Girl From Nowhere Season 1 Episode 6 Recap – Wonderwall, Part 1
BY Arabelle
Published 2 years ago
Episode six started with Nanno asking what a human’s greatest driving force is? What makes someone famous or popular? They are on a football field, and they have a practice match. O hits a goal, and everyone cheers for him. They had a time out when someone gives O a towel and a drink. Other football members complain that Bam only takes care of O. Bam invites O for ice cream, but O refuses and tells her that he is going out with his mother. Por asked them when they will have a new manager. Nanno entered the picture. Mr. Vinai asked Bam to take care of Nanno because she is new in their school. They all went to the cafeteria.
Everyone is interviewing Nanno and asking her questions after questions. They told Nanno they would eat together and asked O to join them. O agreed. Bam told O that she thought O was going to meet his mother, but O denied it and told her that he will go with Nanno. O gave Nanno an ice cream. Bam is upset because all of the attention is on Nanno.
The next day, Nanno is cheering everyone on their training. Bam keeps on ordering Nanno around. Nanno carried a basket of football balls, and O helped her. They went together to put the basket in their room. Bam is inside the cubicle, and she sees some written vandalism on the wall. She also thought of writing there to ease the madness she is feeling. She wrote that Nanno is a stink-face bitch. Bam meets Nanno in the comfort room, and she rolls her eyes at Nanno.
Nanno saw what Bam wrote on the cubicle and smiled after that. Bam went home after that, and she opened her laptop. She is writing a story about her, and O. Bam’s sister approaches her. She is teasing Bam. Bam continues to write a story about her and O. She also told the notebook about Nanno, who is annoying. She keeps on writing like she is talking to her diary. Bam received a message from O thanking her for the towel she gave him. The following day, Nanno is carrying a bunch of towels when Bam saw her drop one towel. She gets near her, and Bam smells something stinky near the towels. She told Nanno to wash them carefully because they stink.
O came, and she pretended to help Nanno. Bam smelled the towels, and they didn’t stink at all. She gets near Nanno and smells her, which is where she smelled the stinky smell. Everyone entered the room, and they all smell the stinky smell. They all thought it was Bam, but Bam told them it was not her. They started to argue when O entered the room. Bam called O, but he ignored her. He asked Nanno for some water. Nanno gives him the water when O notices Nanno smells bad. Nanno smells herself and runs out of the room.
Bam is inside the cubicle again, looking at the one she wrote yesterday. She bought a pen when she smelled Nanno. Bam told her to buy something. Nanno told her that she doesn’t know what she will buy, so that she will buy them all. Bam went back to the cubicle and wrote again on the wall. She wrote that O loves Bam very much. She is getting ready to walk out of the cubicle when she realizes something. She wrote another thing on the wall and described it in detail.
The information about her and O. Bam is in her classroom when one of her classmates called her and told her that someone was looking for her. She gets excited and thinks it was O but Mr. Vinai, the coach. They talk to each other about the food and stuff when Bam almost gets hit by the ball, but O saves her. Bam thanked O, but O told her that the one he saved was Coach Vinai. Teng noticed that Bam has a nosebleed. Bam returned to the cubicle, erased the one she wrote earlier, and wrote another that Teng is a dog.
Teng is in the middle of the field and acting like a dog. They all help each other to capture Teng. They brought him to the hospital. Nanno asked Bam about what happened. Bam realized that what she wrote on the cubicle wall is happening. The next day, Bam eats in the cafeteria when she sees Nanno. She tried it once again. She wrote on the table that Nanno is a dog, but it didn’t happen. Nanno just smiled at her. Bam went home, and she started to write on the paper “O loves Bam very much” repeatedly when her sister entered the room and asked her what she is doing.
Bam told her that she is practicing something. Her sister knows that it was a lie. Bam received a message from O and asked her something. And it was about Nanno. Bam gets disappointed because of that. She started writing in her diary again when her mom called her. The next day, Bam is inside the cubicle again. She is ready to write again when she hears something, and the girls are bullying a weak person. Bam gets out of the cubicle and approaches the girl. She told her that if she hates a person, she can try writing on the wall. Because sometimes, what they wrote may come true. But the girl walks out of the comfort room. The janitress is lecturing the students who used the comfort room about how it was always dirty.
The next day, everyone is already training hard for the competition. Bam is carrying a bunch of drinks for everyone. She started to call O multiple times, but he is not hearing her. She keeps calling O, and when he ran in her direction, he directly went to Nanno. Bam gets disappointed because of that. Nanno gives everyone a drink. Bam asked Nanno what is she doing there because she stinks? The boys smelled Nanno and told Bam that Nanno smells good and she doesn’t stink at all. Bam gets a little bit near Nanno and smells her. She doesn’t stink. Teng approached them, and they saw that he is now better. Bam got confused about what is happening, and she went to the cubicle. She saw that the janitor is cleaning the wall.
Bam tries to stop her, but the janitress doesn’t stop. She keeps on stopping her, but she is not listening to Bam. Bam doesn’t have a choice but to tell her the truth. Bam said to the janitress that if she ever wrote something on the wall, whatever she wrote will come true like the wall is enchanted. The janitress looks at her weirdly. Bam gave her the pen and told her to try it herself, but the janitress hit Bam’s head with the pen. She told Bam that she will tell the teachers that she is writing on the wall of their cubicle in the comfort room. Bam is upset, and she gets her pen before she walks out of the comfort room. The next day, Bam saw the janitress talking to Coach Vinai and told him about what she did.
Mr. Vinai talked to her and told her not to do that anymore. Coach Vinai told Bam to go and apologize to the janitress. Still, instead of apologizing, she went to the same cubicle in the comfort room. She closed the door and wrote something on the wall. Bam is walking when she sees everyone running in one spot. She saw the janitress hanging on the wall. The girl approached Bam and told her that she saw Bam writing on the wall. She asked her if it was enchanted. Bam went home, and she hallucinated about what happened to the janitress. She is insane about everything that she sees. The janitress keeps on appearing in her sight. Nanno is also there, and she laughed out loud. Bam didn’t know what she will do.
Our Thoughts
Be careful about what you wish for. We don’t know if our wishes are capable of becoming true, but we should always be careful about our wishes. We shouldn’t wish something bad about the people surrounding us because it might come true at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected place. All just Bam wanted is for O to reciprocate her love. She becomes greedy on wishing on the wall that it makes her a bad person and makes her wish some bad things to the people around her. She didn’t even regret what she did. Having the power to make a wish come true makes a person evil because it continues her to wish for the bad things on people and not to use it to do good things.
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