 9 ‘Blood Moon’ Recap: Sacrifice

‘Krypton’ Season 2, Episode 9 ‘Blood Moon’ Recap: Sacrifice

BY Stephanie Larson

Published 6 years ago

'Krypton' Season 2, Episode 9 'Blood Moon' Recap: Sacrifice

Today’s episode of Krypton is it’s bloodiest and most gruesome yet no thanks to Doomsday. The creature definitely had ample screen time in action crushing skulls and severing limbs. But honestly, it’s hard to complain when the look and details on that thing are just insanely good. On the other hand, this episode also saw Krypton switch up the battle scenes quite a bit. And honestly, I’m not complaining. Nyssa’s (Wallis Day) 300-esque battle scene is just the badassery we needed to see. Overall, this episode was spectacular and quite literally an explosive one.

Zod’s (Colin Salmon) patience has run out. He has set Doomsday loose on the rebels. And now, Val (Ian McElhinney) and the others are scrambling to escape to fight another day. Unfortunately, in this dire moment, that would cost them a rather great sacrifice.

On another note, Rasmus Hardiker and Cameron Cuffe. Goddammit, that moment between those two in this week’s episode of Krypton tore me apart. The words spoken between them was the perfect culmination to their incomparable relationship. And their bond was just so palpable that when Seg called out, voice cracking, as Kem walked away, that was it. The waterworks just burst. Hardiker and Cuffe’s performances just cut through the heart. And frankly, that was one of the best scenes in the show, heartbreaking as it is. Kem will be sorely missed but, he will be dearly remembered.

A Daughter’s Guilt

With his mother gone and Seg and Nyssa’s escape, Zod pushes up the date of his attack on Wegthor. And despite Lis-Ser’s warnings, Zod also sets Doomsday loose. Soon enough, he has Krypton’s most-feared killing machine kneeling at his feet. In the Outlands, Seg and the others immediately get wind of Zod’s plans and make plans to warn Val. But, communications are down and the elevator base station is destroyed. Fortunately, Dev (Aaron Pierre) still has the skimmer he rode back to Krypton when he deserted the Sagitarii. Seg and Nyssa immediately volunteer to be the ones to head up to Wegthor.

Georgina Campbell in Krypton Season 2 Episode 9


Later on, Nyssa walks in on an intimate goodbye between Seg and Lyta (Georgina Campbell). And the hurt is almost openly visible on her face. Outside, she skirts on the topic of Seg and Lyta’s reunion. When Seg notices the unusual attention she’s paying on it, he asks her to get straight to her point. And Nyssa admits that as Lyta is the love of Seg’s love, he might be the love of hers. However, she stops him from saying anything about it. Soon enough, they discover the skimmer hidden in plain sight by an invisible barrier.

Back at their camp, Lyta’s burning a fever. And while Dev heads out for something to take care of it, Jayna and Lyta reflect on where they left things between them. Guilt is eating Lyta alive. And she feels responsible for everything that has happened because she chose Zod over her mother. But on the contrary, Jayna assures her there’s nothing to be forgiven. She’s her daughter, the best part of her, and they can bury that part of their past in the hopes of building a better future together and forging a new legacy for house Zod.

Doomsday Strikes

Despite the overhanging threat, there’s still some time for some little happy reunions up in Wegthor on Seg’s arrival. First is with Val. And though Nyssa’s presence dampens his initial excitement at seeing his grandson, Seg assures him that she’s sincerely on their corner. Next up is with Kem. Seg gives him a little shock. But, dear sweet Kem is nonetheless overjoyed seeing his best friend again that he just pulls him into a nice tight hug that Adam (Shaun Sipos) soon joins in on. Sadly, that little touching moment is broken by the immediate concerns at hand.

Doomsday in Krypton Season 2 Episode 9


Zod’s warship has landed on Wegthor. And at first glance, Seg and the others detect an unusual heat signature. That is soon answered by Doomsday stepping out of the warship. The rebel’s defense team immediately hits him with everything they’ve got. But, they’re in for a nasty surprise when Doomsday emerges from the dust unscathed. Val immediately orders them to retreat. But, the team refuses to stand down and engages Doomsday head-on. None of them lasts even five minutes.

