Jess Finds Nick too Distracting in 6 Sneak Peeks at New Girl’s “Quick Hardening Caulk”
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 12 years ago

In New Girl’s “Quick Hardening Caulk” (formerly “Guy’s Night”) Nick’s (Jake Johnson) new ambition at work makes Jess (Zooey Deschanel) want him more. The only thing is, he doesn’t know it, and assuming Jess is not interested, has struck up a relationship with his boss. (Noooo!)
And while just about everything Nick does drives Jess insane with lust (please watch the hardware store scene for some comedy gold from Johnson and Deschanel. “You don’t want to wait forever for that caulk to harden!”) he’s completely unaware of her feelings, until an unfortunate incident with a plank causes Jess to admit her true feelings while hopped up on pain medication. However, the incident leaves Nick with injuries of his own and only serves to complicate their relationship further when Jess can’t remember what happened the next day.
RELATED | New Girl “Quick Hardening Caulk” Images
Meanwhile, Schmidt comes to associate a beautiful rare Californian Lion fish at a local aquarium with Cece and is determined to own one, even if that means wading into the ocean and waiting for two hours for one to swim by.
Catch 6 sneak peeks from “Quick Hardening Caulk” below, and catch the episode tonight at 9/8c on FOX.
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