“I’m Nice Now” Bones Episode 8.02 ‘The Partners in the Divorce’ Preview
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 12 years ago
Please be aware that this article contains some spoilers for Bones Episode 8.02 ‘The Partners in the Divorce’
Those of you who suspected Brennan’s three month separation from Booth would not be without consequences were right. ‘The Partners in the Divorce’ sees Bones and Booth investigating the violent death of a prominent but ruthless divorce attorney. (Watch out for the exploding brain in the opening scene!) However, it isn’t long before cracks begin to show in the calm surface of their own domesticity and soon our favorite Jeffersonians are squabbling just like the clients they are investigating.
The trouble starts when Booth’s morning routine is disrupted by Bones, who has decided to cook breakfast – Booth’s sole domain until now.
“I make French toast now,” she announces. “I’m nice now,” – as if saying it will make it so.
In her desire to fit back in to normal life, Bones runs rough-shod over Booth’s sensitivities, a trend that continues at the crime scene, where she steps on his (shoeless) feet again by declaring the crime scene a body dump, chosen with care – an assessment that Booth would have preferred to make by himself. Later, when Booth suggests a weekend activity with baby Christine, Bones dismisses it at once, asserting that Christine doesn’t like carousels – even with Daddy present. Life on her own has made Bones more independent and self-reliant than before, and the theme of ‘going it alone’ is one which pops up more than once this week.
It isn’t long before tensions are noticed by the team, and Sweets offers Booth some sage advice. However, Booth can’t seem to get over the fact that no matter how hard he tries, he can’t erase those three long months without his child and partner. Nor can he understand why Brennan is so determined to fit back in, better – and nicer – than before.
As the case continues, Bones’ classic straight-forward and sometimes tactless approach leads to more misunderstandings and hurt feelings, especially when they interview a couple on the verge of divorce, who have decided to reconcile instead. The couple’s commitment seems to hold up a mirror to Bones and Booth’s own relationship and the reflection makes for uncomfortable viewing. “People change,” Bones’ is told by the happy couple. “And if you can’t see that, then I feel sorry for you.”
This episode is all about learning how to roll with the changes. Both Booth and Brennan discover that although they can’t ‘un-ring the bell,’ they can at least admit that things are not perfect. Booth must accept his losses and move on. Brennan too must learn to accept that her own happiness and contentment are contingent on Booth’s and Christine’s happiness, and that rebelling against that fact by smoothing over the cracks with politeness – or going it alone – is not the answer.
Tune in to Bones’ ‘The Partners in the Divorce’ to find out who dunnit tonight Monday, Sept. 24 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.