Girl From Nowhere Season 1 Episode 7 Recap – Wonderwall, Part 2
BY Arabelle
Published 2 years ago
Episode seven is the continuation of what happened in episode six. It started with Bam running toward the cubicle of the comfort room. Bam is dreaming about what happened. She felt guilty about what she did. She cannot sleep at all. She is thinking deeply. She started to write in her diary. She is scared that someone might find out about what she wrote.
Bam received a message from O and asked if she was free tomorrow morning. He asked for Bam’s help to look for his shirt because he cannot find it. Bam agreed to help O. She turned off the lights in her room and is ready to sleep. The greatest driving force of a person is not hatred but fear. They rewind what happened to the janitress hanging in their school’s corridor. Nanno saw that, and she cried. Bam is shocked when she sees the janitress and rushes to get out of there. Nanno told Bam that she is scared. She didn’t know that the janitress will suffocate herself and die because whenever she saw her, she always seem fine. So Nanno doesn’t understand why she needs to hang herself there. Nanno said that maybe it was a murder, but Bam immediately told her that it was impossible.
The girl from the comfort room approached Bam and asked her if Bam killed the janitress because she saw Bam’s writing on the cubicle. She asked Bam if it was enchanted like what she told her. Bam didn’t answer, and the girl walks out on her. Bam gets a cleaning material and starts erasing her writing on the wall. She successfully erased it, and while walking along the corridor, some students talk about how the janitress survived.
They all saw that she was dead already, so how did she become alive again. Bam asked them about the janitress. She realized that everything is real. Bam saw O and Nanno on the stairs. O is comforting Nanno, and Bam is feeling jealous about it. She went to the cubicle and wrote something again there. Nanno is panicking because of her face. Bam saw the janitress talking to some teachers, and she looks at her. When the janitress looks in her direction, she immediately walks out.
Bam went home, and she opened her laptop. She is searching about how someone can survive suffocation when her laptop dies. She tried opening it again, but it’s not working anymore. Her mom called her, but they cannot hear each other. Her mom calls her again using the phone of her sister. They started talking about some stuff and things. Her mother told her to tell her if ever something happened to her because she had a nightmare about Bam last night. Bam asked her mother if someone dead can come back to life. She told her about what happened to the cleaner in their school. She bids goodbye to her mother.
Bam is sleeping soundly when she feels like someone is staring at her. She opened her eyes, and she saw the janitress looking at her. Bam covers her whole face with the blanket. She saw Nanno and the janitress inside her room. Nanno asked her why did she kill the janitress? Bam dreams about Nanno telling her that she killed the cleaner in their school. She is scared. On the next day, Bam is not her usual self. They all panicked when they witness a girl jumping out of their window.
Bam immediately went to the cubicle to check the wall. The girl thanked Bam for telling her about the wall, and she got her revenge already. Bam rushed over the wall and saw the writing there. Nanno entered the comfort room, and Bam asked her what she will do. Nanno told Bam that she will use the comfort room. Nanno noticed that the comfort room is Bam’s favorite place because she saw her always use the comfort room. Nanno checks her face in the mirror. After that, two students entered the comfort room and went to the last cubicle.
In the cafeteria, one student is looking insane because she is doing something crazy, like dancing without a song. Bam checks the cubicle. The chaos in their school started because everyone was already aware of the enchanted cubicle. Everyone is writing on the wall. Bam finds the girl being bullied and asks her if she told someone about the cubicle. She told Bam that the cubicle is not her and everyone can use it. Bam said to her that it was gone too far already. She asked Bam if it doesn’t make her feel better if they can make someone they hate to pay for everything.
Bam went to the cubicle and saw a written wish for O. She immediately ran to find O. She saw O warming up. She told him not to train that day and go home, but O said to her that he would practice. Bam keeps asking him to go home until O felt a pain in his ankle. Bam saw the pen that fell off Por and asked why he wrote it? Bam told Por to erase it immediately, but Por denies it and told Bam that O needs to be taken to the hospital. Bam walks out and goes to the cubicle to erase what Por wrote. Bam is ready to clean the wall when she saw what was written there. Anyone who cleans the wall will die. She stops herself.
Students keep on coming into the cubicle to write something. Bam is crying when Nanno approaches her and asks her what’s wrong. Bam apologized to Nanno. She told Nanno that it was all her fault. Nanno started to laugh creepily again and asked Bam if she is not satisfied. Nanno told Bam to look around her and see that everyone who wrote on the wall is usually good, but hatred drives them to do that.
Bam is mad and tells Nanno why is she doing that? But Nanno told her that she didn’t even write on the wall. She also told Bam that it was her who started all of that. Bam knows what to do, but she doesn’t have the guts to do that. Nanno challenge Bam to write on the wall again. She is provoking Bam and telling her that she cannot take responsibility for what she did. Bam told her to watch her and walks out there.
Nanno announced to everyone that Bam is trying to clean the wall on the cubicle. They all heard that and ran towards the comfort room to stop Bam from what she is planning to do. Everyone is chasing Bam. She entered the cubicle and started to clean the wall. People outside are stopping her. She wrote on the wall and wish that everyone will disappear. After that, she gets out of the cubicle to check if there are still people outside. She walks around the whole school and saw no one.
They all disappeared like what she wrote on the enchanted wall. She keeps on walking around the school, but there is no single living thing out there aside from her. She keeps on walking until she saw Nanno. Nanno looks at her and walks away, but she immediately disappears. Bam started to shout and asked everyone, but no one is answering her as all of them disappeared because of her wish. Bam walked to her room. She looked around her room and saw the sticky note left by her sister. She gets her phone and looks at her contacts. She stared at herself in the mirror. She tried to shout, but no voice is coming out of her mouth.
Our Thoughts
Hatred will lead you to something you didn’t want to do. Hatred after hate, and when it piles up, it will cause chaos in everyone’s lives. Bam felt guilty about what she did to the janitress, so she tried her best to correct her mistake. She cleans the wall and the janitress comes back to life. But the news about the enchanted cubicle spread to everyone in their school and wrote on the wall. Every one of us has someone we didn’t like, but having an enchanted wall will lead people to do bad things to other people then. It will cause chaos and problems for everyone.
Hatred is hard to stop, especially when someone did something awful to you. You want to get revenge. Revenge is already in human nature. We want to get revenge on those who hurt us, but revenge is not good. It will just stop you from moving on and moving forward, which will hinder you from being happy. Forgiveness is a tough thing to do, but they always teach us to forgive someone because those people who know how to forgive are those people who will be the happiest. They will be the happiest because they don’t need to think of something or someone that will cause them stress and loneliness.
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