GAME OF THRONES | 36 Photos From the Season 7 Finale
BY Jennifer Griffin
Published 8 years ago

The Starks, Lannisters and Targaryen forces face an uneasy reunion in these first look photos from Sunday’s season 7 finale of Game of Thrones.
The episode, titled “The Dragon and the Wolf” will see John Snow (Kit Harington) attempting to make Cersei (Lena Headey) see that a greater enemy than Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and her dragons awaits Westeros if they fail to come together to face the threat from the Night King.
Will Jon be able to convince Cersei to join his cause? We’re going with ‘probably not,’ but as this is the finale, and Game of Thrones is quite comfortable with throwing a wrench into the works around this time of the year, we guess anything is possible at this point.
Meanwhile, in Winterfell, Sansa (Sophie Turner) appears to come to a decision. We can only hope that it’s one concerning Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) and not younger sister Ayra (Maisie Williams). Recently we’ve seen both Stark sisters operate from their bases of anger (Arya) and fear (Sansa), and those stronger base emotions have served to push the sisters further apart. However if Littlefinger’s machinations stand any chance of being uncovered, both women will need to dig deep and remember their familial bond.
An earlier teaser for the show’s seventh season featured Sana, in voiceover remarking “When the snows fall, and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” Interestingly, we haven’t heard her make that comment yet. We’re presuming we’ll hear those rather chilling and cryptic words spoken at some point in Sunday’s finale, but what exactly do they mean, and to whom are they directed?
While at face value, the suggestion seems to hint at the logic of sticking together in times of hardship, it’s difficult to shake the notion that the lone wolf may also be a reference to the fiercely independent loner, Arya.
It’s all happening Sunday, August 27 on HBO.