Seeing how hopeless it is to fight Doomsday, Adam immediately convinces everyone to run. They have to escape to fight for another day. Quickly, they devise a plan to evacuate everyone off the moon. Seg zeroes in on Zod’s ship as an escape hatch. But, they’d still have to fight against its meager crew to get full control of it. Nyssa eagerly volunteers to head the strike team. And though Val hesitates for a moment, he eventually concedes. He then tasks Adam to head the evacuation while he, Seg, and Kem buy them some time from Doomsday.

Prelude To Battle

Back in Krypton, Lyta and Dev finally have a moment where Dev reveals that he and the Lyta clone were involved. However, it didn’t end up to be what he expected. He had what he wanted but the hole in him still existed. Suddenly, their conversation is cut short when they hear Sagitarii outside.

Shaun Sipos in Krypton Season 2 Episode 9


As two Sagitarii enter the bunker, Jayna and Dev ambush them. But Lyta stops them before they kill the two officers. Without hesitation, she reveals Zod’s deception. And even when they doubt her, Lyta wins them over and they successfully gain two allies in the Sagitarii.

Meanwhile, in Wegthor, Val and the others aren’t having much success. After separating, Val, Seg, and Kem plan to blow up the tunnels to stall Doomsday. Kem and Seg were tasked with relocating the bombs to strategic locations with a small team. While Val would be waiting to detonate them from a remote location. Unfortunately, Doomsday damages their power system before they can execute the plan.

Adam finds Val in time and convinces him to evacuate as well. But, before they can move, the tunnel collapses. They take off running for their lives. And in the last stride, Adam pushes Val out of the way just before a blast of rocks come crashing his way. Meanwhile, with the power cut, Seg resets a detonator to short-range activation for the bombs. But, before he and Kem can work out the details, Doomsday crashes through the wall in front of them, the flying debris knocking them both unconscious.

Farewell Old Friend

Up on the surface, Nyssa is serving some seriously badass battle moves. And in her stead, the strike team successfully takes over the warship. Back in the base, Val manages to uncover Adam from the pile of rubble he was buried in. However, when Adam tries to stand, he realizes that he can no longer feel his legs. He tries again to no avail. But, Val refuses to leave him.

Rasmus Hardiker and Cameron Cuffe in Krypton Season 2 Episode 9


Down in the tunnels, Kem drags Seg to safety. It seems that in their unconscious state, they managed to evade Doomsday’s attention. Unfortunately, the rest of the team didn’t fare so well. When Seg wakes up, he realizes he dropped the detonator at the mines. He tries to go back for it but Kem stops him. Knocking him down again, Kem sets up the barrier to the mines locking himself in and keeping Seg out.

Seg desperately tries to deactivate the barrier but knows it’s useless. In a heartbreaking farewell, Kem tells Seg that saving Krypton isn’t all on him. Other’s need to step up. And as a call back to their simple old rankless days of scams and crimes, Kem says it’s his turn to take the beating. Voice cracking, Seg begs him to stay. But, Kem doesn’t. He tells Seg ‘I love you’ just before he turns his back on his best friend for the very last time.

In the mines, Kem picks up the detonator at the end of a trail of broken limbs and dismembered bodies in the eerie silence. Turning around, he comes face to face with Doomsday. The monster wastes no time punching a hole through his gut. With the last of his strength, Kem flips him the finger. And just as Doomsday rips his head off, he activates the detonator.

On the surface, Val, Adam, Nyssa, and the rebels board the ship. Val insists on waiting for Seg and Kem. However, the blast from the mines has caused a chain reaction. It’s not only blowing up the tunnels but the whole moon itself. So, they had no choice but to take flight immediately. Fortunately, Seg has gotten to Dev’s skimmer. As Zod’s warship sails out with Val and the rest of the resistance, they watch as Wegthor explodes.

Krypton continues next Wednesday, August 14th, with the season finale “The Alpha and the Omega” at 10/9c on SyFy.

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