'Jane the Virgin' Season 4, Episode 6 'Chapter Seventy' Recap: Jane's First Novel and Shocking Death [SPOILERS]
BY Louie Anne Matthews
Published 7 years ago
!['Jane the Virgin' Season 4, Episode 6 'Chapter Seventy' Recap: Jane's First Novel and Shocking Death [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/JAV406c_0264rb_FULL-e1511138654303.jpg?fit=593%2C430&ssl=1)
Jane Villanueva (Gina Rodriguez) is now a published author in “Jane the Virgin.” After many complications leading up to her debut novel, it’s finally happening. The excitement has Jane overwhelmed with emotions. It’s making her feelings about Adam (Tyler Posey) clearer. Meanwhile, everyone is having their own set of problems. Petra (Yael Grobglas) and Rafael (Justin Baldoni) are trying to deal with the new hotel owners. While Xo (Andrea Navedo) and Rogelio (Jaime Camil) are having financial issues. The Narrator has also been building up to this season’s death and it’s quite a cliche of a twist.
‘Jane the Virgin’ to ‘Jane the Published Author’
Jane’s book, “Snow Falling,” is now available! And not only on the small screen but also in real life. It’s nice to see Jane’s lifelong dream come to life after four seasons. Her debut novel is her love story with Michael (Brett Dier), who died in Season 3. She is so happy about her novel she decided to do the launch party at her favorite Latino bookstore. It’s also the same bookstore she would often visit growing up and where she discovered her love for romance novels and her favorite author, Isabel Allende. But with all of the excitement surrounding her debut novel, it’s nothing without a few roadblocks.

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Starting with her book launching, apparently, her favorite bookstore is closing. The owners haven’t paid the lease due to lack of sales which lead them to sell their bookstore. Disappointed, she tells her parents about looking for a new venue. Rogelio comes ready to save the day but Xo tells him not to butt in with any more grand gestures because they are already short on cash. Rogelio sort of takes Xo’s advice and helps Jane. He buys the bookstore and becomes its new landlord. Meaning if the owners don’t pay the rent, it will all fall on Rogelio and Xo. It’s not really the solution Xo had in mind.
Next problem: Fabiano is out to mess with Rogelio and Jane’s life. If you can recall, Fabiano was Jane’s ex-fling and Rogelio’s co-star before getting killed off in their telenovela. He wants to come back as a ghost during his farewell scene and have Jane write the monologue. Rogelio refused at first but Fabiano has the press on hold for Jane’s book launching. The father and daughter have no choice but to do what Fabiano wants.
Jane’s First Heartbreak After Michael
Ever since Michael’s death, Jane never thought she could fall in love again. Then her first love, Adam, walks back into the picture as if fate brought the two together again. Sadly, their love story ended before the season finale. Her book launching has her thinking of Michael. Every little moment such as helping Rafael find a job, a man asking to hold the elevator and holding her book for the first time reminded her of Michael. She wonders if Adam can be the one after Michael. On two separate occasions, Jane almost tells Adam she loves him because she has fallen for him all over again. She was a little disappointed when Adam said he couldn’t make it to the book launching, but she doesn’t see it as a red flag of some sorts.

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On the day of the book launching, Jane was met with both happiness and disappointment. After writing Fabiano’s cliched monologue, she and the book owners are excited to be featured on Español People. But Fabiano tells Jane the reporter won’t be coming to write the feature because Fabiano was tagged in a picture with another girl. Instead, he uses his fame and naked body to get his fans and friends to come to the launching. It works and it attracted the attention of Isabelle Allende. It takes Jane a couple of seconds to realize she wasn’t just a figment of her imagination. The two writers share a deep conversation about love and heartbreak. Isabelle tells Jane that even after Michael, she still has the chance to live and love passionately. This convinces Jane to finally tell Adam how she feels. Adam then tells her that he was moving to Los Angeles to pursue his dream, that’s why he couldn’t go to the launching. He was afraid to be in all the pictures, thinking that him being there would only cause more heartache. Despite being heartbroken, Jane realizes she can love someone else after Michael. For the first time since his death, she felt love and loss.
Who Killed Anezka?
Petra is not happy with Magda and Anezka being in charge of the Marbella. It’s keeping business away and God knows the Solanos need the money. This leads Petra to find some dirt to throw at her sister and mother. Remember Carl? The man everyone believes is just the figment of Luisa’s imagination is actually real! Petra needs to prove this theory when she finds an inhaler under one of the sofas. She was right and tries to get Rafael on board with her crazy scheming. But Rafel has been listening to Jane and found himself a temporary job while Luisa spends some time in a psych ward.

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Petra recruits her assistant to fool Anezka into thinking Petra and Magda have been using her as a pawn. This causes Anezka to consult with the picture of her dead husband, Scott. After a few drinks, we don’t know what she might do. That’s when someone informs Petra her sister committed suicide. The shock and guilt hit Petra all at once. Who knew her scheming could lead to this? But the Narrator reassures the audience that it’s a murder and the suspect could be anyone—Magda, the mysterious Carl, and even Petra.
“Jane the Virgin” returns on Dec. 8 with “Chapter 71” at 9/10c on The CW.
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