‘Krypton’ Season 1, Episode 4 ‘The Word of Rao’ Recap: The Houses of Kandor Unmasked [SPOILERS]
BY Stephanie Larson
Published 7 years ago
!['Krypton' Season 1, Episode 4 'The Word of Rao' Recap: The Houses of Kandor Unmasked [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/krypton_gallery_104recap_01.jpg?fit=660%2C371&ssl=1)
From a macroscopic focus in “The Rankless Initiative” “Krypton’s” fourth episode has gone slightly microscopic. This week’s episode cuts Brainiac’s time in the limelight a bit short for now as the powerhouses of Krypton reveal their agendas. But, even then, when preconceptions and suspicions from “Krypton’s” get-go was confirmed, everyone is still a stranger.
In “The Word of Rao,” all we get is purely an unveiling of masks, literally and figuratively. Not to mention, “Krypton’s” hefty serving of twists. It all starts with the confirmation that the Voice of Rao is indeed a human being in the flesh. (The mask, the robes, and all that jazz makes one wonder what is underneath you know?)
Before he puts the golden mask over his head, he orders his apprentices to bump up the Nova Cycle Celebration. The Voice explains that it will restore the shaken faith of the Rankless from the failed Rankless Initiative. As he lays his hand on a tablet to activate Krypton’s sunrise, he declares that Kandor is to be reborn that day.
Impostors Lurk the Streets of Kandor
A group of men wearing Sagitarii uniform storm the breached communications hub. The man heading the operation reveals himself to be the unknown Black Zero leader. Jayna (Ann Ogbomo) was talking about him in her mission briefing with Lyta (Georgina Campbell) and Daron-Vex (Elliot Cowan) in the last episode.

Back in the Fortress, Val-El (Ian McElhinney) drops the sad truth. Rhom (Alexis Raben) only has a few hours more to live. Seg (Cameron Cuffe) decides that he and Kem should tell Rhom’s daughter, Ona (Tipper Seifert-Cleveland). As they walk the streets later on with Adam mentioning wanting an R2D2, Seg realizes they’re being followed Their follower is another man dressed in Sagitarii uniform.
Lyta is met with a furious Jayna who refuses to listen to her explanations once again. Jayna chastises Lyta but, Lyta replies that all those years, she didn’t want Jayna’s help. Lyta wanted a mother. On the other hand, Dev-Em (Aaron Pierre) tells Lyta that he testified to her credibility as a commander and as a Sagitarii. He confesses that it’s more than just loyalty. Lyta is saved from answering him when a man’s voice calls her into the room.
The Voice of Rao, on the other hand, goes down to the streets of the Rankless. But, as he tries to bless a fallen man, people start to accuse him of tyranny. This leads him to storm into Daron’s office demanding someone noble to take responsibility for the failure of the Rankless Initiative.
Lyta Takes The Fall
Before Lyta could finish her fiery explanation and further slam the Sagitarii council’s bigotry in their faces, Daron interrupts and arrests Lyta. The Voice of Rao himself has declared her guilty of treason.
In the tavern, Seg tries to tell Ona about her mom. But, Kem brashly stops him and hands over the news about Lyta. Seg rushes off to the guilds and meets Dev. Before they could start brawling, Jayna crushes both men’s machismo. (Go mama Zod!) Ironically, she tells Dev that fighting Seg would not help Lyta. But, she continues bruising him up a bit and forbidding him to come back. Desperately, Seg finds Nyssa (Wallis Day).

For the first time in “Krypton,” Nyssa makes Seg awkward when she drops her clothes right in front of him. Seg crosses his arms and grabs for composure. When he retakes firm hold of it, he tells her that he needed help for Lyta. Nyssa prods him for a reason and Seg only manages to lie twice about it. In the end, Seg admits that he loves Lyta. Nyssa’s expression is unreadable as well as her decision.
Daron shows Jayna Kol-Da’s (Andrea Vasiliou) testimony. She claims that she was acting in self-defense against a man cuddling a body bomb. Daron tells Jayna that the autopsy did reveal a body bomb. And Lyta’s refusal to obey direct orders are further implications of her team up with Black Zero. With a pinched, sarcastic face, Daron apologizes and leaves.
As Seg and Adam sulk over Lyta’s arrest in the tavern, Seg suddenly decides to trade off Rhom to the council for Lyta. No more amount of “Save Krypton, save everyone” campaigns from Adam could convince Seg. Seg frustratedly says, “A Krypton without Lyta isn’t worth saving.” (Ok? A little bit too much love right there.) Adam only let’s go when Seg punches him and sends him to the ground. But Seg doesn’t reach the Fortress as men dressed in Sagitarii uniform kidnaps him.
Nyssa and Lyta Come to an Agreement
Jayna visits Lyta in her cell and pleads with her daughter to tell her the whole truth. But, before that, she, of course, blamed it all on Seg. However, Nyssa interrupts the mother and daughter moment. She asks the primus to clear the room and claims to be Lyta’s advocate.
Meanwhile, Seg wakes up with a shock strapped to a chair. His captors put some kind of grasshopper cockroach hybrid of an insect on Seg’s face. It slowly finds its way into his nostril and wiggles in. Then, Seg starts shouting in pain.

