‘Gotham’ Season 4, Episode 18 ‘That’s Entertainment’ Recap: ‘Arkham Lunatics Club’ [SPOILERS]
BY Christian Adwell
Published 7 years ago
!['Gotham' Season 4, Episode 18 'That's Entertainment' Recap: 'Arkham Lunatics Club' [SPOILERS]](https://i0.wp.com/www.screenspy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Gotham-418_SCN33pt1_DG0935_f_hires1_FULL-e1523841953880.jpg?fit=603%2C430&ssl=1)
The Legion of Terror, headed by Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) starts on spreading cheer and laughter in Gotham. With their “laughing gas,” they aim to make everyone laugh–until their faces get ripped off due to uncontrolled emotions. On FOX’s “Gotham” Season 4, Episode 18 titled “That’s Entertainment,” Jerome takes Mayor Holden Pritchard (Peter McRobbie), along with Gertrude Haverstock (Alison Fraser), and two others as his hostage. Jerome also makes a request to James Gordon (Ben McKenzie) for two more guests. One is the heir of Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) and Jerome’s twin brother, Xander Wilde. Gordon takes the challenge and beats Valeska to the punch.
Russian Roulette Without Guns… But With Triggers
As Bruce gets his first car, a Ford Mustang V8 to be exact, his life gets endangered. Jerome announces to Gordon that he would need two more hostages for his little show on a stage in Gotham. The Mayor is not enough to play with, so he needs more influential people. By influential, it means that people who have forsaken him. This brings Bruce and Xander to the table.

Both men chased Valeska down due to his deeds. To their defense, they are protecting Gotham, the city they love. But Valeska is no ordinary villain. He takes over the mayor and his constituents. With him is Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze (Nathan Darrow), Bridgit Pike/Firefly (Michelle Veintimilla), and Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (David W. Thompson). Together, the Legion of Terror is back in business.
Barbara Kean: The Chosen One
Ra’s al Ghul (Alexander Siddig) is long gone. But he managed to replace himself before his death. Barbara Kean (Erin Richards) is now a full-fledged leader of the League of Shadows. In Ra’s’ house, a secret lair remains closed until now. But with Ra’s’ soul in Kean’s body, the key is in her body.
Barbara unlocks the lair that contains the league’s history. Inside was a collection of artifacts, art pieces, and weapons. But the highlight of the room is a painting of Ra’s and what looks like Barbara in the olden days. Kean reconnects with the art and says that she felt that she is in for something more.
But with the new power comes the new identity. Barbara changes from being the woman that loved Gordon to a woman that ruled the League of Shadows. Not even her friend Tabitha Galavan (Jessica Lucas) gets to escape her wrath. In a heated argument, Tabitha points out that she doesn’t know who Barbara is anymore. But Barbara still claims that this is her destiny, and Tabitha doesn’t have a say on what she should do. So Barbara asks her servants to take Galavan away and to teach her a lesson.
A Failed Attempt
When Bruce and Xander arrive at the place where Jerome held his hostages, the SWAT team aimed at their targets. But as soon as Gordon ordered to fire at Jerome, the maniac killer had his men eliminate the snipers. Jerome’s men looked at the vantage points around the area the night before the hostage. The Legion of Terror has its one foot forward than the other. Jerome outsmarted Gordon.

Meanwhile, the other members of the Legion of Terror are off to spread the “laughing gas” all over Gotham through a blimp. But before they get to ride, Scarecrow realizes that Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) is a traitor after he contacted Gordon beforehand. Cobblepot went crazy and acted crazy. He revealed that the plan was a terrible one. It would ruin the whole city of Gotham. Scarecrow took care of Penguin and put him to sleep. Now, Penguin is part of the mass that the Legion of Terror will take care of.
The Blimp of Terror
Gordon runs out of plans after his failed attempt at assassinating Jerome. Time is ticking, and there are people to save from the “laughing gas.” But when the blimp approached its location, Penguin called Gordon for help. Gordon at that time was chasing Jerome, who got shot twice. Gordon orders Penguin to steer the blimp to a river nearby, so the gas doesn’t affect anyone.
Penguin grows strength and fights over the control of the blimp with the pilot. Meanwhile, Gordon caught up with Jerome and shot him again. He falls over the building but manages to hang onto a pole protruding through a wall. Gordon offered his help, but Jerome declined, saying Gordon always “follows” the rules. He also believes that it’s the reason why Gordon was never loved.

Jerome falls to his death; landing on a parked car. His brother, Xander, mourns of his twin’s death. Although a bad timing, Bruce offered to fund Xander’s plans because Wayne Enterprises believe in him. Xander thanks Bruce and walks away.
Meanwhile, Cobblepot is still in a blimp. It is now on top of a river. But Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue) suggests to Gordon that he leaves Cobblepot in the blimp for a while until they think of a better plan on how to dispose of the gas.
Gotham: Arkham Lunatics Club
Although Barbara is now head of the League of Shadows, other members of the cult believe she is an impostor. When Barbara threw Tabitha out of Ra’s’ home, a man approached her. He identifies himself as a member of the cult. Before Tabitha can respond, the members of the league injected a green substance on her neck.
The episode ends with Xander coming home to a gift on his table. The tag says it’s from Wayne Enterprises, and it contains a jack-in-a-box that sprayed the “laughing gas” on him. In a voice message, Jerome Valeska instructs him to become the next lunatic in the family. Xander now ushers in the birth of The Joker.
“Gotham” continues next Thursday, April 19th, with “To Our Deaths And Beyond” at 8:00 PM ET/PT on FOX.
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