‘Game of Thrones’ Finale: 5 ‘Burning’ Questions We Have
BY Stephanie Larson
Published 6 years ago

This article contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 6, “The Iron Throne.” Read our review of the episode here.
As sad as it is to say, Game of Thrones is over. There will be no more dragons, wolves, and great houses to look forward to on Sunday nights. But suffice to say, Game of Thrones successfully took the world through one last amazing rollercoaster ride whether they like the ending or not.
Fitting for a great finale, “The Iron Throne” contained many surprises both pleasant and unpleasant that sealed the fate of George R. R. Martin’s world, on screen at least. And it has finally answered most of the many questions that haunted fans ever since the first season. We finally know how it all ends and who sits on the throne. But, at the same time, Game of Thrones left a few unanswered questions. Maybe it’s up to the fans to let their imaginations roll or perhaps it’s left to the books to resolve. No one will know but, it does give great topics for Game of Thrones fans to discuss.
1. Will Bran make a good king?
Might as well start with the most important question right now in Game of Thrones. Bran the Broken knows a lot of things. And as Tyrion says, he has a great story to tell. But contrary to past rulers, Bran has never shown any instance of leadership. And he won’t be able to do so now that the show has ended. But, given that he can see past, present, and future, these abilities might help him in that department. And he has Tyrion as his hand with Brienne, Davos, and Samwell in the small council. At this point, it seems that the realm is mostly in good hands. However, we don’t know if the realm will ever be truly and fully at peace.
2. Who is the Prince or Princess that was Promised?
Prophecies have a history of only getting mentions and not fruition in the show. But one longstanding and repetitive prophecy was Melisandre’s vision about the prince/princess that was promised—presumably to save the world from the Night King. She was pretty confident that it would either be Jon or Daenerys. This prince or princess was supposed to be leading the people against the darkness of the Night King with a flaming sword. But, the only flaming sword we saw was Beric Dondarrion’s. And it was Arya who killed the Night King with her dagger. At this point, it seems that we won’t be getting any clarity on that prophecy until Martin finishes the two remaining books.
3. What Happened to Hot Pie and the Others?
Game of Thrones has a knack for leaving minor characters in the wind. And though it is understandable for a show with so many constraints, we can’t help but wonder where these people are. Like the major characters, they’ve played their roles in the story and we also need to know how their corner of the story ends. One of these people is Hot Pie who became one of Arya’s most treasured friend. He was last seen serving ale and bread in season seven after a little reunion with Arya. Then there’s also Meera Reed who pulled Bran’s sled for a couple of seasons. Though it was said that she went home to her family, it wasn’t clear whether her family was one of those that survived the events afterward. There’s also Jaqen H’ghar who taught Arya the ways of the faceless men. Many thought he would have a bigger part in the series, however, his role ended after Arya left his care. And that was the last we’ve heard of the faceless men and a lot of other characters actually.
4. Where are Jon and the Wildlings Headed?
In the last minutes of the finale of Game of Thrones, Jon, Tormund, and the rest of the wildlings were seen heading north beyond the wall. There were no clues to where they were going. The only lead we have going is Tormund’s statement to Jon before he left for King’s Landing again. He and the free folk need to go back home where they belong now that they’re not afraid of being terrorized by the undead. But, where is home exactly?
5. Where did Drogon take Daenerys?
In one of the most heartbreaking moments of the finale, Drogon mourns the death of his mother. After melting the Iron Throne to a useless puddle, he tenderly picks up the body of Daenerys and flies off. Nobody knows where he’s taking her or why. But, in Bran’s meeting with the small council, he was informed that Drogon was last seen flying east.
This gives us enough clue to think of two places. First is the literal East of Westeros, Essos. This is where Old Valyria is, the original home of the Targaryens. And seeing how this is where Targaryen’s traditionally lived with their dragons, it’s a likely destination for Drogon. The second place in the East is the Dothraki sea. Drogon may be headed back to Dothraki territory where he and his siblings were born or hatched by their mother. He may be flying back to where he feels home. Wherever he is heading, it’s another sad end to the story—the last dragon in the world with no one but the body of his mother.
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