Back in Lyta’s cell, Nyssa explains that it was Seg who sent her. The two women get into a little banter over Seg. But, in the end, Nyssa managed to convince Lyta to confide in her and her skills as a lawyer.
Seg’s torture ends, and he finally meets the man behind it all. Apparently, the insect intrusion was a sentry test. The bug won’t work if Seg was one. Seg comes to a suspicious calm as he realizes that his captors know all about Brainiac. He also discovers that these captors are a subunit of Black Zero moving on their motives.
The commander of this group claims to have the protection of Krypton as their top priority. And he demands to know where the sentry is. He explains that uploading the information is only the first part of its job. After that, it will seek to infect. When Seg interrupts the commander with his protests, one of the guards electrocutes him. In an animated show of thanks, the commander snaps the guard’s neck. After all, the commander is a control freak who specifically ordered Seg not to be touched without his order.
Nyssa Unveils House Vex
Kem (Rasmus Hardiker) takes Ona to see his adoptive mother, Mama Zed. Kem asks her for advice on how to tell Ona about Rhom without breaking the child’s whole life. He’s afraid Ona won’t find happiness again or worse yet, end up like him. But, Mama Zed determinedly tells him to tell Ona never to give up hope.
Ona knew already, but it took Kem’s words to break her into tears. However, Kem tells her that she’s going to be ok. He promises to look after her. Ona’s only request is to do one last thing for her mom.

Up in the guilds, Nyssa furiously barges into her father’s office and calls him out on his stupidity complete with the accusing finger. Nyssa reveals that Daron paid off Kol-Da to lie in her testimony. And she insists that he fix this mistake. But, Daron rebuts that the Voice of Rao’s command ties his hands.
In a sudden twist, Nyssa reveals that all this scheming is really a plan to overthrow the Voice of Rao. They’ve been trying to rally allies, but they haven’t managed to secure the most important pieces: House Zod and House El. Daron’s decision to choose Lyta as the Voice’s scapegoat has put their plans at the edge of the precipice. And even with Nyssa’s fierce conviction, Daron still gives in to his fear of the Voice and refuses to let Lyta live.
One Comes Into The Light
Meanwhile, Seg finds out that the Black Zero commander has known his family. The commander offers to work in partnership with Seg to save Krypton. But, Seg demands to see proof that the commander is going to keep his word. Seg strikes up a deal to get Lyta out of jail in exchange for Rhom.

In the streets of Kandor, the people proceed to celebrate the Nova Cycle Celebration. Ona asks Kem to take her near the altar so she could offer her only figurine toy to the Voice for her mother. But, a Sagitarii blocks their path. Ona still gets her wish, however. As Kem puts her down on the ground, the crowd squeezes her to the front. As lights pour on the Voice of Rao standing on the platform, Ona meekly climbs up to him. Kem hurries to her aid and pleads the Voice of Rao to accept Ona’s offering for her mother.
Unexpectedly, the Voice of Rao kneels down and accepts the figurine. He also blesses Ona with a set faith on Krypton as he gives her rank as a Novice of Rao. Kem’s face is indiscernible, but Ona’s happiness led him to concede and tell her that her mother would be so proud.
Mothers Take the Last Stance
Back in the Fortress, Rhom suddenly awakens. Her eyes are no longer pitch black but, she puts her last breath into asking Adam to stop Ona. Adam and Val need to tell Seg, but Superman’s grandfather is still MIA in Kandor. Seg cooks up his plan though, and after a feisty battle with one of the guards, he sets himself free from his shackles.
In the military guild, Jayna comes upon Lyta’s suit tampered with the word traitor. Nyssa comes in and sounds as if she’s going to mock Jayna. But, she continues to offer a deal. Jayna rebuts if it would cost her soul. And Nyssa calmly answers that it’s loyalty they need. Jayna wraps her fingers around Nyssa’s neck as Nyssa reveals their plan to overthrow the Voice. Furthermore, she explains their vision to have Kandor run by its people. But, Jayna refuses to trust Daron’s intentions. She reiterates that Nyssa’s asking her to throw away her family’s values ever since Krypton began. However, Nyssa persistently tries to convince her. Nyssa leaves with their offer still standing.

Krypton Once Again Falls To Brainiacs Hands
The commander discovers Seg’s absence and immediately pulls up a manhunt. However, Seg has already found his way out through a hole on top of the compound. Reaching the outside world, he discovers he is on the Outlands. Nursing his injuries, Seg starts to make his way back to Kandor through the think blizzard of snow.
Meanwhile, Kem watches as Ona fully dolled up to be Rao’s novice, leads the prayer for the Festival. Back in the guilds, the Voice of Rao picks up the figurine and immerses himself in his thoughts. What was a serene moment was broken by the horror the figurine contained. Rhom’s warning was too late. The sentry dives its needle deep into the Voice of Rao’s wrist and infects him. Brainiac has finally gotten the head of Krypton under his thumb.
“Krypton” continues next Wednesday, April 18th, with “The House of Zod” at 10/9c on SyFy.
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