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Home ‘Humans’ Season 3 Finale: The Ultimate Sacrifice For Peace

‘Humans’ Season 3 Finale: The Ultimate Sacrifice For Peace

BY Daniel Rayner

Published 7 years ago

'Humans' Season 3 Finale: The Ultimate Sacrifice For Peace

Basswood has begun. While the government covers up the operation, the heroes desperately try to fight back. There was far too much loss in Synth life. However, there is still hope. A new dawn of consciousness arrives. The Humans and the Synths’ paths are now one. Still, there is a long road ahead of both sides.

In the season finale of Humans, the Synths, led by Max (Ivanno Jeremiah), Mia (Gemma Chan), and Leo Elster (Colin Morgan) defend themselves as riots brought about by Operation Basswood bring danger to The Railyard. Meanwhile, the Hawkins family watch in horror the tragic events of that night. Before trouble worsens, Laura Hawkins (Katherine Parkinsons), Neha Patel (Thusita Jayasundera), and Dr. Neli Sommers (Mark Bonnar) take the fall.


Neha, Mia, and Laura meet in a secluded location to discuss their plans on countering Basswood. Mia needed to reach The Railyard immediately to warn the Synths. At the same time, Neha will be recording the entire meeting regarding the progress of Basswood. Neha’s plan fails when the Orange-eyed Synth assigned to her takes the phone.

Neil suspects Laura’s involvement in Neha’s plan, so he visits Laura that evening. Eventually, Neil gives Laura a copy of the entire Basswood plan. Laura immediately reveals this information to the media during an interview. As the events of that evening transpire, the government has Laura and Neil arrested. The Hawkins family has divided once again.


Dino Fetscher, Gemma Chan, and Ivanno Jeremiah in Humans


As the Dryden Commission sits back and watches the procedures of Basswood take place, the Synths suffer its effects. Power surges targeted to kill the Synths in numerous Synth Sanctuaries effectively kill some of them. Luckily, Mia arrives at The Railyard and with Leo’s help, saves the Synths at The Railyard from death, all except Ferdinand (Will Payne).

What the Synths just experienced was just the beginning. In the aftermath of the power surges, the government authorizes Synth hate groups to eliminate any surviving Synths in the sanctuaries. A mob manages to breach the gates of The Railyard and are surprised to see that they had a lot of Synth contenders. However, Max insists that they would not fight them, but would defend themselves. Sam (Billy Jenkins) sparks the beginning of the fight when he throws a baseball bat at the mob’s leader, Kyle (Leemore Marrett Jr.).

The battle rages around Mia. She approaches Kyle, who still suffered his injuries, and offers her hand to help him get up. However, members of the mob proceed to attack Mia. As this was being broadcast to live television, Mia still outstretches her hand, asking for peace. Unfortunately, the riot police are too late in breaking up the fight. Mia was dead. Max and Leo could not do anything but watch as some of the mob held them back.

A peaceful rally proceeds as Max, Leo, and the Synths bring Mia’s body to the front of the Dryden Commission’s office building. Everywhere else in the world, Mia’s supporters gather to mourn her loss, including the Hawkins family. Towards the end, Mia wanted nothing but peace. Back at The Railyard, Sam and Stanley (Dino Fetscher) play hide-and-seek, knowing that they do not need to fight anymore.

Mia’s death was devastating. It was heartbreaking to watch her character die. However, Mia’s sacrifice might have given the Synths a chance they deserve. Still, the show would take a different turn because of the loss of one of their main characters. It would be interesting to see how the next season would begin.


Emily Berrington in Humans


Niska’s (Emily Berrington) pilgrimage to Odi’s house takes on a strange turn. He was no longer Odi, but V, a code developed and kept in Odi’s programming. Because of the pain Odi experienced during the awakening on Day Zero, he chose to give V his body in exchange for freedom. V grants his wish and erases his code from his body and takes over it.

Now, because of his connection to the internet, V became a powerful Synth. He has infinite knowledge, and he could see that shortly, the paths of Humans and Synths become one. Because of this, V chose Niska to lead the Synths. V gives Niska his abilities before Niska leaves to go back to her brothers and sisters.

Niska stops Mattie Hawkins (Lucy Carless) from incriminating herself by giving Lord Dryden (Matthew Marsh) evidence that nails her to Day Zero. Also, she convinces Mattie to keep her and Leo’s child. Mattie’s child will be the first of her race, the perfect example of Human and Synth integration. The future seemed distant then, but they both knew that it had to happen.

‘Humans’ Season 3 Final Verdict

This season ended gracefully. The loss of Mia’s character might affect how the show would be received by its audiences greatly since she was the lead since the first two season. Still, I do hope that it gets renewed. The entire storyline has been great, and the characters are great. The emotional ending was all that it needed to wrap up the intense and thought-provoking season.

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