Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 21 Recap – Jujutsu Koshien
BY Harris
Published 3 years ago

Hanami manages to escape underground, but half of her body is destroyed. The cursed user Haruta gets tempted to finish him off, but Mahito arrives and threatens to kill him.
Haruta backs off and confirms Mahito’s haul. He secured six of Sukuna’s fingers and a few cursed relics and wombs.
Jujutsu High School has a series of secret rooms and decoy buildings created by an immortal sorcerer: Master Tengen. With the information from Geto, they found the location of the room. Hanami’s fight was merely a diversion to direct the sorcerer’s attention. The real objective was Mahito’s heist.
Geto still has other plans to execute, including a large scheme to seal Satoru Gojo later in October.
Mahito assists Hanami in heading back home.
Ijichi reports the incident’s casualties to the Jujutsu High faculty. Three Grade 2 sorcerers and one Semi-Grade 1 perish along with guards and supervisors. They don’t want to let the information out to not let other cursed users know what was stolen. Interrogating Juzo did not yield anything as the cursed user claims to have only followed orders.
Gojo guesses they were able to surpass Master Tengen’s barriers using Hanami’s plants. They struggle to figure out what the cursed users are up to, but thankfully the students are safe. Principal Yaga suggests cutting off the event, but Gojo wants the students themselves to decide.
Back in their rooms, the first-years enjoy pizza by Megumi’s bed. Yuji can’t explain how he became friends with Todo. Megumi tells Yuji he’s gotten stronger. He wonders about their path going forward in improving their skills. Nobara tells him to stop overthinking.
Todo arrives like he’s part of the group. Yuji runs away to escape him, filling icky about the senior’s sudden clinginess.
Kasumi thinks about her role during the Special Grade’s attack, regretting she was asleep the whole time. She calls herself useless Miwa, who now has a broken katana. After stretching, she heads to her next at bat.
The school event has now changed into a baseball match. Gojo acts as the umpire, Yuji is the catcher, and Maki is at the mound. The students didn’t want to continue the event at first, but Todo insisted on it, saying results would make them stronger while regrets would hold them back.
Gojo picks Yuji to draw lots, and he selects baseball — probably intended by Gojo himself.
Kasumi hits a flying ball, getting Momo caught in between bases. She doesn’t know the rules that much. While at bat, Noritoshi asks Yuji if he really did defeat Hanami. He then asks him why Yuji wants to be a sorcerer. Yuji tells him he just fell into it at first but now wants to contribute to people’s lives.
This mirrors the words of Noritoshi’s estranged mother, but while talking, he gets his third strike. Kyoto earns zero points in their first inning.
Baseball Game
Kyoto places a pitching machine on the mound in place of Mechamaru. Mai plays dumb, saying it is Mechamaru’s replacement. Nobara gets on base anyway, and Megumi bunts to move her forward. Panda earns a base after that.
Maki is next at bat and anticipation is everywhere. She’s about to hit a home run, but Momo catches the ball in the air with her broomstick. Tokyo complains of cheating, but techniques are allowed outfield.
Maki hits Todo intentionally in the face, causing him to fall in Yuji’s arms. Meanwhile, everyone calls it a nice pitch. Yuji learns everyone hates Todo.
Gakuganji’s stance on Yuji still hasn’t changed, but Yaga tells him to watch for now. Gojo is a bigger headache anyway.
Yuji hits a home run. Tokyo wins in the end. 2-0.
Our Thoughts
A nice refreshing end to a fun yet honestly stressful arc. 4/5.
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