Game of Thrones: Arya Dagger Theory Explains How To Defeat The Night King
BY Louie Anne Matthews
Published 8 years ago

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4 “The Spoils of War” was by far the most exciting episode this season. But while viewers were jumping out of their seats for Daenerys’s dragon in the last episode, fans are cooking up more theories on Arya’s new dagger.
“Game of Thrones” has a lot of mysteries but very few answers. Fans remedy this with constant speculation with details presented in both the show and the books. One, in particular, is the theory circulating on the web about how Arya’s new dagger is the key to defeating the white walkers.
The Valyrian Dagger That Started The Game of Thrones
Arya’s shiny new weapon was given to her by her brother Bran and was given to him by Petyr Baelish. The youngest Stark girl gleamed when Bran gave it to her. Because it was more than a new weapon, it was a Valyrian Dagger pointed out by both Arya and Brienne of Tarth in the same episode.

Stephen Don and Isaac Hempstead Wright in Game of Thrones Season 1. Photo via HBO
This dagger has quite a history and has been there since Season 1. It was the catalyst for the series of events that came to be the “Game of Thrones.”
Little Finger, Petyr Baelish, pointed out that it was the same dagger used to assassinate young Bran Stark back in Season 1. After fighting off the assassin, Catelyn Stark took the dagger to Kings Landing suspecting it was the Lannisters who called for the murder of her son.
Which leads to a series of events that shook the allies between the Lannister and the Starks. From Catelyn kidnapping Tyrion Lannister, Ned Stark’s death, the hostage of Jaime Lannister, the Red Wedding and much more.
Game of Thrones Ancestral Blade To End The Night King’s War

Isaac Hempstead Wright, Maisie Williams in Game of Thrones (2011). Photo by Helen Sloan/HBO
It is established on the show that Valyrian steel can kill a white walker.
Now that Arya is back in Winterfell as a trained assassin and a deadly weapon in her hands, time will tell what she will do with it. Some fan theories believe that she will be recruited by her brother, Jon Snow, to fight the battle with the White Walkers. Which would mean she would put her dagger to good use.
The dagger also made an appearance early in the season, when Sam Tarly saw a sketch of it in one of the books he was reading. He read that Valyrian steel was made from dragon and glass.
But she isn’t the only one with a Valyrian steel weapon. Others include Jon’s sword “Longclaw”, it was previously owned by Commander Mormont.
Jaime Lannister’s “Widow’s Wail” and Brienne’s “Oathkeeper” were twin swords forged by scraps of Valaryian steel, as well as “Heartsbane,” House Tarly’s sword.
Since Arya has Valaryian steel in her hands, she could kill the Night King. Since it is also referred to as dragon steel in the “A Song of Ice and Fire” books. Making it one of the few weapons to kill a White Walker. Whatever reason the dagger may hold in the next few episodes. One thing’s for sure, Arya’s new weapon will draw blood.
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